weekend update, but not the snl kind.

Here is my weekend update.  So far.
*Dined on delicious dinner (nice alliteration, right?  thank you high school English class!) at Nostrana with the in-laws.
{my delicious brick oven margherita pizza}

{craig’s chicken with white truffle butter…i tried it.  not quite sure about all the truffle hype.  
never had one before.  they were goodbut not sure they’re worth the hype.}
{this is what $15 beer looks like.  apparently my bro-in-law thought it was worth it}
{dessert.  quince & logan berry crisp with almond cream.  way tastier than it looks}

*Watched The Book of Eli.  It was a mixed bag for me.  Hated some parts.  Loved some parts.  LOVED the cinematography.  I can’t decide.
*Got an awesome package in the mail from the lovely Caroline.  She goes to UCSC.  I love their mascot (the banana slug) and have always wanted to own banana slug paraphernalia.  I mentioned it once.  Caroline sent me some.  Isn’t that so thoughtful?  I love it.  Thanks Caroline!
{note:  this is the back of the shirt.  my boobs are not that flat.}
*Went to Zumba with my mom.  She’s way more dedicated about going to the gym than I am.  Lucky for me, or I’d never get there.
*Had a tea date with my friend Liz.
*Bought a pile of cuteness from Michael’s craft store.

*Had my “Shameless Loves” list posted at Molly’s blog.  I love her blog.  She’s so cute and a fun read. Go check it out!

*Had salmon for dinner.
*Watched Project Runway Season Premiere.  Another Portland girl this season!  I hope she represents, because I wasn’t super impressed with her first challenge.
*Started a Twitter account.  Not sure I’ll use it.  I’m confused.  Plus, I protested for so long, that now I kinda feel like a sell out and am contemplating deleting it.  We’ll see.

*Realized I now have 201 followers!  Holy “when did that happen?”  Thanks for reading.   And to the ‘newbies’, leave a comment so I can pop over to your blogs!

Now sitting here watching Craig play Call of Duty and blogging.  Super exciting evening, I know.  I can just tell you’re glued to the edge of your seat…. I know.  Me too.  Except not.
I’ve got a 4-day weekend….well….3 days left, so I suppose I’ve still got time to do some cool stuff.
Hope you’re all enjoying your weekend!


  1. dinner looks yum!
    i LOVE zumba and it’s the only thing i miss about the gym
    gonna check out your shameless love post now and then watch snl… since you mentioned here and my husband is boring and asleep on the couch. 😉


  2. that dinner looks so good! i love margherita pizza. so yummy. and i hope the $15 beer was good! that is pricey! i have mixed feelings about seeing Book of Eli! i have heard good and bad things, but i am a sucker for good cinematography, so maybe i will have to check it out!

    what a sweet gift from Caroline! i love the shirt! i love even more that you had to mention it was the back, and that your boobs aren’t that small. haha, you are my favorite.

    i am now going to check out your list on Molly’s blog, and then possible write my own post! i just emailed you by the way. sean is asleep and i am sitting here watching the notebook. at least craig is awake!!


  3. Yay for UC Santa Cruz! My cousin went there. For my outdoor education as a sort of right of passage we were told to kiss banana slugs. I was told they tasted like banana’s. I was lied to.

  4. Lauren… you got it!!! Wahooo!!! I ended up buying the same shirt on Friday because I loved it so much!! Glad you enjoy it!!! 🙂 xo!! Snail Mail got there quickly… maybe because it had something to do with Banana Slugs 🙂 Enjoy your weekend!!

  5. well hello there 🙂
    btw. I loved your shameless love

  6. I just watched some Food Network (I think) program with a guy on it who was digging for truffles. They look pretty (well, cleaned/cooked, not straight from the ground) but I don’t think I’ve ever had them. What kind of taste is it?

    I love Project Runway, but I was so annoyed with the first show! Especially with the woman who cried over choosing her model at the end. I understood the situation but it just seemed… excessive. I don’t know.

  7. sounds like you are having such a great weekend! tons of good food! how was zumba? i’ve heard so much about it lately but i really am terrible at going to the gym. xo

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I am seriously jealous of your new tee shirt. And I can’t believe how much you’ve already packed into your weekend, and you still have 3 days left?? I am wandering somewhere waaay back there in your dust.

  10. Hopefully the $15 beer was any good. Quite pricey! Wow. I’ve heard good things about Book of Eli but am not sure if it’s really THAT good. 🙁 Ohhh and congrats on over 200 followers. 🙂 Your blog’s amazing that’s why!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 xoxo

    and P.s. haha, I still haven’t figured out what twitter is all about. I’m kinda playing with it right now…maybe one day I’ll understand it. 😉 Have a fabulous Sunday.

  11. i love your weekend so far! that pizza looks epic.
    and is he playing the new call of duty? because we’re dying to get that. my boy and i are video game nerds — we bond and create moments by killing zombies and monsters.

  12. what a great mascot! anyways i just started following and your blog is amazing compared to my baby one!

  13. I need to get better at writing….its something I always struggle with I guess. I love how you make just the everyday things you do so fun to read. I have been posting more on my blog at least so that’s a minor improvement:)

  14. i love margherita pizza! yum, and that looks especially delish.
    i also watched the season premiere of project runway! i have not even watched an episode since season 1. i think it might continue to watch…it is so intriguing!

  15. i love your pics. Are you editing them or using a magic camera?

  16. did you make the quince and berry crisp? i would love to try to make it! and that pizza looks delightful! i’m heading back to rome tomorrow and i cant wait to sink my teeth into a delicious margherita!

  17. Yum that dinner looks delicious! Looks like you’ve had a pretty packed weekend so far, yay to that!

  18. the food looks delicious 🙂

    and haha i watched the project runway season premiere too when everyone i knew was watching the jersey shore 2 hour special. lmao.

  19. I loved your Shameless Love! And you inspire me blog queen!

  20. ohhh food looks yummy!

    For all things fashion:

  21. I love the beer in the wine glass! So classy. Also, that banana slug shirt rocks!

    I’m avoiding Twitter, too. Of course, I avoided Facebook for a long time, and then eventually jumped on that bandwagon, and now I like it, so maybe Twitter isn’t that bad.

  22. Hi Lauren!
    Welcome to HAVE A CUTE DAY! I can tell by the quick once over on your blog that you are a VERY cute girl! And I mean VERY as in a lot of radness too! I would love to feature you sometime, send me a cute pic if you are feeling couragous! Also, I see that you are from my neck of the woods! I am just a Seattle transplant but never felt more at home since I moved here!

  23. that sounds like such a wonderful weekend! i love zumba for my workout and the pizza looks so delicious. and how fun is that banana slugs shirt!! and i’m glad you like the book of eli because i can’t wait to see it!!

  24. The pizza looks very yummy! Thanks for going with me to the gym.It makes it more fun. I have 25 years on you, so I have got to gidder done-especially this year. 🙂 The banana slug shirt is very cute, it almost makes me want to have one. I checked out the shameless loves, and once again you haven’t let me down, you are very cute and hilarious.

  25. Looks like you’ve had a wonderful weekend so far. I love reading your blog. Thanks for bringing happiness to us. I also love all the Portland things, my brother and extended family are up there, I moved to Cali 15 years ago, and I miss it.

  26. sounds like a pretty good weekend!

  27. That food looks AMAZING!!! YUM!!!
    Your weekend sounds fabulous! I LOVE project runway, but yeah I wasn’t super impressed by anyone…at least not yet….
    I hit 100 followers today! eep! It’s so flattering!

  28. my mouth is full with saliva.
    could it be because the food looks ridiculously delicious? or could it because i haven’t eaten anything today….

    no, it has to be the first one. for sure.

    ugh. i want some margherita pizza. NOW!!

  29. I just found your blog via Happenstance! I love what you’ve got here!! xoxo

  30. You are way too sweet! Thanks for the sweet comment. Even though I say my blog is all for me, it makes me happy to hear that people read it and like it 🙂

    I agree with the style thing you said. But it’s still hard, ya know? One of these days I’m gonna figure it out.

    PS, I’ve said this before, but I love your blog! And so does everyone else! Hello 201 followers! Someday maybe I’ll have that many. Right now I have, like, 8. Sweet! Go me! haha. Anyway, thanks again for your sweet comment. It made my day!

  31. You are way too sweet! Thanks for the sweet comment. Even though I say my blog is all for me, it makes me happy to hear that people read it and like it 🙂

    I agree with the style thing you said. But it’s still hard, ya know? One of these days I’m gonna figure it out.

    PS, I’ve said this before, but I love your blog! And so does everyone else! Hello 201 followers! Someday maybe I’ll have that many. Right now I have, like, 8. Sweet! Go me! haha. Anyway, thanks again for your sweet comment. It made my day!

  32. yay! your on twitter!
    you had a super busy weekend?
    call of duty! i dont even want to know! i hate video games!
    MC said she would make you a button yay!
    and i hope you keep enjoying your weekend:)
    cant wait to add your button!

  33. Mmmm, that food looks so good! I really shouldn’t be looking at food though, because I ate more pizza this weekend than any woman ever should! My husband was away which meant I had a break from cooking, but I guess I indulged a little too much!

  34. Your pizza looks sooooo yummy!
    Yay for busy weekends!

  35. Your dinner looks divine!!!

  36. I love Project Runway so far! And I’ll have to find you on twitter if it’s not already deleted 🙂

  37. happy weekend! nostrana is THE BEST! I love it there, and wI always buy people gift certs to there because it is such a sure bet! also, i am totally with you on the portland project runway girl. i wasn’t super impressed. and leanne was so great – maybe we were spoiled!

  38. What a yummy weekend!

  39. Ohhh, that dinner looks fabulous. I’m headed to Portland in two weeks so I’m scanning your blog for tips. So happy to have discovered it!

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