two things i love…around my home.

So…my lovely friend Kassi over at Bacwoods Fern has a recurring post on her blog called “Two things I love around my home” and she asked some of us to participate.  So here’s my post about two things (okay… three… I cheated) I love around my home……

{item #1}

This is a painting Craig did for our wedding.  We sometimes like to paint together for fun…the canvases at Michael’s craft store aren’t terribly expensive, so it makes for a fun date night…but this one he did all on his own.  The funny thing is that this was supposed to be hung on a wall at our wedding reception as part of the decor, but in all the hustle and bustle, Craig forgot to bring it!  Oh well…it still looks lovely in our dining room.

I also love this because it’s really a good picture of how our relationship works.  Our love is rooted in our faith in Jesus…without him giving us patience with each other (*like right now when I came home from the gym…hungry…and I was a total biznatch to him for not putting away the dishes) we’d probably kill each other.

{item #2}
I heart my dining room table.  It is hands down my favorite thing in my home….because Craig made it!  Are you noticing a trend?  All the cool things in our house were made by Craig?  I promise I make cool stuff too somtimes.  Anyway….when we got engaged and did our registry I fell in love with this table.  It was freaking expensive.  So…Craig and his dad designed this one with way cooler wood called afromosia from Africa.
They even made these cool pull out rods at the end of each table so we can make it bigger by adding table leafs to each end instead of having them in the middle and making a big ugly seam.  See…..
OK…and finally……
{item #3}
I love my cookbook nook.  And I also love our little love note mailbox that sits in it.  This was my favorite thing in the house when we first looked at it and I lacked the vision to see beyond its 1960’s finishings.  Craig had to convince me to buy this house, and now I love it.  Here’s how the conversation went:
C:  “I really think we should buy this house.  It’s a really good deal and we can fix it up.”

Me:  “No way!!!  Orange formica countertops???  Dark brown exterior with burnt orange trim?  Are you serious????”

C:  “It’s really not that bad.  You just need to have a little vision.”

Me:  “No way…I’m not budging…. Oooooh!  Pretty cookbook nook.  OK.  Sold.  Sign the papers.”
OK…this may be a slight exaggeration…but seriously it was a definite selling point for me even though it’s just a silly little thing.
There you have it… my two…err….three things I love around my home.  Go visit Kassi and check out some of her posts on the matter.  Or…better yet, blog about two things you love!  Let me know if you do it, cause I want to see!
Happy Thursday…almost Friday!


  1. wow that table is beautiful! you have a very talented husband 🙂 x

  2. i absolutely love the painting craig did! i love filling my rooms with things that have sentimental value! xo

  3. aww that painting is so beautiful (and even moreso because your hubs painted it!) like olivia rae, i love having sentimental things like that around the house (or in my case, apartment…) too! great post 🙂

  4. Stopping by from Sarah’s blog!

    First, that feather in your hair? Fabs.

    Second, I love that painting and the symbolism behind it. That’s true beauty. And the fact that your hubby can make you tables? Well, you’re blessed beyond measure! 🙂

    Happy Thursday!

  5. wow what a handy husband to have around painting and building things 🙂

  6. I WISH I was artistic! I love that painting. And your honey isn’t the only one who forgot stuff for the wedding – I had a huge checklist and then the wedding came and… it went out the window. I actually almost forgot to grab my WEDDING DRESS. Yikes!

  7. haha i love this post! that painting that craig did is so awesome! and that table? TO DIE FOR. i would love having a table like that. i love that craig is a handyman! sean is too, and seriously i love it. if sean had all the tools, he would build stuff like that too i think! my grandpa has a shop, and he built us a beautiful desk earlier this year. sean has been wanting to make something to go with it. anyway, maybe i will do this and take a picture of that desk! i wish we had a home so it could be out in the open and not tucked away in our apare bedroom.

    i love that you guys own your house! i am so jealous. and i love your conversation about how you were sold about the litte cookbook nook! it is so cute! i think if we owned our place, and it was a little bit bigger i would appreciated it more… i think for now i just don’t have a desire to make it what i want to be. but i know that i will someday when i own a home!

    anyway, i loved this post. you are so cute! and tell craig he is incredibly talented and the man! have a great day!

  8. that painting is beautiful! and so is the table and nook 🙂

  9. yay! you did it!

    you’ve got one talented husband my friend!

    the painting is wonderful. love the message.

    the table is amazing…. and i love the bench!

    and i, too, love cook book nooks… i’ve always wanted one!

    i’m glad you did the post – it’s so fun getting a glimpse into other people’s homes… yay!

  10. How cool that he made both of those! I love the painting 🙂

  11. What a talented husband you have. Your home seems wonderful.

  12. Ok… just read your comment and saw that you want something banana slug related…. well… send me an email with your address and I would be happy to send you something!! And, yes the mascot is a banana slug and they usually come out after it’s rained…. they are super cute!!! Hope your day is great!!!

  13. hahaha thats hillarious! SOLD!
    I love the table! He should make more things and sell them! That seriously looks AMAZING!
    and the painting is beautiful!
    I still gotta do a post but Kelly blogged today already.

  14. Anonymous says:

    OH my word I LOVE your table:) I want one:) I love all the decor in your home Lauren, you are so creative!!

  15. aw I love that little cookbook nook! So cute! And I can’t believe Craig made that table! So awesome! I love how crafty you two are!

  16. Such a pretty painting, and the message is definitely true! I like your little letter box. My husband always writes me little notes, so I may steal that idea so we can have an official collection spot!

  17. What a great post. Loving it!! Soo craft.y

  18. Haha, Craig sounds like a superman!
    I love the dining table btw-it’s so simple and yet says so much.
    Also, IT’S FRIDAY! Yayie.

  19. I love this post. I also love your dining room table and that Craig made it.

  20. Wow I love that table. I want a table just like, maybe Craig won’t mind making me one too? 😉

    Thank you checking out my blog, I hope you had a look at my other blog (Post Grad Hair Cut) because I update it much more frequently than Sam Made.

    Maybe next time I come to Portland we can meet up!

  21. Craig is so ridiculously talented! I’m not super artistic, but Josh is. I think I need to get him to do some drawings to hang in our new place!

  22. Omg!! THe love rooted in faith is amazing! I love it! I also love that you guys paint together!! sounds like sooo much fun!

    The table! I’m speechless! They did a great job!!!

    Wow! I think it gives more meaning to things when it’s made by someone you know, whether yourself, hubby, family member or friend 😀

    Love this post gorgeous!

  23. That is so awesome/sweet that you two paint together! I love that painting at the top!

  24. I love this!!! What a wonderful idea!!! I love your cookbook nook too! I don’t know what it is about cookbooks but it just feels better when they have their own home!

  25. Wow! I really love that painting! When I get married I think I’m going to ask my artsy friends for something similar!

    Yay! 🙂

  26. I love that painting! It’s lovely and has a fantastic meaning.

  27. Your hubby is so talented! I love the painting and the table! I can’t decide which I love more! He did an awesome job! Oh and the cookbook nook….i love too. I have a thing for cookbooks so I have acumulated a lot over the years but I’ve never really had a good spot for them. A little nook like that would be perfect!

  28. That dining table is amazing. I can’t believe your husband made that. I might give my husband handy man lessons for his birthday this year. Want to complain about the shoddy workmanship of our table from Target honey? Make your own!

  29. i LOOVE that painting. i NEED it.

  30. you got yourself one crafty man, girl. That table is awesome, and so much more special that its handcrafted by the husband!

  31. Are you trying to make me jealous? Because you just did. I am jealous you have your own home that you can do anything you want to. And I am jealous about the three things you just posted. That table is amazing, and it will last such a long time. It is so cool that you guys paint together. I wish my husband and I were talented in the same area like that. What a treasure that painting is, I can’t believe how talented he must be to make that. Totally jealous!

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