weekend review.

I had a lovely FULL weekend.  
Here’s how it went down….


{came home to a lovely package from my lovely Chloe.  ♥ her.}

{this little pink pretty is my favorite.}

{had dinner, gelato & games with some new’ish friends}

{played an awesome board game Chris designed!}
When they showed up with game in hand, I was like:
“Oh!  This looks fun!  I’ve never seen this game before!”
Chris: “Ummm…yeah, that’s cause I made it.”


{antiquing with my BFF Casey}
she bought some pretty frames.
{I bought this stuff}

{lunch with mom + aunt + cousin + grams}

forgot to take pictures.

We were going to go to a movie, but then my mommy got sick.
So I took care of her.
I figured it was only fair after all those nights I woke her up to hold back my hair when I was puking as a kid…or even as a grown-up.  That’s true love.

{came home & watched Project Runway & vegged out with Craig}


{church, then coffee at Heart roasters}
If you live in Portland you must go here and try the coffee. 
{lunch at the in-laws}
prime rib + yorkshire pudding

{taking a trip to see brother-in-law Cory’s new place}
It’s in the boonies.
Seriously.  Far enough out that it’s got a giant barn’ish workshop.
3 acres.  AND an outhouse.  True story.

{OH…and Craig got me a pre-V-Day present}
At the grocery store.  That’s how we roll.
“Together FURever”.  So silly.

Experiencing Picture overload yet?

Me too.

Hope you all had wonderful weekends.



  1. oooh! fun weekend! i am kinda jealous actually, i spent my weekend alone (well, unless you count my doggies). i cleaned all weekend too….but at least i got some things crossed off the list!

    and no, i am not experiencing picture overload! your pictures are fabulous

  2. ooo I love together furever, I think I need to find that to give to my fiance.
    Also, you get the all time best packages ever!

  3. Looks like you had a pretty fun-filled weekend. Thanks for taking care of me, it really made my heart super happy to know that you took care of me, you’re the BEST! I really liked your antique lovelies.I also loved all your pics.

  4. aw fun! you should be getting a letter in the mail from me soon. i channeled my 13-year-old self when writing it. be warned 😀

  5. Yay for the boonies in OR! My dad lives on a bunch of acreage in southern Oregon (near Sutherlin). I love it there. It has a well and a crazy old barn, but not an out house!! That would be funny though if it did. Also love your skeleton key necklace.

  6. Looks like you had such a lovely weekend! I love love love antiquing. It’s pretty much my fave.

  7. that barn house looks like the one by evergreen in hillsboro 🙂 i love the new game, the key pendant and the ring! oh, and the prime rib dinner, too! glad you had a great weekend!

  8. Just found your gorgeous blog! Follow. Check. I’ll be back! Xoxo

  9. How fun.. adorable pictures!

  10. ur weekend really does sound like absolute fun! i love that antique key necklace u bot, really pretty. i have this ting for keys >.^

    o n u look so cheeky outside that red door with the moon! had sumting up ur sleeves? ;P

    P.S. that’s really sweet of craig! not sure wat bf’s gonna get me for vday… o, wat did u get for craig?? any surprises in store for him??

  11. Wow, could your weekend be filled with more fun events! That key necklace is pretty awesome too.

  12. Cute pics! Looks like a fun weekend!

  13. What a fun weekend!! I love all of these pictures… I got my headband too from Chloe right as I was getting ready to head to dinner with friends on Friday… it made my night. Love that key necklace… what is so funny is I ended up getting a great necklace this weekend from one of our friends… you know I swear we are two peas in a pod.. just you live in Oregon and me… in California… we should have been sisters… hope your night has been lovely lady!!! xo

  14. What a fun weekend and what CUTE stuff! 🙂

    Always love your blog!

    And check out my blog if you got a chance! Chloe helped me fix it so it’s 3 columns 🙂

  15. That tray you got is sooooo pretty, but I’m addicted to old trays! And your ring is really pretty, too!

  16. looks like a super fun weekend!
    that game i wanna play!!! he made it?? how? packaging?? looks real!
    and your so sweet for taking care of your mama!
    i wanted to see a movie too but that didnt happen!

  17. i am loooving your thrift finds 🙂 and your blog!

  18. Ooh I love the picture overload! That key necklace is awesome

  19. newly invented board games, delicious dinners, and vintage finds…what a wonderful weekend! xox

  20. Great weekend!

    Awesomeness I must comment on:
    1. the lovely rings from Chloe! I love them!
    2. Think N Link game – looks like fun and I don’t even know how to play it but I want it!
    3. Antique key necklace – LOVE!
    4. Your mom – moms are the best when you are sick, you’re the sweetest for taking care of her, true love 🙂
    5. eating with the inlaws – it’s good to have good inlaws
    6. the outhouse – that is just hilarious! end of story!


  21. Yay what a fun weekend!

  22. What a wonderful weekend!!!!

  23. i miss chloe. 🙁

    looks like a really fun weekend!
    your brothers house looks so neat.
    outhouse and all! ha.

    um, pre-vday presents are the way to go.

  24. What a lovely weekend and sweet pre-V-day prezzie! Why do th weekends always pass so fast? *sigh*


  25. Oooh must try that coffee. And I love that V-day gift. Chris and I are collecting pictures of things like that on our kitchen bulletin board. Just ’cause it makes us smile 🙂

  26. What a great weekend! That’s so cool that your friend designed a board game.

  27. If I could write my reaction to every picture it would go like this:

    -LOVE Chloe
    -LOVE the items she sent you
    -‘ehh’ expression (you know the “ehh” you say when you are jealous, yeah that’s what I did several times)
    -cool game, I wanna play.
    -‘ehh’ super cute antique finds
    -awwwwee, yumm yorkshire puddings. I would die for one right now.
    -awesome place in the boondocks
    -cute! v-day gifts. Oh the simple pleasures.

  28. Such a fun weekend 🙂

    I loooovvveee board games, I’ll have to try that one 🙂

  29. I love the pretty pink hair accessory. So dainty. 🙂

  30. aw it sounds like you had so much fun! What a sweet package from Chloe! And I love your new things. I kinda love that card playing picture a lot..your dog is so cute! I’ve missed you! Can’t wait to catch up on your last week! xox

  31. I’ll have to tell my sister about that coffee place, she lives in Portland. I’m excited to go out there this summer for her wedding. Maybe I need to go antiquing more, you always find such great stuff. Love it.

  32. what a lovely weekend 🙂 i loveeee your thrifty finds (i need a key necklace. i’ve always wanted one and seeing yours, i’m convinced).

    the red feather headband is my fave!

    i like the way you take pictures.

    and the dinner at your in-laws looks yummy (and i’m a vegetarian)

  33. i have a key necklace just like that! grant found the key at an antique shop and i really really love it. love all the pictures! that tray you got is adorable and i love project runway!

  34. no no picture overload is a good thing!! that game looks super awesome, i’d love to know what it is/how to play it, but the colors and the way its designed is quite amazing.

  35. SO jealous of your headband from Chloe! And totally offended she didn’t give me one! Kidding. It is super cute! And I LOVE the key necklace! Very cute.

    I don’t know if I ever answered about Michael’s work…he is a wildland firefighter, and in the winter he goes to school. He wants to be a full-time firefighter. So that is the plan..

    You are always so good about taking pictures! I always forget!

    I had like 9 other things to tell you about this post. Ugh. Of course I forgot!

  36. SO jealous of your headband from Chloe! And totally offended she didn’t give me one! Kidding. It is super cute! And I LOVE the key necklace! Very cute.

    I don’t know if I ever answered about Michael’s work…he is a wildland firefighter, and in the winter he goes to school. He wants to be a full-time firefighter. So that is the plan..

    You are always so good about taking pictures! I always forget!

    I had like 9 other things to tell you about this post. Ugh. Of course I forgot!

  37. What a fabulous amount of eye candy! That ring is sooooooo pretty!

  38. What a perfect weekend you had! Sweet headband from Chloe! It looks great on you!

    You and Craig are so, so cute!! Love the Valentine.. hehe 🙂

    Thank you for your amazing comment + vote, Lauren! xo

  39. you had such a fun filled weekend! the headband is absolutely adorable. where can i get a friend like chloe? 😉 x

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