happy valentine’s day…you won!

And the winner is….

Lucky #18!

random.org chose you!

to win this….

(and some other surprises)

It’s Amanda from The Newellyweds!

Amanda said…

“yay for 300 followers! wowee!

my most favorite valentines day was last year, Ben and I went to a swanky little hotel downtown and went to a wine bar and then went thrifting in sellwood. He knows me too well. 🙂 It was so fun. Also my first married velentines day. I don’t know though, this year might top it..a lodge on the river all to ourselves 🙂 with no puppy.

hope you have a fun valentines day!”

♥ Hope you all have a happy Valentine’s Day  ♥



  1. Your dog has a great name!

  2. Happy Valentine’s Day Lauren & Craig!
    And congrats Amanda!

  3. woo hoo amanda!

  4. Congrats to Amanda! I hope she posts some pics of the other secret goods she won so we can see!

    I hope you’ve had a happy Valentine’s, Lauren!

  5. Congratulations amanda!

    Hope both of you had a wonderful Valentines day!

  6. Congratulations!

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