zombies, ryan gosling and blog friends i’ve never met.

What do….
this guy…
and zombies all have in common?
They were all in my super random dream last night.

Let me just preface this by saying that I almost NEVER remember my dreams.  But, this morning I did.  And it was a super random one.  Apparently I shouldn’t watch Fringe and blog so late at night, cause this is what ensues….

So it all started out that I was at work, except I worked in an office in a high rise…in a cubicle (*note:  not what I do in real life).  All of a sudden a couple of co-workers look out the window and notice zombies in the street.  Then some of our co-workers started getting a “crazy look in their eyes” and then started spewing blood…super gross, but this is what was happening on the episode of Fringe that I watched, so that’s where that came from.  

Anyway, those of us who weren’t busy turning into zombies rushed to the copy room and barricaded the door with a conference table.  Lucky for us there was a mini fridge in there, so we were able to survive a couple of days off of Diet Coke and Snickers bars (because that’s what was in the fridge), but the zombies were still trying to get in.  Then all of a sudden my brother-in-law (Cory) was there…it was weird, because he was all dressed up business-y in a shirt and tie and it was like he’d been there the entire time working at the same office.  Anyway, he told everybody that we could run out to this “safe house” he knew of.  But we didn’t know how to make it past the zombies.  But Cory said that we could spray the zombies in the face with Diet Coke because zombies (at least these ones) apparently hate Diet Coke.  So we ran out, spraying zombies all the way to the safe house.

Once we got there, Nicole from My Teacups in Peony was there, except her name was Jen and she had a really odd lisp.  (*sorry Nicole…I’m sure you’re super lovely in real life…I have no idea why your name was Jen or why you had a lisp.  My dreams are crazy.).  SO… basically it was a girl named Jen with a lisp who just-so-happened to look like Nicole.  ANYWAY…. I was starting to worry about where Craig was and I kept trying to call him, but I kept getting sent straight to voicemail.  So….I’m pretty sure he got turned into a zombie.  (*sidenote:  when I woke up and told Craig that if we’re ever in an end-of-the-world situation where people are turning into zombies, he better call me and let me know he’s ok). 

So, then we found a bunch of guns, grenades and other heavy artillery up in the attic of this house, so we started plotting how we were going to fight back against the zombies.  While we were busy making a plan, Ryan Gosling and a group of his brutish friends decided they were going to take matters into their own hands (don’t ask me how/when he arrived on the scene).  So they headed out to this giant junkyard heavy artillery in tow where there was a stand-off with the zombies.  Ryan Gosling ended up getting shot, and then the zombies started running toward everyone in attack mode.  

Then the dream ended.  I tried to fall back asleep to see how everything panned out, but I never got back to the dream.  Does that ever happen to you guys?  Anyway….that was my random dream.  

Hope you guys have a fun-filled Saturday!

P.S.  Don’t forget to enter the giveaway…It ends Sunday night!


  1. I miss reading your blog!!

  2. haha that is hilarious! i’ve wanted to get back into dreams before too. but it never seems to happen 🙁

  3. super random and funny. almost like zombieland 🙂

  4. Yeah, that was really random! I used to have this dream all the time where a giant green hot dog looking man with a purple dress broke through the door on my house while I was in the bathroom letting the tub fill up, and he ran in the bathroom and bursted into hundreds of tiny little hot dog men, so I jumped up on the toilet screaming and that was the end. Dreams are strange!

  5. That is random and funnny!

  6. sounds like an amazing dream!
    i must check out this fringe show!!! sounds perfect!
    and Ryan Gosslin mmmmm at least you had some eye candy in that nightmare.
    i know what you mean about the going back to sleep and finding your dream. most the time i can go back..

    and be careful the zombie thing might happen.
    i dreamt about 9/11 like a couple weeks before it happened. so when it happened my mom called me and we were in shock. she told me i used to get dreams like that when i was younger too. like i would dream about people before i met them. SCARY!

  7. Perhaps it’s trying to tell you you should get into movie directing or something? Sounds like you have a winner on your hands, and i’m sure Ryan has been waiting for this movie role all his life. =0

  8. omg im literally dying laughing that is the most amazing dream i have EVER heard of! lol. ive done that so many times, and im not goign to be a crazy person but i read the rockstar diaries all the way through in like two nights and the next week i literally had dreams about the two of them being my next door neighbors (ok no zombies i admit, but still) and i woke up and whenever i saw pics of them pop up in my google reader i was a little weirded out for a while after that. oh man well thanks for the laugh lady, ha and feel free to call me jen from now on. oh yea and i totally don’t have a lisp 😉

  9. Hahahahah oh my God i can’t stop laughing! Honestly, that’s one of the best dreams I’ve heard of-it’s like a full time adventure movie!

  10. hahaah thats fabulous. I have dreams everynight like that, always try to go back to sleep and never can. I also have night terrors, which im awake for but think everything is intensly real..like last night, someone was coming in my door hahah i scream like a little girl. thanks for sharing, now i dont think im soo crazy! haha. ryan is pretty hott too..ow ow!

  11. hahahah! i am so happy i am not the only one who has crazy dreams! haha, this is so similar to one i had a few weeks ago. man! and i have dreamed about blog friends too! and someone is always someone else with a different name and then turns into someone else. haha. love it. i need to write you back! you would be proud of me, i got my craft on today! no time to catch up on blogs though..boo. sean is headed up to the jazz game because we got tickets last minute, and i am going to brave the snowstorm and head up to a baby shower! wish me luck! hope you are having a great day lovely! love ya!

  12. p.s. i have so many things i need to email you about :re: your last email. haha, no joke, i was having a convo about the birth thing the day before..same topic!! i am so on the same page as you..

  13. just stumbled upon your blog and i absolutely LOVE the design!! and the fabulous photos! look forward to reading more.

    p.s. you are gorgeous! you’ve confirmed for me that i want to grow my hair out 🙂

  14. fantastic dream! when i have really cool dreams like this, i usually end up waking up in the middle and i always try to get back to sleep to see what happens. it sometimes works, when i can fall half-back-to-sleep and play out the end of the dream the way i want to.

  15. I love looking up my dream images on the Dream Dictionary.
    Mark gets mad at me when he tells me a dream and then I go look up what it means, so I don’t do it for him anymore…or if I do, I don’t tell him! But I love doing it for my dreams.

  16. LOL!! I watched that episode of fringe too, not that your dream was exactly the same but I can see where it came from….I hardly ever remember my dreams either but it fun when you do:)

  17. You left a really, really sweet comment on my blog a few weeks back, and I completely forgot to thank you for it. It was really touching, and I just wanted you to know it meant something for a stranger to leave some encouraging words. So thank you. 🙂

    Oh and I love that picture a couple posts down from your honeymoon. It’s beautiful!

  18. that is AWESOME!!! i love random dreams!

  19. Wow You’re dreams are so random!! I laughed so hard.

  20. I LAUGHED OUT LOUD 🙂 nicole is so great, it’s no wonder you had her in your dream LOL but isn’t it funny to dream of someone you’ve never met?

    totally funny.

  21. i have crazy dreams almost every day… and i usually remember them. a lot of times they have to do with dan and so i wake up hitting him or freaking out because i think he’s dead/lost/left me…
    last night i had a dream about a blogger i have never met or even read her blog until she commented on my giveaway. i’ve never even corresponded with her! random.
    anyway, dreams are fun. and i always, always try to fall back asleep to end the dream… sometime it happens but usually i just make up my own ending. one of my pet peeves is being woken up in the middle of a good dream…
    i could go on and on… but i wont.

    sleep well tonight – and no scary movies before bed!

  22. Haha Sometimes I just write. And, I wrote this, because today, All I did was the dishes. I felt worthless cause I live in the middle of no where. No friends, Just my hub. And it gets boring and I do indeed wish I had other peoples lives sometimes haha. I dont know who doesnt. But thank you! you are so cute! I do think everyone has a purpose. I just got to figure what mine is,i kinda think itll be hard to figure it out in such a tinyy town haha! ill never give up. Ill never let go…haha i watched titanic today. Lame. Anyway, yes, night terrors are intense. ive had one amost every night for the past like month! its crazynss. sometimes its spiders falling on me or people breaking in. hahaha its ridiculous! so what do ya do over there in OR. Im planning a visit there soon. I HOPE. to gresham haha. my grandparents and all my old friends live there! yeehaw!(srry so long hah)

  23. Totally weird and totally funny!

  24. Isn’t it weird when you have dreams like that??

    I had a dream Lady Gaga was my Debate Professor and it was… well… weird! She was really nice though and pretty normal! haha 🙂

  25. And now I’m back home, ready to enter the internet and comment. I can’t comment sometimes at work, so I just have to wait till my energy’s up again and I’m at home where everything works. Anyhow, you didn’t want to read that, did you?!

    I love this dream. Yes, scary and weird, but also kind of awesome. 😉 I’ve had dreams with weird people in them, too…and celebs, too. the combo kind of threw me off so I never really knew why I was dreaming this…but I guess this is just what it is…a weird dream. Interesting!!!! 😀

    And well, I wouldn’t have anything against Mr Gosling appearing in my dreams…I’m just saying… 😉

  26. Hahaha! This is amazing. I love insane dreams like that. And I do that too… where I have some irrational dream that is so not real, but I will wake up and want to tell Matt some urgent lesson I learned (like if people start turning into zombies, you’d better call me!)

  27. hahahaha this is so hilarious! i love that you shared this!

  28. that’s amazing!x

  29. I’ve had blog-people dreams too!

    Its so weird! x

  30. Oh being left alone is the worst! Most people have “an out” like, they can run to wallyworld or to he mall to walk around ifthey get stir crazy. I hvae to drive 2 hours even to a Walmart! whats that saying?!?!? walmartsare ALLL over haha! but ya, I know what you mean. weve been snowed in all week, I havent seen sun inforever, and im an outside person.
    MMM i love asian. I lOVE food too. Thus the reason ive got more to love hahaha! but yes, I share that with you. Food is good. I am so excited to visit OR. Ya grsham isnt that great, but hey! i lived there for 10 years, went to reynolds high haha. Lame. But yea, now im addicted to the sunshine. i used to swim everyday. We’d float the river (in AZ), gofourwheeling, hiking, ride quads, I worked doin respite care, i took care of a 10 year old Downs Syndrome girl and worked as a waitress while i went to school. Now I help movin cattle when needed haha. YEEHAWWW!!! Ill find a purpose! NO big DEAL! thats what life is for! living, learning havin fun! 🙂 Thanks for always commenting on my blog, I looove it! i wish there were an easier way to reply haha.. like on Facebook haha! just kidding. Anyway talk to ya soon lauren!!!! B

  31. I gave you a little award over at my blog!

  32. BAHHAHAH…I have to tell you I love this! I was actually looking on my dashboard and saw your ‘little things’ picture on her recent posts and became so curious. This is too funny. Love you dearly girly…xoxo

    p.s. I made sure to let her know that i am a friend of yours who follows her blog too…hehe

    hasta manana!

  33. i <3 crazy dreams! i have one every night!

    but anyhoots, to answer your questions: we moved to portland by random. we graduated and said, “let’s move……….to portland!!!” and we’ve been here for just over a year. we love it. richard is from seattle so there is fam close and what not!


  34. i remember ALL of my super crazy f’d dreams. My brain is insane

  35. this cracked me up!
    way too funny! and random!
    you are so lucky you remembered your dream! mine can never stick with me! i’m actually taking a class “Inquiry into dreaming” so interesting. dreams are too crazy!

  36. raaaandom.

    ps. it takes me forever to scroll to the end of your 400 comments! Holy Cow! 🙂

  37. Random dreams!!! If ryan gosling only knew 😉

  38. You make me laugh~

  39. random dreams are the best sometimes. 🙂

    thanks for your blog comment, btw! you mean your hubby doesn’t like anchorman??? what??? my boyfriend and i can quote it for days! his best friend is getting married this year, and he and his boys are going to sing “afternoon delight” at the reception! hah! 😀

  40. I don’t know if anyone has said this but Ryan Gosling could have been in there fighting zombies because he has a band where he sings about such things as zombies! It’s called Dead Man’s Bones, there is even a children choir that sings with them. So good!

  41. hahaha this dream sounds AWESOME! for some reason, i love post-apocolyptic/zombie dreams like this. i wake up feeling accomplished, like i got some exercise or something lol. have you heard of ryan gosling’s band Dead Man’s Bones? LOVE them, his voice is so great. but my favorite song on the album is actually called “My Body’s a Zombie for You”, so i thought that was really interesting 🙂

  42. i just realized someone else left a similar comment about dead man’s bones. oops! hehe

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