getting to know you.

Thought I’d join in with Keely’s “Getting To Know You” post today.  Feel free to join in by answering in the comments and/or by linking up at Keely’s blog…and don’t forget to check out the lovely giveaway she’s hosting!  This was a good way to end my weekend….

1. How many piercing’s do you have?
4 that I actually utilize.  One in each ear…my nose…and my belly button.  I used to have 2 in each lobe, and my traegus and my rook pierced, but I took those out.

2. I love the sound of…..?
Rain on the roof when I’m lying in bed at night.  Luckily I live in Oregon so I get to hear this pretty often :).

3. Favorite city?
I actually really love Portland, but some other faves are Seattle, Santa Cruz and Whistler B.C.

4. Colts, Saints, or could care less?
Could care less.  I used to get excited for Superbowl, but that was back when football on Sundays was sort of a novelty.  Since every Sunday is football at our house (due to the fact that my husband tricked me by rarely watching sports when we were dating, and now seems to watch at least one sports related show every day now that we’re married)…I’m pretty footballed out.

5. Frozen yogurt or ice cream?
Both.  If I had to choose, I’d pick ice cream, but I really love TCBY yogurt.  Yum.

6. Favorite appetizer?
Clam dip and plain potato chips.  My in-laws make this at every family get-together and I always end up eating like half the bowl by myself.  Sort of embarassing, but so delicious.

7. What item in your closet currently makes you the happiest?
Maybe the little grey romper I bought yesterday.  It’s so fun.  Grey with Black polka dots.  Currently figuring out how to style it so I can wear it right now in winter.

8.Favorite facial moisturizer?
This is probably horrible, but I rarely wash my face and rarely use moisturizer, except in the summer when I use Neutrogena moisturizer, but only because it has SPF…and yes, I only use sunscreen in the summer…and only on my face.  I know you can still get skin cancer in the winter, but seriously…I live in Oregon…. I’d be powdery pasty if I wore sunscreen EVERY day.  Yes I’m vain.  Sue me.

Hope your weekend was lovely!


OH…and P.S. 315 followers???  WHAT????  I think a giveaway is in order.  Check back tomorrow for some of that action!


  1. i never wash my face either. except for in the shower hahahah
    “we are so much alike” this is a phrase jacob and i say in our voices.
    oh lauren im glad you are my friend!

  2. I could care less about football too. And I wish I could get away with not washing my face! I have to wash it every night and every morning to keep my skin clear.

  3. OMG. I love frozen yogurt. I’m lactose intolerant, so i can’t have a ton of ice cream, but i have no other options is corvallis since our TCBY shut down like ten years ago : ( thank goodness i’m moving to Portland!!!

  4. I put the rain as my favorite sound to go to sleep to. I am the Mary Kay lady and yes you have to wash your face everyday and use moisterizer! LOL You will be glad you did when you are older.

  5. I love Santa Cruz! I haven’t been there in years, but I had a blast last time I was there. Have you ever been to San Diego? Because that’s high on my list of favorite cities.

  6. I am feeling your pain with the bait-n-switch with the sports! My hubby never watched sports pre-marriage either – but post-marriage, its a favorite pastime! What?!?!

    And … I’m too vain to take good care of my skin either … so sue me, too!

    Happy Sunday!

  7. Yay for you 315 followers!

  8. Oh!!! A giveaway! I will have to come back! I love giveaways…and am doing some myself rigth now. I like you,you are funny. I like funny!

    I am a new follower because of Keelys game here and I hope that you will come by and follow back. It is nice to meet you. Juliana from A Blonde Walks Into A Blog

  9. First off..thanks for playing and giving my giveaway a little shout out..

    muchas gracias..:-)

    but what the heck is a traegus and a rook?

    The sound of rain is the best ever!

    I wanna see your a picture of your romper..

    Oh and by the way..316 baby!

  10. i never wash my face either… except in the shower and i usually just use whatever soap i’m washing my body with. lazy and cheap us bacquets are! i do like moisturizer though!
    santa cruz is one of my favorites… but i think of it as a town, not a city. maybe i’m wrong… pretty sure i’ve told you many times that i would love to live there… ahhhhhh
    what is clam dip? i feel stupid asking….

    tuesday tuesday tuesday
    xo. thanks. xo. thanks.

  11. congratulations on all the followers!
    exciting business. 🙂
    your romper sounds super cute.
    let us know what you end up doing with it!
    and i’m not exactly positive what clam dip is, but it sounds really good to me. yum!

  12. awesome! how lovely! :]

  13. oh i’m seriously craving some TCBY now! and the sound of rain…but it’s all snow on this coast for a while still! 🙂

  14. Way to go on having so many followers! I’m definitely still free to hang out next weekend! I was thinking we could do some sort of crafty project, or maybe a baking project – any ideas?

  15. im obsessed with rompers! totally obsessed! dress it up with some cute tights and cute sweater! 🙂 and congrats on all the followers! totally awesome! 🙂

  16. I am bad about washing my face too! I always feel guilty about it.
    Congrats on so many followers, thats awesome!

  17. Love your answers! So happy to see all your followers. You deserve it.

  18. I love reading and learning more about you and other bloggers.
    We have the same piercing too. I wish I could wear romper’s, to me I feel like I may look stupid in them, I am over 6 feet tall, so little cloth to cover such long legs….
    My hubby grew up in Whistler, well he was born in raised there, and we still visit his parents every New Years. Hubby proposed to me many years ago on New Years on the cross country trail around the Village… Snow was falling so romantic…
    Bahaha love #8, I too feel the same way, sue me…haha
    Hope your weekend was swell!

  19. Your new romper sounds adorable! I can’t get enough rompers! You’re still young to worry about moisturizer and Portland is pretty humid no? 🙂

  20. Congrats on 315, and I want to see a picture of your romper!! Ahh, I love Seattle and can’t wait to visit Portland in summer!!! Hope all has been lovely gorgeous lady!!! xo

  21. haha love that pasty white Portland look! I am terrible at washing my face. oh well
    I am a big football fan but this year I kind of got footballed out too. If I were feeling better, I probably would have enjoyed the Super Bowl more.

  22. I have my rook pierced too 🙂

    I don’t know when I’ll take it out though..
    I was always too scared to get my belly button done but somehow I managed the rook.

    Congrats on all your followers Lauren! Your blog is one my favorites to read 🙂 xox

  23. Love this!!! Hope your Monday started well. 😀 and yay on Neutrogena moisturizers. xoxo

  24. man, i never wash my face at night either! i am terrible. i use these wipes from target in the morning, and at night when i remember. i also just use a moisturizer in the morning that has SPF in it. back in the day i had acne and used proactive and went to the dr. for all sorts of pills and creams. i find that the less i touch my face, and the more simple products that i use.. the better!

    i love the sound of rain hitting the roof. it is so calming. one of the reason’s i loved Oregon so much. LOVED it.

    i feel the same about the super bowl as well. sean was so sad the colts lost, haha. i kinda wanted the saints to win. just because i think New Orleans needs some happiness in their lives…so i am glad they won.

    i have three peircings! i have one in one ear, and 2 in the other. the person that pierced the 2nd piercing did a TERRIBLE job though. it is too close to the other one and it looks funny. oh well.

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