fake it ’til you make it.

Confession time….. I’ve gotten quite a few comments since I started this blog that have complimented my photography skills.  While flattery will of course get you everywhere, I do feel like I need to let you guys in on a little secret.  I’m not that awesome at photo taking, and most (like 98%) of my […]

random factoids

If I were a month, I’d be September. If I were a day of the week, I’d be Saturday. If I were a time of day, I’d be lunch time. If I were a planet, I’d be Pluto. If I were a sea animal, I’d be a squid. If I were a direction, I’d be west. If I were […]

fill in the blank friday.

If you’re new around here, this has sort of become a weekly thing on this blog.  If you want to play along, I’d love it.  I’ve had so much fun reading your blanks these last few weeks….even though last week I didn’t get to comment on everyone’s blogs, I did check the out – I’ll […]

my favorite thing about today #38.

My favorite thing(s)  about today were: (actually things that happened over  the last couple of days) {my new haircut + a cute outfit.} I got my hair cut on Tuesday by the lovely Austie Eckley.  She does amazing hair and makeup and makes the most fabulous hair pieces.  If you are in the Portland area […]

pretty little things.

I need a break from wordiness. Here are some pretty things to look at instead. i wish i could dance. {via} i ♥ this color. {via} i ♥ portland. {via} random wildlife. {via} please come live in my jewelry box. {via} this is brilliant. {via} the tattoo i want. {via} dandelion seed close-up. {via} did […]

two things i love…around my home.

Two things I love…. around my home. {via Kassi at Bacwoodsfern} {#1: this mirror.} I found it a few weeks ago while thrifting and it was a steal.  I’m debating painting it white or leaving it yellow.  What do you think?  Decisions, decisions…..  Oh…and I’m pretty sure Marley thought I was crazy walking around the house and taking […]