two things i love…around my home.

Two things I love….
around my home.

{via Kassi at Bacwoodsfern}
{#1: this mirror.}
I found it a few weeks ago while thrifting and it was a steal.  I’m debating painting it white or leaving it yellow.  What do you think?  Decisions, decisions…..  Oh…and I’m pretty sure Marley thought I was crazy walking around the house and taking pictures, but she still followed me around from room to room.  There she is my loyal companion in this photo.  Silly dog.  I love her.  

{#2: our new bed + duvet cover.}
I almost forgot that I hadn’t shown any pictures of the bed Craig made us!  Well….here it is in all its glory.  Can you believe he built this thing from scratch in like 4 or 5 hours???  Ridiculous.  He started building it after work one night, and by bedtime we were sleeping on it!  The best part is that we came up with the design together, so it’s uniquely ours :).

He white-washed the wood, which I like better than just plain wood.  I think it’ll go well with the color-scheme I’m aiming for in our bedroom re-vamp, plus it matches with the antique windows he hung with their peel-y white paint.   I’ll be painting the walls grey and all the accents will be white, and this lovely chartreuse.  I’m super excited.  Let me know if you guys have any decorating suggestions!  

Oh…and though it’s not nearly as cool as the bed, I’m also loving my new duvet cover that was just delivered today.  It’s part of the Dwell line from Target, and I love it.  It’s still wrinkly since it’s right out of the package, but I just couldn’t wait to take photos :).

Feel free to play along
and share 2 things you’re loving 
around your home this week!
Then go link up on Kassi’s blog!



  1. your bed is the cutest!!! i can’t believe craig made that in 5 hours!! the bedspread is simple lovely!!
    and i vote leaving the frame yellow!

    ok, i just had to type that in caps.

    AND i think you should paint the mirror white since you already have yellow bedding. but that’s just my opinion. 🙂

  3. laurean…i love the mirror…def leave it yellow. the duvet…i have a picture of the same one in my art journal, yellow, but it was from west elm. love it.

  4. That bed is INCREDIBLE! You guys did an amazing job. I love the windows!

  5. Oh that mirror is gorgeous!! I love the yello color already on there, I think it would look pretty with white too! Your bed is so neat!! I love that he made yalls bed from scratch!

  6. I love your new bed, that is amazing! and the duvet cover, too! and of course, Marley is sooooo cute!!!

  7. Wow, both items are so unique, but the bed has the best story because it was crafted by hands and imagination! The duvet is amazing, and I’m going to go click on the link and think of ways to convince fiance that we need it and it’s so “us”!!


  8. I really do love your mirror…big time! I’m so partial to white for everything, but I really think I like it yellow because it isn’t too bright or too chunky of a frame. I also like your bed and am amazed at how fast Craig built it! I hate doing carpentry, and I’ve told Chris that aside from birdhouses, I just can’t bring myself to help him with it!

    Since Brandi will be in Cali all of June, we’ve got to come up with dates so we can all be there and meet!

    Have a good Tuesday! xo

  9. I love your duvet cover! And the bed is awesome too, and so is the mirror, of course.

  10. so so cute! i really love the windows, and the whole feel you have for your room. i think itll turn out just lovely:)

  11. the new bed, windows, and duvet make your room have such a beachy feel to it. i really like it.
    craig did such a great job on the bed!


  12. i am in love with your bedding. isn’t dwell the best? that bed???!!!!! wow and it is all yours!!!

  13. Ohhhh love the bed & the duvet cover! Beautiful! And the mirror too – not sure if i’d paint it – i can’t decide!!

  14. Love the mirror..I vote keep it yellow..

    How awesome is your man for making that bed!! I love how it has a bench at the end to put things on or sit on..oh and the windows those too!

    Can’t forget about the it!

  15. cute cute! bed looks awesome! let me know if crag wants to make us a low platform bed! 🙂 ha ha.. our bed is currently on the floor!

  16. p.s i like the mirror yellow…

  17. Love the new duvet cover and your new bed!

  18. I have that duvet cover too! Except a smaller version for smaller bed 🙂 I love it.

  19. You should definitely send Craig here and have him make us a bed. I love it! And your duvet cover is gorgeous!

  20. I like the shade of yellow that the mirror currently is…it’s not too bright, but still cheerful. And, I just looked at that duvet cover last night; love it! 🙂

  21. Oh my word I LOVE this bed!!! What a talented hubby you have:) Maybe I should tell Brian about it so he can make one for us. Its so handy when you have a hubby that can make you stuff and fix things around the house, don’t you think…
    I think today I’m going to go shopping at the thrift stores I’m inspired by all the finds the blog girls are always finding, if I find anything good I will write a post about it later:)
    I hope you have a wonderful day off, If I would have thought about it we should have done some thing together. Maybe next week??
    Talk to you soon!!

  22. awww craig did such a great job!! i love it! he should make us one..and we could come pick it up 🙂 hehe. i got my duvet cover from Target too! i say mine because i had it before we got married but it’s black and white and i really like it. i want to revamp our room too but we don’t own the place and i don’t want to put that much work into it. sigh.. anyway LOVE the mirror! i love the yellow! i think the white would be cool so i guess it just depends on where you are putting it and all that! love it though! and i love marley and that picture of you guys 🙂 have a great day lovely girl!

  23. Wow, Craig did an amazing job! I love it!

    Our duvet is also from Target, but I like yours better.. hehe. It all looks great, Lauren!

    My opinion for the mirror is that it would look beautiful painted a glossy white! Then again, I do have an obsession with white & grey so my opinion might be biased! xo

  24. LEAVE IT YELLOW!!!!!!!
    GOOOOD JOB craig!!! mad props!
    and i see cute lauren in the back ground!
    love the bed spread…its so you!

  25. I love the bed Craig made, such the handyman! Definately keep the mirror yellow, it is going to pop so much on the gray walls. You’re doing a great job on your re-vamp 🙂 love you friend!

  26. wow…you bed is amazing! i love it! and the awesome duvet cover is just the right pop 🙂

    i am so jealous of your mirror…sigh. i think it looks great as it is, but it might look even better painted white…

  27. Love your bed! I have been excited to see pictures of it!

    Major props to your hubby on this one! I love the bed and bench at the end!

    Give him a high five from me on this one!

  28. Oh, I love it! I can’t believe he made that whole thing so quickly. Did he make the frame for it too, or are you using the same frame and he made a head and footboard to go with it? I love the footboard/bench most of all. I totally want that at the end of my bed.

  29. i love the yellow mirror!
    you should totally leave it alone. so cute!
    and way to go craig! love the bed!
    love the duvet cover!
    love you!
    thanks for playing along sweet friend of mine!

  30. I was just going to ask you where your duvet is from & then I got to the end of the post. :] I luuuurve it. With our tax money, J and I are buying new pillows, a down comforter & a duvet. I am so excited. It has been so long since we got new bed stuff..and we really really need it. :]

  31. LOVE LOVE it ALL! Well done chicka 🙂

  32. i love your bed! and i love your bedding! i want it to be my curtains in my living room.

    and you should keep the mirrow yellow because its so sweet! (but i am on a yellow kick, so i’m bias). You can always paint it later if you want!

  33. I like the yellow, but it depends where you plan on putting it. Your bed looks fantastic!

  34. so in love with the new bedspread!!

  35. I love your mirror, what a great find. Don’t you love dwell studios at Target? I especially love the baby clothes and look forward to buying some everytime one of my friends has a shower. A few months ago I bought a friend bibs with porcupines on them! SO CUTE and fun.

  36. Tito & I have the same bedding so I love it!!! =)
    And yellow is my favorite color so I would leave the mirror yellow.


  37. Your bed and mirror are both amazing! I would leave the mirror the way it is, personally, cus it looks great white. 🙂

    Oh, and let me return a favor — you introduced me to a new fave of mine, Camera Obscura, so I thought I’d introduce you to a new fave of mine, Neko Case! Click here to give her a listen. 🙂

  38. I love your bed! I can’t believe Craig made it..that’s so so cool! If I lived closer I’d totally hire him to make me one 🙂

    And the duvet color is so cute! I love the color scheme in your bedroom!

  39. Love the mirror yellow! And great job on the bed, it looks beautiful!

  40. omg.
    i love it.
    keep it yellow.
    whenever i find a new furniture piece, i always gravitate towards wanting to paint it yellow, but i’m not into matching everythign together.
    the mirror is the same color as my tv stand.
    i think it’s adorable.
    i give you props~ good find.

  41. Love it ALL Lauren! Amazing that Craig built that himself! J’s never built anything I’ve ever seen. I think keeping with the white theme would be nice for the mirror?

    xx Vivian @

  42. i would leave the mirror yellow for now…you can change it after you are tired of it. but how perfect is the yellow mirror + your bedding??? i love a thrift store find like that!

  43. I really like your duvet cover, and hats off to Craig for a job well done! I love the new mirror and I too love the yellow-you can always paint it later if you want.I especially love your lovely canine companion. :)Tell Marley she is the BESTEST DOG EVER!

  44. I love Dwell items period!

  45. oh my gosh that bed is sooooo cute! woohoo craig! (and you for the ideas ;))

  46. That is a brilliant duvet cover & I am loving the color & how it makes everything so elegant. That bed is pretty epic. But my favorite thing are those window panels behind the bed. I also thought of doing that behind my bed, but I don’t have a window there. Hmmm I say paint it white, maybe.

  47. Wow you get a lot of comments! I bet its overwhelming at times! That duvet looks great! The bed frame looks even better in person:) I’m excited to get together again sometime! I was telling Race how I talked to you about some things I never really get to talk to anyone about and really liked it:)

  48. love the mirror… and that BED!! Well done!! I am pretty much in love with your style…

  49. what a neat bed! and i like the white 🙂

  50. Oh my Geee! This is your home?! It’s amazing and beautiful and fabulous and can I move it? Seriously. LOVE all the yellow. This makes me very happy 🙂

  51. wow i love your bed! it’s even more amazing that the two of you came up with the design…and then he just built it!

    and your duvet is just as pretty! chartreuse is one of my faves too!

  52. That bed is amazing! I can’t believe Craig did this in such little time! Very cool husband you have. I especially love the end of the bed and of course, your very awesome duvet cover!

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