fill in the blank friday.

So…apparently you guys like filling in blanks.  
It took me all weekend to get through reading all of your fill-in-the-blanks last week but I made it through all of them.  Whew!  I can’t believe 65 of you linked up!  It was fill in the blank pandemonium :).  Now it’s time for the madness to start all over again……

If you want to play along fill this out and post it on your blog, then post your link using the McLinky below or leave your answers in the comments.  I love reading your takes on these.


1.  If I could  medal in an olympic event it would be     the snowboarding half pipe, because that would be so hardcore   .

2.  If I was stranded on a deserted island I’d take       Craig        a GPS      &    probably Marley.  I was going to say a boat, but Craig could probably just build us one and Marley would be hillarious entertainment on a deserted island.

3.       Squirrels        are my most irrational fear.

4.  I’d rather      eat meatloaf (which I HATE)   everyday,  than       have to listen to Miley Cyrus    everyday.

5.  I am     excited about my new bed.  It’s finished!  I’ll post pictures soon .

6.  I should really be     doing my laundry.  It’s getting a bit ridiculous….even for me.  It’s my weekend goal   .

7.  One of my favorite things in all the world is     getting in a warm car (sun-warmed…not heater warmed)after eating a good meal at a restaurant.  It’s the perfect feeling…full, happy, warm, content    .

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!



  1. I love Miley Cyrus : )
    Hahaha! Ian actually took me to her concert in Tacoma at the end of our honeymoon… It was the best surprise I could have asked for!
    I might have to try this McLinky thingy…

  2. First comment and mcklinky! I should be embarrassed because it is way past my bedtime, but I just have to say that I agree completely with the warm car after a meal! It was hard to top that, thanks for reminding me of such a great feeling! And…I totally hear you on the laundry…it’s an ever-growing monster!

  3. 1. If I could medal in an olympic event it would be nothing. I hate all sport and all sport.

    2. If I was stranded on a deserted island I’d take the Sookie Stackhouse books I haven’t read yet, Bambi and Bela, Mikee (because he’s good at survival type things) and my mobile phone (fully charged), and then I could call someone to come rescue us. After we’d had a nice holiday first, because we definitely couldn’t afford a holiday on a tropical island right now.

    3. Big spiders are my most irrational fear. (Irrational as I know they are probably more scared of me, considering how big I must look to them).

    4. I’d rather eat plain pasta (don’t know why I picked this, just thought it sounded bland. Well, the plain bit anyway.) everyday, than meat everyday.

    5. I am glad that I am not anyone’s PA.

    6. I should really be at home, and not at work.

    7. One of my favorite things in all the world is food. I love eating and I love food. (Not bad for someone who had an eating disorder when younger, just goes to show anything can be conquered!)

  4. omg my fear is squirrels too. i thought i was the only one and everyone thinks i’m crazy, but there’s something about them that make me nervous!!

    i love “fill in the blank friday”… can’t wait to play later 🙂

  5. i love the little pictures you add with your FITBF each week. 🙂

    so sad that you hate squirrels. 🙁
    i briefly had a pet baby squirrel when i was about five years old.
    i rescued him after he fell from a big tree.
    he was a sweetie.

    yay for a new bed! 🙂

    have a good weekend, lauren!

  6. I love fill in the blank! 🙂 I have to say I like meatloaf and miley is ok. Love the warm car feeling.. Sigh.

    Emily Anne

  7. #7 is one of my favorite things too! Unfortunately I’m in the North and that doesn’t happen too often, but when it does I LOVE it! 🙂

    Unfortunately laundry is my weekend goal too; I hate it when I put it off til the weekend, but if I clean in between loads I can do two things at once and have more time for fun later!

    Also, I DO love Redeeming Love; it’s the best. I haven’t read the Mark of the Lion series, yet, but I plan to some day! Did you think they’re better than Redeeming Love? I’ve heard great things about them.

    Happy Weekend,

  8. I’m sad to admit that I sorta like Miley Cyrus. I don’t know why. I just do.

  9. haha, i feel the same about the miley thing.. man..i dunno.. i have tried to give her a shot. she is coming out in a new movie though, and the song she sings in it sounds we will see..its a nicholas sparks movie, so i might have to see it. anyway, my goal is to do laundry too, and throw out half the clothes that are on my floor that i don’t wear! i am sick of it being so cluttered and messy when i don’t even wear most of the clothes in there! its ridiculous! have a great friday lovely!

  10. Loved your answer for #1 but I couldn’t copy them all 🙂 Except I do on occasion love to sing “The Climb” n my car!

    Have a great weekend Lauren!

  11. I love your fill in the blanks! 🙂 I love playing every week! I’m adding your blog button to my blog!!


  12. I LOVE squirrels (but not just exclusively them, I just love all animals) and sadly, living in TX the “warm car” thing is more likely a “hot-smouldering-sauna” that burns your HINEY when you sit down. NO. GOOD. But I think I get what you mean 🙂

    Happy weekend!!!

  13. wow!! this looks like a great game Lauren!! i loved reading it!! and i’ll join you guys as soon as possible!!


  14. miley cyrus bugs me… my kids watch hannah montana but they like lily and oliver… not miley. i’m so glad that tyler isn’t into all that tween pop music!
    looking forward to seeing pics of the bed – go craig!

    have a lovely friday my friend!

    xo. thanks.
    xo. thanks.

  15. My dog is perpetually trying to kill squirrels. I’ll let you have him if you want him as a body guard!

  16. Hahaha down with Miley!

    Love this idea!

  17. But squirrels are so cute! lol And I like a couple Miley songs 🙂 I also like meatloaf!

  18. Love this one!! Here’s mine:

    1. . If I could medal in an olympic event it would be gymnastics since that was my dream!

    2. If I was stranded on a deserted island I’d take Matthew, a boat, chef + supplies 🙂

    3. Falling down the escalator is my most irrational fear. (I get nervous everytime I have to go down)

    4. not sure! haha

    5. I am excited about going to dinner tonight and celebrating a belated VDay with matthew!

    6. I should really be working!

    7. One of my favorite things in all the world is lying on the beach, drinking lemonade and not having to go to work the next day 🙂

  19. my boyf took me to lunch today and i wanted to take a nap in his sunny, warm car instead of coming back to cold,boring work.
    love your #7.
    i will link up later 🙂

  20. I’m with you on #4, I hate that girl!

  21. I love that squirrels are your most irrational fear. I pretty much adore their cute little faces. There is a lady in our neighborhood who buys peanuts in bulk, put squirrel feeders on at least one tree on everyone’s property and fills them daily. She even hides peanuts by sticking them between the tree and the bark that’s peeling off. She’s crazy. And the squirrels are the fattest things ever. But sooooo cute! They are also extra slow because of all the peanuts, so maybe you’d like them better?

  22. I don’t like Miley Cyrus at all, haha.

  23. Awesome blanks this week lovely!

  24. haha loved reading this! i need to get to the laundry too..

  25. New Follower – great idea – I am loving Fill in the Blank Friday!!

  26. I would do the snowboarding half pipe too!!! Enjoy your weekend sweet pea!! xo

  27. Hey Lauren! I’m visiting from Micaela’s blog Dolce Vita. Thought this looked like fun! Have a good weekend.

  28. Just found your blog tonight….love it! Too exhausted to contribute to fill-in-the-blank Friday, but will do next week! Sounds like fun! 🙂 Can’t wait to read more of your lovely blog.

  29. This is so fun!

    I am so with you on number 7. Getting into a warm car after being in a restraunt… heavenly.

    Man, I really wish I had a car right now.

  30. haha i love your answer to #1 and #7! snowboarding would be so hardcore and sun warmed cars are just wonderful!

    have a wonderful weekend lady!

  31. I think I would go for the gold in snowboarding half pipe too because I have crushes on all those girls.

  32. Today I stumbled upon your lovely blog with Fill in the Blank Fridays.. Its just lovely… I must say.

    Thanks for sharing and letting me link up.. YOu will be seeing more of me! Can I use your photo that says (fill in the blank Fridays) for the link of mine.. (fillin the blank fridays?) please do let me know.

  33. i’m late.. but i love participting with this!!!

  34. Hey everyone i lurve doing this, couldn’t get linky to work, I’m so un tech savy!!! So here are my answers
    Happy Friday!

  35. linking up late…i know…but still wanted to do it!! 🙂 thanks so much!!


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