things i feel like eating.

Have you ever noticed that when you try to start eating healthy, you start craving everything?  Totally happening to me.  Here are some random things I feel like eating (and drinking)….

Oh…and FYI…looking at food pictures while being up too late is an awful idea.  I’m feeling my will power crumbling and wondering if it’s reasonably sane to whip up homemade mac and cheese  with a side of ginger ale, brownies and ice cream at 12:48 AM?  OK…probably not.  I think I should just head off to bed.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  Oh…and there’s another giveaway in the works, so be on the lookout!  More details to come.


  1. ahh it all looks so yummy!

  2. Oh I loooove home made mac and cheese! It’s the best! Brownies too! I hope your cravings subside, I know how you feel! Whenever we’re on a major health kick it happens to us too!
    Have a great weekend!

  3. oh my gosh.
    that macaroni and cheese looks amazing.
    i only like macncheese when it’s super thick and cheesy.
    not any of that watery, weak business.
    and that looks perfect!

    have a great weekend!

  4. i wanted red vines last night and my mom had thrown them out!! i was so sad!!!
    i looooveee mac and cheese, but only the kraft kind 🙂

  5. Oh my gosh. Those brownies especially. Yum yum yum.

  6. I hear you! This totally is happening to me right now. 🙁 It feels good which is weird, but I can’t help it. 😉 And did you end up eating anything?! Last week I did, at 1am…I just had to. My stomach made some pretty awful noises so I decided to feed it with some self-made cookies, and other things…oops! 😉
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. looks delicious! :]

  8. oh goodness, this just made me hunggrrrayyy.
    sarah ann

  9. Oh my gosh, I want those brownies and the mac and cheese right NOW!

  10. Mmmmm, macaroni and cheese makes me want to go visit my grandma today, she always makes it when I go over!

  11. MM! All look so delicious. 🙂

  12. yummy yummy.

    i feel ya on this one! 😉

  13. mmmmm mmmmm gooooood, to all of the above!

  14. Oh my goodness. That all looks delicious! I love homemade mac and cheese. I’m pretty sure it’s my ultimate comfort food. But I pretty much never eat it because it takes too long to make!

    Hope you have a lovely weekend!!

  15. ugh. i tried to not even look at this post. so tempting. 🙂

  16. Oh my… that sounds like a yummy meal. Yes… I too am eating healthy and have been craving all sorts of things. My new thing is if I want something I have just a smaller portion and try to balance it with exercise. Nothing is off limits …. I just choose to have something else, so far it has been working but we will have to wait and see!! 🙂

  17. im totally going through this right now!!

    i have no will power whatsoever.

  18. OH NO i need that homeamade mac and cheese complete with ice cream on top of brownies.
    right when i decided to start a food journal.. haha. {everyone says thats the key to eating healthy… but i’m insanely scared to see all the sweets that will show up haha.}
    BUT your will power has inspired me!

    p.s. loved your post on the skinny thanks for being so honest!

  19. This is EXACTLY what’s happening to me right now! I’m doing so well eating only healthy foods, but every time I see anything that is remotely unhealthy, even if I don’t normally care for it, I WANT IT! Gahh, it’s hard. I even dreamt that I ate a ton of sweets and woke up feeling guilty. Then I realized it was a dream and felt much, much better 🙂

  20. I don’t really like mac n cheese, but the picture looks very nummy!Keep up the good work in trying to eat more healthy. I know that you csn do it. It will be very worth it in the end, and you will feel much better, and you will also feel successful too. By the way,the brownies and ice cream look amazing!:)

  21. not only is it an awful idea for you, it’s an awful idea for the rest of us as well. but I will so have a brownie….

  22. im so hungry! but so tired. I havent been eating ice cream…not since last year! thats impressive for me! I feel like im going crazy though!

  23. Those are some heavenly brownies!

  24. i’m reading this at 12:37 am and your first picture is killing me!!
    pasta will be my downfall.
    i must resist.
    let’s resist together :0)

  25. A.Men.

  26. I feel you. This week was supposed to be my start exercising eat healthy start. And today alone I killed a bunch of chocolate raspberry muffins and a bottle of bubbly. Oh, and I spent the whole day in my jammies. Ah ha ha

  27. this update didn’t show up in my dashboard! but oh my gosh i am watching julie and julia right now, and i just saw this post and now want to go raid the kitchen after already indulging way too much this weekend and suffering the horrible consequences. yet i can’t stop…help me! how do you control yourself? its 1:04 and all i can think about is food! did you like youth in revolt?

  28. you are AMAZING and your comments always brighten my days! THIS POST made me sooooo hungry! I completely agree with you… when you start eating better, and then you just crave all this junk. Welcome to my life! xoxox

  29. Mac & Cheese is my favorite! I’ve found that a lot of times it’s better to give in and let myself eat a little of what I want instead of not letting myself eat certain foods because then I start obsessing over that food.

  30. I completely agree, since the New Year I’ve been craving burgers and French fries like it’s my job!

  31. what about mac and cheese sandwiched between two brownies and a ginger ale float to wash it down? your creativity will make you forget that you’re not eating healthy…

  32. Everything you are craving, I am as well! All this looks absolutely delicious!

  33. All of these sound AMAZING right now! Especially the mac and cheese and ginger ale. Wow, I haven’t had ginger ale in years. I love that stuff, though. Now I really want to go buy some!

  34. LOL! I think i just gained a few pounds reading this post! 🙂


    You’re welcome!

    or maybe that was evil giving you that link! 🙂

  36. mac n cheese is the love of my life, though not my waistline 🙂 i think i like the one at screendoor. though, i haven’t found the best one just yet. i’m sure if i went to paula deen’s house, she could whip me one real good with 5 tons of butter!

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