fill in the blank friday.

If you’re new around here, this has sort of become a weekly thing on this blog.  If you want to play along, I’d love it.  I’ve had so much fun reading your blanks these last few weeks….even though last week I didn’t get to comment on everyone’s blogs, I did check the out – I’ll try to comment on everyone’s this week…hope I have time!  If you want to join in, fill in the blanks, post them on your blog, and then link back here using the McLinky at the end of this post (or…fill it in in the comment section).  Easy peasy lemon squeezy!  SO….

Here are this week’s blanks!

1.  When I’m nervous I     turn red.  My cheeks flush.  It’s super embarassing   .

2.  My favorite item in my closet is     my Michael Kors belt I found while thrifting. I throw it on with dresses, cardigans…it goes with everything  .

3.       Watching trashy reality TV        is my favorite thing to do when I need to relax.

4.  My favorite childhood memory is      my dad bringing home a kitten for me as a surprise when I was probably like 6.  He hid it in his lunchbox and asked me to go get something out of it, and there it was.  I was so excited!  Kind of random, but I loved it    .

5.  Something you may not know about me is     that I’m half-Mexican.  Most people guess Italian…or just white.  I don’t blame them…I’m pretty pasty    .

6.  A true friend      will tell you when you have food stuck in your teeth or when an outfit is “less than flattering”.  They’ll laugh with you, cry with you, and will drop everything to have coffee with you when you’re having a bad day   .

7.  Something I hope people think of when they think of me is     that I am genuine and kind…and if they think I’m fun…that would be a bonus 🙂    .

I’m so excited it’s Friday!  
Hope you all have a good weekend!



  1. I agree with your definition of a true friend… and I know from reading your blog for quite sometime that you are a genuine and kind person… and you are fun too. xoxo

  2. I love your answers! I’ll try filling this out today!

  3. this is really fun!

    Love that your dad surprised you with a kitten in a lunchbox! You must have been so excited… that’s like every kid’s dream!

    (except that I’m highly allergic to cats….).

  4. Hi, there’s something that I’ve been wondering long time already. Are all the pictures for the “fill in the blanks fridays” taken by you??

    and for #6, i couldn’t agree with you more…so…I copied it. Hope you wont mind. 🙂

  5. I LOVE that kitten story with your dad. Is it wrong that I would totally still want something like that to happen to me now? That must have been amazing.

  6. I think you’re genuine, kind & fun.
    I love the story of your dad hiding a kitten to surprise you, little kid surprises are the best.
    Happy weekend!

  7. the kitten story is so precious!
    aww, your dad…what a guy. haha.

    have a fun weekend, lauren!

  8. I turn red too :-/ And that’s so cute about putting the kitten in the lunch box! Aw, what a sweet dad to surprise you like that 🙂

  9. Oh my gosh that kitten story is absolutely adorable.

  10. Hi Lauren…I’m new at trying out this linking business, so could you delete the one currently there for the Omacago Dichotomy? Sorry! I’m figuring this out. Thank you!!!

  11. I love this!

  12. Love yopur answers Lauren!
    And #3. Watching trashy reality TV is my favorite thing to do when I need to relax.

    DITTO! Currently it’s “Keeping up with the Kardashians”, “Guiliana and Bill
    “, “Real Housewives” of any season, and whatever else I can Tivo!

    Have a great weekend!

    xx Vivian @ http://diamondsandtulle.blogspot,com

  13. you are genuine and kind! and you are so fun too! i look forward to this every friday! i love that your dad got you a kitty and put it in his lunch box..that is so cute! reminds me of something my dad would do 🙂

    i LOVE trashy reality television. keeping up with the kardashians is the best. but you already knew that 🙂 i have been so into HGTV lately and i am sorta missing my trash.. haha. they are both awesome.

    and i love what you said about a true friend. that is exactly who YOU are. you are a true friend. love you so much!! hope you have fun plans for tonight!!

  14. I love the childhoof memory. That is too cute 🙂 Have a great Friday XOXO

  15. just wanted to say i LOVE LOVE LOVE these friday blanks!! Please keep doing them!!

    I loved your #4 answer… that warmed my heart. There’s nothing like a surprise kitty to brighten your day!

  16. I love these friday posts!
    hey…random question- do you have a flickr account?

  17. I’m so glad you do this! I love that everyone loves it! me too! Do you come up with the questions each week? Is it hard?

  18. Haha, most people think I’m Italian too.

  19. aw that’s so sweet about the kitten surprise! And I watch trashy reality show to relax too! Have a great weekend Lauren! xox





  22. CRAP!!!!

    here’s the link…

    I’m genuine and kind too!!!!

  23. Hey! I’m in Portland too, Hillsboro to be more precise! 🙂 This will be my first time taking part in Fill in the Blank Friday but I’m getting ready to write it up NOW! Nice to meet you!!

  24. Thanks Lauren for such a fun friday feature ..this is my third time and im enjoying every bit ..
    and i love the kitten surprise although im not fond of cats but i still love kittens .. and ditto for a true friend …
    have a gr8 weekend ..
    Love ..

  25. yeah. never try to open a bank account abroad. i’m pretty sure switzerland is the only place they make it easy for you, and that’s only if you’re depositing over 100k! 🙂

    and yes, i am blessed to have an amazing (and huge!) extended family in italy, and a grandmother who 50 years ago had the good sense to buy a house near the beach to reunite her family every summer. and even now that she’s gone, she still manages to do it!

    hope your weekend is lovely as well!

  26. Oh I love that you said “easy peasy lemon squeezy.” Apparently a little girl I babysat over the summer adopted that term from me, I just saw her mother recently and she told me. So cute.

  27. i love fill in the blank fridays!!!

    YAY for being half mexican! 🙂 i am too!!! i call myself a Mexipina- dad’s from Mexico City, Mom’s from the Philippines. Mixes are pretty, and you’re a testament to that pretty girl!

    you’ve inspired me to try pulling off the belted look. You do it well 🙂

  28. I found you through Ashton, I hope you don’t mind. Your blog is so cute! I have been trying to wrap my hands on blogging again, and trying to do some things different.

    I love thrifting! I will be out in L.A. next month and hope to find some fab shops with some great things!

  29. that kitten story is adorable!

    x, ash

  30. i love this!! (and obviously everyone else does too!) im going to reserve my friday for this next week.

    and if anyone doesn’t see that you are a genuine, kind, sweet person, well then i just don’t know what to tell them. you’re the sweetest:) happy weekend lauren!

  31. Oh my god thats so funny you call it that! Thats what my dad called it, Cheese curds. It’s his favorite. Sadly, I don’t think we ever had it. You’d think we would have since it was his favorite and all. Thanks! So far so good. Have a great weekend too!!

  32. YAY for being half Mexican… me too.. but you knew this!! Much love to you lady!!! XO

  33. Just found your blog thru Keely at MannLand. I love this idea! Glad to be your newest follower

  34. aww the kitty story is cute! my parents surprised us witha puppy when we were little. it was so fun!

  35. How could I almost forget about the best thing Friday brings?! Last week I was number 1, this week 74, oops!
    I love the cat story! How sweet 🙂

  36. wah i’m so late reading this! it’s Saturday now in Indonesia so, probably next week 🙂
    really nice blog 🙂

  37. I love your answer to number six. My friend Mel is like that…

    “Do these pants make me look fat?”
    “No. Your fat makes you look fat.”

  38. hello gorgeous. ok so you totally made my day. honestly. you are adorable. thank you for your shower of compliments! you are too kind. and it is very very appreciated! i am now an official follower of yours as well! im excited about our new friendship, you are fabulous. loves to you! and umm, i would like to learn style tips from YOU my darling!

  39. aw these are great! i’m the same way about being nervous…i blush so easily! and the kitten story, oh so sweet!

  40. I turn red too, super embarrassing!

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