my favorite thing about today #35.

My favorite thing about today is:

this magical stuff.

This little spray can of dry shampoo pretty much saved my life last night.  I felt like crap all day and didn’t get around to even leaving the house to go grocery shopping until 3:00.  By the time I got home it was already 5:00 and I had to make something to take to the pot luck at our home community, which we had to leave for at 6:30.  No way was I going to be able to fit in a shower.  This is where my “batiste” dry shampoo came in.  I didn’t feel like wearing a hat, and my hair even looked sick pulled back in a ponytail.  So I thought I’d try this stuff out.  What ensued was pure magic.

Now…I debated long and hard over even showing you the picture of what my hair looked like pre-dry shampoo because it was just that disgusting.  But, in the interest of showing you just how freaking amazing this stuff is, I decided to take one for the team, because….how else can I convey the true awesomeness of this product if I don’t….right?  Right.

OK…here goes……………

Ugh!  Pretty sure I just threw up in my mouth a little.  I hope you guys will still want to be my friends.  I promise I’m still hygienic even though my hair sometimes gets a little (OK, OK… a lot) dirty.  Anyway, let’s just move on from this disturbing image…..
Here’s the after:
Not saying this is my best hair day ever or anything, but it’s definitely a HUGE improvement no?  Forget the fact that I am wearing zero makeup.  Just ignore that part.  Thanks.  Oh… and also ignore the fact that the toilet seat is up in the background.  That’s how Craig rolls.  
Which reminds me….any ideas for how to get him to remember to put the seat down?  It’s been 2 years of wedded bliss (minus the toilet seat thing…and ok…maybe a couple other minor things) but it still hasn’t sunk in.  I’ve pretty much given up on bugging him about it because I don’t want to be that wife…you know…the one who nags all the time (even though, truth be told, I definitely turn into her from time to time).  Marriage is all about picking your battles right?  Well….I’m starting to change my tune after I went to the bathroom the other day and the toilet seat fell right on my wrist bone and left a bruise!  It’s still sore.  Now I’m trying to figure out some new ways to bring back the toilet seat issue.  If you have any suggestions, feel free to throw them my way!
Oh…but back to the dry shampoo….I’ll add this disclaimer: this is not a product to be used on a regular basis….more for the occasional dirty hair, absolutely-no-time-to-wash, crisis scenario like I experienced.  My friend Brandi informed me that this product is not the greatest for hair as it can be damaging to the roots.  She is a hair stylist, so I trust her.  But still…I’ll definitely be keeping this stuff on hand for emergencies!
If you’re interested, I got this stuff at Sally’s Beauty Supply for $8, so pretty much a steal for that kind of magic :).
ALSO…. go check out my guest post on The Skinny today!  A super yummy recipe for bruschetta.  Delish.  And also check out the giveaway Katie’s hosting over there!



  1. I have been wondering about dry shampoo so glad to hear that it works I will have to invest. As for the toilet seat i think thats a battle no one can win. I have lived with my boyfriends for over a year and he still does it. I hate in the middle of the night when I dont turn the light on and I practically fall in because his left it up, oh dear.

  2. Ohhh I gotta try the dry shampoo out. 🙂 Good one. Ya know, when I have to get up early to go to work I just don’t want to wash my hair and then blow dry it and all and it takes forever. So this might come in handy. NOT on a daily basis but once in a while i just want to take a shower and then dress and go…not have to work on my hair that long. 🙁
    About the toilet seat?! Hmmm…absolutely no clue. I guess it’s something we all have to live with. 🙁 😉
    Have a great day. xoxo

  3. I think you should write a note on the bottom of toilet seat in sharpie 🙂

  4. i had the italian equivalent of that stuff – obv only for emergencies – but it was amazing! also perfect for when i had to have a surpise skype video date with my boyfriend (while I was away) and my hair was a mess. thank you, bizarre inventions!

  5. aw! dry shampoo SAVES ME. there are days when i too probably wouldn’t have any friends if there wasn’t dry shampoo! 🙂

  6. hahahahaha! we all have dity hair days! i wear beanies a lot! 🙂 or pny tails! babay powder works good too.
    as for the toilet seat. have you seen that pic of that girl trying to be sexy (myspace pic) but there is a poop in the toilet? you can google it. its hillarious!!!!

    your pretty and dont need make up!

  7. i LOVE this post.

    batiste is often my saviour……i am not a dirty person either but my hair is ridiculously think and long. this is considered something to envy but trust me, it makes washing, drying and straightening hair absolutely impossible in a short time frame!!!

    glad you love the stuff too – apparently talcum powder has the same effect?! my mum said that’s what they used when she was young!


    p.s. give up on the toilet seat. it’s a futile mission :0)

  8. That bruschetta looks amazing!

  9. This stuff IS a miracle worker. Especially if you’re laid up in a hospital room for a while and either can’t or don’t want to shower there. For a quick fix before running out you can also throw some baby powder on your hair. A little goes a long way though! I suggest the cucumber melony smellin’ kind!

  10. this is the only thing that has worked for us: go to walmart. buy crayola bathtub crayons, and leave him a note directly written on the toilet seat (the part thats exposed when he leaves it up). make it sweet. its a helpful reminder for a guy who is probably not doing it out of spite but out of forgetfulness. 🙂

  11. how awesome! i wonder if i could use something like that despite the fact that my hair is ridiculously thick and, um, well it’s pretty much an afro. p.s. you look fabulous in the “after,” makeup or no makeup!

  12. Hahaha ohh this was so funny. And your hair looks amazing! I dry-shampooed my hair today actually… I woke up and had 12 minutes before I had to leave the house. It was a panic! And then dry shampoo saved my life. HURRAH!

    No helpful hints about the toilet seat, sadly. If you find a solution you should post it as inspiration to scores of exasperated women everywhere! 😉 xo

  13. that is pretty darn amazing! i will have to check that stuff out.

    as for the toilet seat. i think that is just how some guys are… (we had that discussion with some of our married friends at dinner last night, haha, so random…) i’m pretty lucky that zach is paranoid of the air stuff that comes out of the toilet when you flush so he almost always puts the lid down. but that is not every guy, for sure! 🙂

  14. haha you’re dirty hair makes me like you even more! We are only human and some things are more important than washing our hair every day (or even every other as the case may be haha) You are gorgeous, I wouldn’t have guessed no makeup! I have no clue what to tell you about the toilet seat. I get in trouble with my husband for leaving the lid UP! He wants the toilet completely closed cause it grosses him out LOL weird for a guy I know!


  15. in my bathroom, roomie and i have a little patch of chalkboard (we went a little overboard when painting our apartment)… and he used to not ever change the toilet paper roll (wtf? he’d just get a new one and leave it on the counter), so i drew a step by step diagram of how to change a toilet paper roll. and it worked! 🙂

  16. First off, I’ve been really curious about dry shampoo. I’d like to be able to use it on vacation for days and so forth. Maybe I’ll try it!

    As for the toilet seat… I have been with hubby for nearly 5 years, married for a year and a half, and I still have no idea how to get him to put the toilet seat down. If you figure it out, let me know!

  17. that is AWESOME!!! i’m going to have to get me some of that stuff! looks like a miracle!

  18. I might just have to get some now!

  19. Haha, don’t worry it happens to the best of us 🙂 As for the toilet issue, I don’t know about you but in the middle of the night, with my eyes half open I’ve almost fallen in!! So Chris thankfully learned his lesson. I’d try bribery I guess? Positive reinforcement? Blackmail?

  20. I’ve tried a couple brands (Ojon, Frederic Fekkai, and Klorane). Currently Klorane is my fave for not making my scalp itch, but it also is just about the same as using baby powder (I think it’s just finer).
    Aghh.. you are so adorable and what I would do to have naturally wavy hair like that!

    RE: the Toilet issue – I REPEATEDLY told the hubs about how toilet water can spray around up to 10 ft in any direction (true) and how I didn’t want particles of ish all over, etc… and I was paranoid about my toothbrush, etc… So he had to put the toilet seat cover down every-time before flushing. It seems to work for the most part now, if not the cover, the seat will be down and then I have to choose my battles. Good Luck!

  21. I had the opposite toilet problem with my husband. He grew up in a house full of boys and they had like three entire “boys only” bathrooms their whole childhood, so they just never put the seat UP when they peed. So then I’d come along an hour later and sit down on a wet seat. WHICH IS DISGUSTING. Ladies, you know what I mean, the dribble other ladies leave on public bathroom seats is sick!

    So to break my husband of this awful habit, after talking to him repeatedly failed, I’d leave drops of water (I promise, just water!) around the seat when I knew he’d be the next one to use the toilet, which takes a little bit of routine if you know what I mean. So after sitting down on a wet toilet a couple of times, he is now a perfect toilet seat user. He always puts it up to go, and always puts it back down when he’s finished. It’s amazing!

  22. Oh I have heard GREAT things about this stuff but never seen before and after pics. THANK YOU!!

  23. oh my goodness that is AMAZING! It would be perfect for after the gym and before class!!! hmmmm I think i must get some soon!!!!
    PS-Get a dog who has a tendency to like drinking out of the toilet. Spencer keeps BOTH lids down all the time now!

  24. I must get me some of that stuff! ASAP! your hair looks AMAZING! and i am so glad you took one for the team, because now i know that i am not the only one who gets dirty hair. Dirty Hair Girls Unite! but now we have a yeah… i guess that is better than the alternative? anyway, this isn’t making sense. i hope you had fun at Home Community! and i am trying to think if a way that you could get Craig to put the toilet seat down. i would tell you sean had the same problem, but he doesn’t. so maybe tell Craig that Sean puts the toilet seat down and blogs sometimes..and maybe he will step it up? haha. i am not saying sean is perfect, but he has never left the toilet seat up! my little brother did ALL the time and still does though. so i feel your pain!

    you could watch what happens in vegas with him, and do what Cameron Diaz does to Ashton Kutcher. She has a little tutorial with him and uses the stick to lift and put down the seat! haha, so funny.

    anyway, have a lovely day girl!

  25. Hmm…maybe try a reward system with Craig. If you put the toilet seat down, then I’ll give you control of the remote before bedtime. Or maybe a punishment system. If I ever find the seat up, then no dinner for you!

    Just kidding. An annoying sign pasted right above the toilet for a week would probably be my route. But that doesn’t really get you off the “nagging wife” hook.

  26. I AM SOOO going to try:
    1.) dry shampoo
    2.) your recipe.

    YUM!!! where can i find the dry shampoo at?
    and what is a “home community?” sounds fun 🙂 cuteness.

    if i looked like you without any make-up, i wouldn’t bother.

    i can’t get my fiance to close the bathroom door after he goes in and out (our dogs make a mess of tp if not) so i’m out of ideas for the seat lol


  27. so funky. thats what my hair looks like sometimes too. i put hats on. or stay in bed. 🙂 your sweater’s cuuuuute!

  28. I definitely have days where I need dry shampoo, I might have to try this out.
    I had to nag quite a bit about the toilet seat (If you really yell a couple of times it will probably work quicker than light nagging)
    PS I love your sweater!

  29. I had a friend who taped pictures of shirtless male models/celebs to the inside of the seat and her husband started closing the lid a lot more often!

  30. oh i love dry shampoo too! it’s a lifesave no?

  31. I try not to nag, too, but sometimes I just need to try and change Josh’s ways, so what I do is make objects talk to him in silly voices. Like, if I wanted him to put the toilet seat down, I would maybe say in a high-pitched voice, “Josh! I feel so lonely up here, not connected to the toilet. Please help me! Please put me down so I can be reunited with my friend, the toilet.” Yeah, I know, it’s really stupid, but it makes Josh laugh, AND it makes him put the toilet seat down, so I feel like I can get away with nagging sometimes without actually having to nag!

  32. i’m definitely going to have to keep this product in mind.
    thanks for the tip!

  33. I love that you posted the pic of your dirty hair! =) I have to be honest my hair looks like that once in a while lol. I should check this product out, your hair looked great after using it! Thanks for posting! =)


  35. I’ve yet to find a dry shampoo that worked for me. Must try this one!

  36. Okay, I had to really think about our blogship after I saw your hair but decided we can still be friends. It takes some serious guts to show your hair in it’s not so great state. So I applaud you and your dry shampoo:)

  37. i literally laughed out loud when you mentioned the toilet seat. too funny!!! {my father finally learned after he had 4 daughters and we would all gang up on him.. so, it might be a while!!}

    i love that you shared your dirty hair picture!! because seriously i’be there {we all have!!} and it’s slightly embarrassing! so i love that you did it! and dry shampoo?! who would have know.. i definitely need to pick some up!

  38. Ha when you find out the secret to getting the hub to get the seat down.. please tell me. I fell in one night and yelled at the top on my lungs.. not so fun!! I have heard all about dry shampoo and have wanted to try it but was pretty apprehensive… however,,, now that you say it’s ok… I will try it!! Hope all is lovely gorgeous gal!!! xo

  39. OHHH girl, I totally use the dry shampoo. I got some from Toni & Guy (that apparently ripped me off, $8!?!?!) and I use it PROBABLY too much … it just takes too long to wash, dry and straighten that business when you JUST did it the day before (or let’s be real, 2 days …)

    And I have no words of wisdom on the toliet seat. Our pup tries to drink the water and it drives my mister NUTS. So that’s motivation enough for him …

  40. This looks like awesome stuff! and the toilet seat..I have nooo idea…All I do is make sure to look before I sit…lol

  41. I’ve gotta get me a bottle of that magic. I still haven’t made it to the grocery store yet today. Anyway…

    As for the toilet seat issue, I have no helpful hints for you since the only time this happens at our house is when friends come over and leave it up. What can I say? Bryan is a keeper. 🙂

  42. I saw your tweet about this last night and then had a five minute convo with my mom about how back in her day they sucked but now they’re amazing! I want to try it soo badly now 🙂

  43. WHERE do I find that stuff? With the way I look right now…I could use it. Is it available all over or should I buy online?

  44. by the way..LOVED your comment yesterday about the babies! Made my day 🙂

  45. I have been thinking of your dilemma all day and finally asked my husband about it when he got home. He has never left the seat up so i simply asked him why.

    Apparently while he was growing up his mom put fluffy toilet lid covers on her toilets which makes it impossible for the lid to stay up on its own. Now those things freak me out a little when I think of the germs, but it may work for him as toilet seat training wheels. since the lid can’t stay up with the cover on it he will have to hold it up while he goes …. which gets annoying and after awhile he would prob just close the whole thing all together.

    best of luck

  46. Ohh! I need that dry shampoo!
    I think it would help me a lot.

  47. love the dry shampoo…what a miracle for us women!

  48. Wow, I’ve never heard of dry shampoo, but I think I might have to try some! Also, I’m pretty sure everyone still likes you, because what woman hasn’t had funky hair? I know I have, because I hate washing it, it’s too long!

  49. That’s freaking fantastic! I have heard (alright i’ve tried it) that powder works really well to make hair not look greasy, but that stuff is pretty sweet too. Did it last long, or by the end of the night was your hair dirty looking again? That is awesome though, I didn’t even know that they made stuff like that.
    And as for the toilet thing…I seriously lucked out and in almost a year and a half I can count the number of times my husband has left the toilet seat up. We put both lids down to keep things hygienic and looking nice. This would be funny, but maybe you could buy one of those baby proof for the toilet seat things and put it on there. It makes it so they can’t lift up the lid. They’re kind of hard for adults too…and by adults I mean me. But that would be kind of a funny way to approach the subject?

  50. Wow!!!! Your hair looked amazing afterwords. How much does it cost and where can you buy it??

  51. One of my best friends was using this product this past weekend and she says its her little life saver!

  52. Oh toilet seats…well, here is the reason that our toilet seat MUST remain down at all times.

    When I was a baby, and my brother was 4 and my sister 7, my dad was in the bathroom shaving one night before bed. My mom was downstairs grading papers and heard my dad freaking out a bit. The toilet seat had been down and his shaving kit sitting on top of it, but all of a sudden, the lid kept lifting just a little bit making a banging noise! My mom came up to see what was going on and the lifted the seat to find a RAT SWIMMING IN THE TOILET!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhh! Luckily, a guy down the street that they were friends with had experience dealing with this (apparently it’s more common than you’d think) and came to our house and somehow got the rat out of the toilet. Somehow it had climbed through the sewers and up the pipes into the toilet, I don’t know how! Ever since, I ALWAYS keep the seat down–and check the toilet before sitting down…maybe this will help him out to remember?!

    Or maybe I just scared you! Sorry if that’s the case!

  53. ummm i HAVE to get that!!

  54. REALLY? i’ve always been skeptical, but this is fantastic.

  55. oh man that worked amazingly! i may have to invest.. i have been known for skipping shampooings… 🙂

  56. first of all, you don’t need make-up
    secondly, you could have greasy, stringy hair and still look hot…
    thirdly, you look NOTHING like tori

    i use pssst and like it enough but i much prefer my hair freshly washed. it’s just too limp and flat when it’s dirty. oh, and i’ve never found it at rite aid… just walgreens.

    xo. thanks.
    xo. thanks.


  57. I’ve never heard of Dry Shampoo!

    Well your hair looks awesome!

    The toilet seat up=hilarious 🙂
    Oh and btw…as much as I loved your hair, I couldn’t take my eyes off your adorable sweater, so cute!!!

  58. i love LOVE LOVE dry shampoo! it saves my life like 3 times a week! ok not that much but seriously, i can’t live without it.

  59. just came across your blog, my name is lauren too. 🙂 i looove dry shampoo! i am always too lazy to wash my hair every day so i use either dry shampoo or this shine spray i have that smells amazing. 🙂

  60. EIGHT BUCKS?!! Dude, I can do that! I seriously need to invest in some of this stuff for the days when sleep wins over that shower — or the days when I wake up late (whoops!)! I’m so glad you showed us the results.

  61. i would be the nastiest trashiest girl ever without my Psssst dry shampoo. $5.99 at Walgreens! I bought some Tresemee the other day & it was horrible, made my hair all icky. And the Psssst bottle is awesomely retro looking!
    And avon makes a great “volume spray” that i use as well in between washes. It smells so good.

  62. Put the toilet seat down and put tape all over it…sticking it to the pot.
    Mature, no?

  63. in my house, EVERYONE closes the toilet. COMPLETELY. doesn’t matter what gender you are, when you’re done with the toilet, it gets shut all the way. that way it’s “fair” to everyone, and most importantly, keeps things like cell phones and cats from falling into it accidentally. ;]

  64. Put a sticky note for him to put the toilet seat down on the bottom side of the seat (or tape it there) so that it faces him when the seat’s up. Try it!

    PS- that dry shampoo looks like it works magic. I must try it!

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