i want to be here.

This last weekend Craig and I were driving around after church and drove past this lovely building….

It’s for lease.  It looks like it was an old fire station at some point.  We could lease it and then quit our jobs and spend our days creating in this lovely space.  Craig could create beautiful furniture and other fabricated loveliness and I could make jewelry and other bits and bobs and we could turn the lower level into a quirky little storefront to sell our wares.  I think this sounds superb.  Unlikely, but superb.  Always good to have little dreams right?

What are some of your little dreams?  
Please share!



  1. This post made me realize that we give a lot of importance to our big dreams but not the little ones…even though they matter! My little dream is to read a book snuggled on a couch by the fire..why it has never happened is because it’s so HOT where I live that there is never a need for a fireplace or snuggling!

  2. that place looks so fabulous! i think it would make a wonderful space to spruce up 🙂 if i had the money and time to do something like that (oh, and the craftiness too. guess ya need that.) i would want to do the same! as of right now, my dream is just to have a nice little apartment with M that we can call our own. sadly, that too is somewhat of an unrealistic dream at this point as well. we can both hope, though, right?

  3. Ever since I saw The Princess Diaries, I’ve wanted to live in abandoned fire house. Great post! Let me know if you ever open up that store…

  4. my dream? to have a photography business. and cupcakes… and a pet store? too much!? :]

  5. What a great little dream! I would LOVE to do that. One of my dreams is to restore an old ranch style home to my liking… someday 🙂

  6. Oooo that is very sweet, I would love to live there as well.

  7. Lauren…this place is fabulous! I adore the huge windows, can you imagine the amazing natural light they provide? I am picturing it now!

  8. That building looks amazing! If I lived in Portland I would totally help you with the shop part…but alas, I live in Missouri….

    I pretty much have the same dream here though!

  9. Thats a good dream. I always want to do things like this too!

  10. my little dream is to move to denmark and have a farm. it’s a little weird but i like it.

  11. Your idea sounds lovely. What a cute little building!

  12. great post! I’ve always wanted to live in a huge house and have an entire room devoted to all my books and magazines!!

  13. what a CUTE space!!! AND precious dream!!! LOVE IT!!!

    Um, my dream is to have a place big enough to rescue as many animals as possible. I know, not exciting, but I love me some animals!!!

  14. Oh Lauren that would be so amazing.

    A dream of mine is to quit my (nonexistent) job and spend my days writing.

    One day.

  15. i would absolutely love to be the editor of Cottage Living our Country Living… 🙂 we all have dreams right!

  16. oh man, that would be the life wouldn’t it?? the other day we drove past a fire truck, and sean said he wants to buy one. so maybe you guys could by the fire station, we will by the truck, and we can all live together and create fire fighting babies. think about it.

  17. My little dream is to come join you in your beautiful shop and make and sell things. It really is such a pretty building. 🙂

  18. P.S. Yay! No word verification! 🙂

  19. That is such an adorable building! You should totally do it! i would buy some of your fabulous jewelry!

  20. That would be adorable! In dreamworld, I’d love to own a pottery studio where I work during the day. At night, I’d perform as a singer-songwriter at coffee shops! The issue with this is that I’m not the greatest singer, but I guess that’s why it’s only a dream 🙂

  21. tat sounds like a brilliant idea lauren! and so cosy~~~ husband n wife team =) dreams are sunshine on a gloomy day, so kip dreaming and kip wishing upon the stars! they mite come thru sumday.

    my drim would be to own a small cosy cafe!

  22. over here in nw we have a great restored fire house thats been turned into a couple apartments. it’s super cute. i walk by it all the time.

    dream big lady!

  23. it sounds like an amazing dream!!!
    i think you should do it.

  24. oooo yes please! that looks and sounds like so much fun. My little dream is to have a shop like that. There is one on the waterfront thats a sweet little coffee place where the owner sells her friends’ and her own creations.

    Either that or to have my own wedding/party planning and decorating business…i want to plan a thousand more weddings 🙂

  25. One of my little dreams is to move with my hubby to a little cottage in the Australian or French countryside, start a vegetable garden and a little family, and just enjoy the beautiful simplicity and stillness. Probably more like a HUGE dream than a little dream – but that’s fine by me 🙂

    Thanks again for the date last week, it was so good to catch up – we need to do it more often (especially since I have an awesome little thrift store I think you might like). Hope you’re having a good week!

  26. Thought provoking writing.
    This is great blog.


  27. Spencer and I see old deserted buildings like that all the time and dream of turning them into our home!!! But, then I think of the heating bills…. haha

  28. oh my goodness this place is perfect for just that! i think you should go for it! …i would definitely make a trip to portland to visit your shop!

    my best friend and i have a similar dream…opening a little handmade shop and/or bakery someday!

  29. I’m so happy you got it! Yeah, I never see I have a DM.. I wish twitter would send notifications!

  30. Me too! That would be such a magical place to live.

  31. i’d totally come shop at your firehouse turned boutique.
    i go through phases. like the time i wanted to have my own bed and breakfast. then i realized i much prefer being the guest at the b&b.
    i also wanted to be a whale/dolphin trainer at sea world, until i saw the movie “the cove”.
    but my real dream: to either be responsible for finding the music for the new episode of a tv show, or own my own record label.

  32. Oooh! I love that building, it’s gorgeous.

    I think your plan sounds lovely and I would proudly be your first customer 🙂

  33. I love buildings with character and this one fits the description. Your visions with this structure are superb… and it’s always good to dream. Maybe someday you’ll have this place. xoxo

  34. how fun!
    i wish you guys could have your dream come true.
    that’d be so neat.

  35. That is a great plan! I just found your blog and I am so glad I did. My husband and I want to buy an big old house one day and renovate it. Maybe even an old house on some land and we could have a little farm. We shall see.

  36. I want to be a graphic designer for the music industry.

    Making CD covers and whatnot.

    I also had a dream about working at AP Magazine in Ohio..I love music and I wanna work in the industry somehow since Im not musically talented haha

  37. Please live there. That would be amazing. I love old buildings like that. Since it was a fire station there has to be living space and a kitchen above it. You could live the artists lifestyle and since you both are so amazingly creative you would probably be able to afford that lifestyle since your stuff would sell! But I guess that depends on if it’s a good neighborhood. I say at least look into it!

  38. I get to walk past a working fire station much like this one on my way to the downtown library. It’s got the old copper and the rounded exits…one of my favorite buildings in Boston.

    As for little dreams: right now it’s getting this little etsy shop opened for business 🙂

  39. It’s gorgeous! My boyfriend and I would like to return to Scotland, buy a church (there are a lot for lease) and turn it into a pub.

  40. That biulding is really pretty, and your dream sounds like lots of fun!

    There is a really neat old building a few miles from my house that is currently being used as the owner’s storage facility, and Chris keeps saying he’s going to call them up and ask about buying it so he can turn it into his office. The only problem is that it’s not a good location for an architect 🙁

  41. What a lovely place and such a nice little dream!
    My dream is to, one day, own my own bar. A bar with a stage in it, so young new rock bands can play.
    And I would love to live in Madrid – Spain.

  42. How amazing would that be?!

  43. i love that dream. sounds perfect… and doable!

    i dream of having a healthy family, living out in my old white farm house, growing my own food, making my own goat cheese, running around bra-less and shoeless with long flowy skirts and drawing and creating my days away while my girls run around our land and the boys surf right out front…. oh, and having a steady paycheck of $10,000 coming in monthly even though dan and i will be jobless…. aw, the life!

    xo. thanks
    xo. thanks

    ps. loved chatting away for hours over skype with you! and tay had fun too… maybe 😉

  44. It’s my dream to own my own small little bookshop!

  45. I love going around towns & finding old buildings & homes. When I was younger, I can remember thinking the ones falling apart with the door hanging by a screw, were the most beautiful houses. I still have that dream, to get a really old house & make it come back to life. Thanks for letting me remember this 🙂

  46. damn girl 46 comments!
    camera obskndklcfa will be at coachella!
    and that building is awesome you should get it!!!
    i have a dream but ill save it for a skype date!

  47. The building looks awesome! I would want to rent it too, and write write write all day long in it. And have my lovely bf and kitty with me, all of us happy peas in our brick pod 🙂

  48. Oh my gosh! Can I move in too? That is amazing!

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. DREAMS…I want to travel the word and see all there is to see in a lifetime. Shoot me up with the most earth staggering adrenaline laced hope this side of the milky way.

  51. Awwww lady I love this!!!

    Little dream-I hope to adopt a child from a third world country one day.

  52. What an AMAZING space. I say DO IT!! It would be a wonderful life indeed!

    Dreams..hmm.. to own a big, beautiful white + black farmhouse where I can relax, entertain friends + family and enjoy the simple things in life! xo

  53. what a beautiful building! That sounds like the most amazing dream and I hope you two can do it one day! My dream is to be able to open a cafe or restaurant with my dad. I’m trying to bottle up his genius to share!!

  54. That’s about three buildings down from where I work, so I get to see it a lot 🙂

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