two things i love around my home…. and my favorite thing about today!

So….Today lovely readers you get a two-for-one special!  Sorry to disappoint you, but it’s not a super cool prize or anything like that…. BUT….you do get to see two things I love around my home…..and hear about my favorite thing(S) about today….Why?  Because I’ve got a whole lot to say today, and this is my blog and I can cram way too much stuff in one post if I want to….even if I did already post today….right?  Right.

OK….so here are my two things 
I love around my home today:
this antique ladder/blanket holder.

I spent an entire day of antiquing looking for an antique ladder to hang my blankets on, but they were all at least $100!  Way too rich for my blood.  But then I found this guy at a little hole-in-the-wall antique shop for $20!  Way better deal.

my piano.

This piano was once just a basic shell that my father-in-law found.  He then built the entire structure around it.  My mother-in-law didn’t know he was working on this for her birthday, so when he asked her what she wanted for her upcoming birthday she kept saying (jokingly) “A piano.”  He kept the piano at his brother’s house and would go work on it after work, and when she asked where he was he would say, “Oh…just working on your piano.”  For months my mother-in-law thought that this was all a big long-running joke, so when her birthday finally came around and he gave her the piano she was in complete shock.  Now the piano is ours because they got a grand piano.  I love the story behind the piano….even though I don’t play it (Craig does sort of), but I do like to decorate the top of it :).

If you want to play along and share your two things this week, please leave me a comment with a link to your favorite things and go link up at Kassi’s blog (using the McLinky) so we can all share our favorite things!

NOW…. it’s time for
My favorite thing(s) about today:

Having a lovely brunch with my college roommie Ashley.  
It was fun catching up.
Visiting Craig for lunch at the shop and watching him fix cars.
This is his tool chest.
Stopping for a baby smoothie in a “corn cup”.  Yay for composting!
Having a shopping date with myself.
I’ll share my finds with you tomorrow.


these lovely ladies.
I had a lovely “triple date” last night with Brandi and Kassi (and all of our husbands!) via iChat.  It was so much fun.  I love these girls, and it was so fun to get to put voices to the pictures I see all the time on their blogs.  I know that people think it’s silly to have friends who I’ve never met, but I don’t just consider these ladies “blog friends”…..I consider them to be real friends.  Even though we’ve never met :).  Oh…and also… this is another little thing that made my day happy.

I felt like a total idiot laughing at this all by myself.  
But it was totally worth it.

Hope you all had a wonderful Tuesday!


  1. okay, i love the ladder.
    i LOVE the piano (and how you decorated the top!) and i love the story behind it. so sweet.

    last night was a blast. i love you guys! and i really am so glad you still like me… seriously.

    and brandi and kelly are hilarious in this video! loves it.

    xo. thanks.
    xo. thanks.


  2. that brunch yummy goodness looks delish! glad you had a good brunch date and looking forward to your shopping finds tomorrow! 🙂

  3. ps. that is probably one of the ugliest faces i’ve ever seen myself make. ugh. haha

  4. I want that croissant! What a fabulous, busy day you had!

  5. ok, i love your two things, but i also LOVE that wall clock! does it work? how do you do it?

    that video is hilar.

  6. hahah you are funny!
    im glad we got to see a tour last night too!
    im glad all our men seem to be similar! right!?
    its funny that they chimed in!
    nore ichats for sure!!! we should have crafty i chats too!
    what did you get today!?? i went to the post office and that wore me out so i rested, and cleaned, and did mari method. but i still feel like poop!
    I LOVE THAT LADDER! i want one for my magazines!
    cute idea for blankets! damn!
    and the piano story AWESOME!

  7. Love the ladder and the piano..but you already knew that..:-)

    Is that a clock on your wall???!! Too cool!!

  8. ladder to hang blankets on = GENIUS. seriously. i love that!

  9. I have been wanting a wall clock like your forever. i saw one in a magazine along time ago and wasnt quite sure how to make it work. does yours work? how did you do it? besides the obvious with the numbers. please do tell!

  10. I want a ladder like that for my blankets!!! I love blankets. 🙂

  11. That ladder is GENIUS! And gorgeous.

  12. is that a wall clock????i love it!!!

  13. I want a ladder so badly now!
    You are so cute and you always make my day!

  14. i love the ladder and the clock! and the piano story- i love sentimental things. (and even if you don’t play and husband plays a little- you decorated it nicely!)

    how awesome to have a chat dates that included your men! were you nervous? lol nah, not with those girls (i LAUGHED at that video earlier today too).

    i believe in calling blog friends “real” friends… my bestie is one and i sometimes forget i have never met her because we get each other that well.


  15. I love antique ladders, I’ve always wanted one! And for $20? Gasp!

    I think internet friends are great, and sometimes they can be better than some real life friends! Hooray for technology so you can still “meet” each other!

  16. What a happy post Lauren!! Can’t wait to see what you found today. If you ever feel like making a trip to California… there are some great vintage shops in Santa Cruz that we could check out. I agree, you can make friends via blogging and not just blog friends but FRIENDS!! Hope your evening has been delightful!! Much love!! xo

  17. I LOVE that antique ladder! Sounds like you had a beautiful day! Meeting other bloggers is always such fun. There is such an amazing and creative community out there!

  18. Love the ladder AND the clock!

    And … I’m laughing at myself because I thought that you called your followers “lonely blog friends” in the side bar and I thought, hmmm … that’s odd, but then I looked again, and saw that actually it is “lovely blog friends”! Makes so much more sense!!! 🙂

  19. I love that song, it made me laugh! There is an award for you on my blog:)

  20. LOVE LOVE LOVING the piano and everything surrounding it. you’re so cute!

  21. Oh Lauren, thanks for finding my blog, because now I’ve found yours – I’m definitely adding your blog to my favourites list!!

    The piano story made my heart swell!


  22. Wah! That pain au chocolat looks marvelously yummy!

  23. you sound so wonderfully cheerful!!

    this post made me smile just because it sounded as though you were when you were writing it.

    i am so jealous of your piano. we live in a flat so a piano is out of the question right now but i want on so badly – you should learn to play!

  24. pretty much love the clock on your wall…how cool! You’re such a creative friend 🙂

  25. That piano and the ladder are fabulous! I LOVE THEM!!! You have some wonderful taste lady!

  26. is that a giant wall clock behind the ladder?!?! *eyes widen* where ever did you find that??


  27. How special to have a piano built by a family member. Great idea with the ladder.

  28. I adore your ladder. It’s just beautiful!

  29. That piano story is absolutely adorable. If I were them, I probably wouldn’t be able to get rid of it! Too sweet!

  30. Where the heck have I been? I’ve somehow missed the last, like, 10 posts! Sheesh! A few things…

    #1-what is that brunch food item?
    #2-cute ladder/shelf/blanket holder!
    #3-Is Craig a mechanic?
    #4-LOVE those spring outfits!

  31. Where the heck have I been? I’ve somehow missed the last, like, 10 posts! Sheesh! A few things…

    #1-what is that brunch food item?
    #2-cute ladder/shelf/blanket holder!
    #3-Is Craig a mechanic?
    #4-LOVE those spring outfits!

  32. that video is HILARIOUS. I love it. I love having fun like that 🙂

  33. a ladder to hang your blankets–brilliant! and the story of your piano, i just love it! not to mention that chocolate croissant…

  34. oh, i totally know where that piano and blanket holder is! last night was way fun! you guys are the coolest. i hope you had a lovely day today lo!

  35. Is that is huge wall clock? I’m jealous! Please tell me how you made it.

  36. ♥ the piano! I have been begging for one for a while but since I can’t even play chopsticks, my husband is a little wary of my fickle wants. The ladder as a blanket holder is so clever!

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