spam that’s not annoying.

True story.  My boobs are not the biggest.  I may or may not be a member of the I.B.T.C.  Other true story….that is not the point of this post.

The above hillarity comes courtesy of the talented Linzie Hunter.  I discovered Linzie through my graphic design friend, the talented Josiah of Strawdog Design when he blogged about her the other day.  Linzie uses the spam one-liners that we all dread getting in our inboxes and turns them into witty & pretty creations.  They make me very happy.

Reading these actually peaked my curiosity for my own inbox spam, so I delved into the spam folder of my gmail account.  I ran across….. nothing cool.  I was slightly disappointed.  Where are the viagra ads and get rich quick schemes?  The only thing I found there were facebook notification e-mails and some old j.crew e-mails.  BO-RING.  Sorry I didn’t have anything more exciting to share on the matter.\

Thankfully Linzie’s spam filter let’s in some funnier one-liners.  Here are some other’s from the collection, and you can go here to see them all.

Bon appetit friends!


  1. That is SO AWESOME!

  2. Don’t worry Lauren you’re not the only member of I.B.T.C. Anyways, thanks for sharing Linzie’s creations. Local Chicks needing loving on the side made me laugh so hard.

  3. that is too funny! very creative.

  4. Hahahah these are awesome! And your blog is supercute! 🙂

  5. Ha ha! I had a spate of spam today. The tech folks at Lewis and Clark College somehow got the entire alumni list (15,000 names) on some poor professor’s class list, and when he sent an email to his class, it came to all of us alums! Then the alums started replying, but they hit Reply All – who knows why – asking to have their names deleted from the list. So then more alums started replying to all to say, “stop replying to all!” Nuts. I must have had 50+ emails in my inbox to delete. Some very frustrated people and one poor apologetic professor. Nothing cute for a poster though.

  6. yes! a fellow member of the I.B.T.C! hahaha. those are funny!

  7. itty bitty titty committee members unite!

    thanks. xo. thanks xo.


  8. hahha what a great idea!

    no nigerian prince onces though, maybe she’ll get some through soon. they are my fave 🙂


  9. These are awesome! They make me smile.
    Thanks for sharing.

  10. these are so fun and pretty!

  11. ” I may or may not be a member of the I.B.T.C. ” lol.. i’m right there w/you Lauren. may or may not … in the eye of the beholder. such cute spam – I wouldn’t mind getting any of these any day.

  12. Haha i love these. I always seem to have the prince of some country i hae neer heard of wanting to give me his $12 million, for some reason i dont think so.

  13. this is hilarious! this is awesome! gonna go check out her site! thanks for this lauren!

  14. oh my gosh those are so funny!! You have inspired me to check out my own spam…. scary… there are over 1500 things in there! yikes! Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog, too!

  15. Oh I love those!

  16. These are pretty cool. Thanks for sharing!

    Happy Sunday. xoxo

  17. Haha. That’s super funny and creative.

  18. hooray! it looks like there are still several of us i.b.t.c members around!

    hah these are wonderful–thanks for sharing! xox

  19. This is so cool, thanks for sharing!!

    Sound and Fashion

  20. So fun! Thanks for sharing!!

  21. wish i could join that club!

  22. p.s just saw that you go to imago. we went there for 2 years and were married by jeff marsh. andy helped get the church going back in the day and was on one of the original worship teams. small world!

  23. Oh my gosh I just died a little- local chicks who need lovin’ on the side- HAHA. Oh and I think your boobs would look HUGE next to mine – or not mine because I am as they say, a board! 🙁

  24. So cute!!

  25. those are so rad, i need one in my life!

  26. hilarious! mummy used to say my chest’s like an airport runway~~ so urs probably aint as bad as mine! =P

    i love the pretty fonts and colours =)

  27. This is so hilarious. I took a peek at my spam folder full of 923 messages and think I could contribute to her art. I should do some diy for my bare walls 🙂

  28. Too cute! I too, am a member of the I.B.T.C. Thanks for sharing!

  29. Ah, these are all awesome. I love the local chicks and the any bigger one.
    I will gladly share some of my boobs with you, I’m beyond blessed.

  30. This post is too funny! Thanks for posting! =)

  31. Haha, I love it!

  32. The circus one…LOL. Unfortunately I get spam like that a lot…along with the JCrew and FB stuff 🙂

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