fill in the blank friday.

It’s time to fill in some blanks!  I think you all know the drill:

1.  Read the blanks.
2.  Copy the blanks.
3.  Fill them out on your blog.
4.  Link back here using the McLinky at the end of the post so we can all read what you came up with.
5.  That’s it.  There is no #5.  Now it’s time for…..

Fill in the Blank


1.  The best piece of advice I was ever given was     that it’s about the journey not the destination.  Sometimes the best experiences are the “side experiences”   .

2.  If I had a million dollars to give to one charity I would give it to     Living Water International .

3.  If I got to choose my “last meal” it would be      margherita pizza, ginger ale, and warm chocolate bread pudding with vanilla bean ice cream for dessert   .

4.  My hair is     sort of crazy actually.  It’s a beastly mane that I’ve only begun to learn how to tame in recent years, but it still gets out of line sometimes    .

5.  If at first you don’t succeed   join the club.  We all suck at things sometimes, the goal is to find a way to suck less  Good luck with that   .

6.  I have always been very      much a people pleaser.  I always want everyone to like me and have a really hard time with confrontation – I’ve always been a peace maker for sure   .

7.  Oh….and by the way….      can I just tell you how excited I am that it’s the weekend? Cause…I am.  I am feeling beyond burnt out lately.  I think it’s a lack of vitamin D…let’s just blame it on that    .

Hope you all made it through the week without too many bumps or bruises… I know I’ve had my share this week.  Here’s to a better weekend!



  1. Woot! One more excuse to procrastinate!

  2. i’m definitely a people pleaser too! i just want everyone to like me and to be happy.
    and yayyy weekend! hope yours is amazing 🙂

    xo tiffany

  3. That’s one of my favorite advices of all time.
    I have this habit of watching couples whenever I’m at the mall or somewhere. If I see them talking while walking, I tell myself that they’re a happy couple ── for me, it’s the simplest yet perfect example of the journey being more important than the destination 🙂
    “..find a way to suck less” I totally agree with ya. That’s another good advice.

  4. ooh love your best piece of advice, so true 🙂 and your last meal dessert sounds yummy im putting that on my *want to try* list lol! have a great, much needed weekend!

  5. I like the advice you were given. Did Miley give it to you from her song The Climb? jk, but that’s what I thought of first. It’s a great inspirational song! I’ll have to check out that charity you linked to. Pizza sounds sooooooo good right now. Actually, I’ve been thinking about pizza all week. Sad? It’s true. I. WANT. PIZZA. Sometimes I can be a people pleaser too and wish I could take a couple steps back from being that way. And I’m so excited it’s the weekend too! And my spring break!!! YAYYYYYYYY!!!

  6. Hooray for crazy hair!

  7. I am completely with you on number 6 Lauren. I’m totally the same way.

  8. my friend joshua works for living water! awesome!
    and for a last meal i think that sound superb…but i would do choc molten cake! yummmmm!
    and yes i love the join the club response!!!!
    june june june june!

  9. I am a people pleaser as well, but I think I’m sort of getting out of that?! I definitely want to make people happy…but it’s important to do what I think is right and not worry so much about what those around me think! Also–I hope you’re weekend is full of lots of fun stuff (and that you take lots of photos, because I love your photo posts!)!

  10. i did it 🙂 and i really enjoyed reading yours Lauren!! i must admit: it’s quite fun to play along.. thanks for letting us do it 🙂


  11. have a great weekend Lauren! I hope you can de-stress and relax 🙂

  12. i love the “best husband” ribbon 🙂 and photo booth strips! is that a magnet? (the vase thing)

    i always look forward to fill in the blanks… what a hit lauren! 🙂 xo

  13. I love number 5.

    Come join in my little vintage exchange.

  14. Yay! I was actually able to make time this week to play along with your fill in the blanks. I don’t know why this makes me so happy, but it does. 🙂 Have a great weekend!

  15. The best advice no doubt ..its all about the journey ..if the journey is worth it reaching the destination would complete the experience ..
    and love the photo booth strips ..
    This is becomin such a fun feature ..thanks Lauren !! hope you have a relaxin weekend ..

  16. oh Love this!

  17. I totally agree with #4, I’m in the exact same boat. And #5…hilarious!! (and true)

  18. I love your blog!! I referred you on MY blog!!

  19. i’m really loving your piece of advice and choice of last meal…mmm margarita pizza sounds delish!

    have a beautiful weekend pretty lady!

  20. #6 is priceless!

  21. I have always been a people pleaser too. As you point out- it’s nice when it means you are making peace. However, it can get ROUGH to try and please everyone. My husband always reminds me (he’s a teacher) you can please a lot of people a lot of the time, but you can’t please everyone all of the time. I try to keep this in mind.

  22. awwww…I missed it. Oh well…I am enjoying time away from my usual routine so that is ok. Hopefully I can make it next week. 😀 Ha, I am a people pleaser too…join the club. 😉 Happy Sunday. xoxo

  23. So fun – I like it! I’ll have to get McLinky and do this!

    A.Co @ A.Co est. 1984

  24. I love this idea. Cute! Will do soon x

  25. I randomly came across your blog and its SOO fun! I dunno how to do this whole blog thing–I’ll learn eventually =]

    Here are my answers!

    1. The best piece of advice I was ever given was: From my mom, and she said “You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time. This helped me out a lot, considering the fact that I was such a “people pleaser” I hated disappointing people but realized that I’m only human– Those that love and know me know that I love them, despite not always being able to do what they want when they want it.

    2. If I had a million dollars to give to one charity I would give it to: Faith Comes By Hearing, which is an organization that records audio bibles in TONS of languages for those ALL over the world that may not be able to read and write, considering the fact that most of the world are Audio learners and pass down information through oral story telling.

    3. If I got to choose my “last meal” it would be A Greek Salad from Jerusalem Cafe and Lemon Raspberry cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory!

    4. My hair is Probably what stresses me out the most!! I don’t know if I want it natural or relaxed!! UGH!!

    5. If at first you don’t succeed TRY AGAIN!! why give up so easily?!

    6. I have always been very Happy and silly for no apparent reason and Loud!–the truth is that I can hardly hear out of my left ear–haha.

    7. Oh….and by the way…. I’ve lost about 5 inches in my waist and 21lbs! Thanks Nisha!!


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