fill in the blank friday.

Fill in the Blank

Last week 88 of you played along and filled in blanks.  Hopefully I can keep coming up with questions so we can all keep playing this little game.  If you’re new around here, feel free to play along, either by filling in the blanks and posting them on your blog and then linking your post back here (using the McLinky at the end of this post), or by answering the questions in the comment section.  Now let’s get started…..

1.  Today I am wearing     stripey grey and white dress, grey tights, boots, belt and a red cardigan   .

2.  My favorite childhood food was     a package of chocolate hostess mini donuts   and my favorite food  now is   …I don’t think I can just choose one.  Still donuts, but I also love pretty much all cheeses and Thai food.  I LOVE Thai food  .

3.  A day that I am too busy to      snuggle up with Marley and Craig    is a day that I am too busy.

4.  The last movie I saw was      “Cop Out”     and the next movie I want to see is     Kick Ass”  Watch the trailer.  Real life super heroes?  Ummm…awesome   .

5.  My favorite smell is      clean laundry   because,      it is a rare and lovely smell that makes me feel warm and cozy inside (you’d think I’d do laundry more then, right? Wrong.)   .

6.  A weird little quirk I have is      That I always have to have all my tchotchkes at particular angles.  It’s the OCD in me coming out.  When people pick up a picture frame or coffee table book at my house I must sneakily readjust it once they leave the room   .

7.  When I take personality quizzes they always say I’m      an extrovert, but only by a couple of points.  I’m kind of an introvert at times too though    .

Hope you have a lovely 



  1. Clean laundry is a nice smell! Especially when they have been sun dried in the blistering heat and the clothes are all stiff, everything smells so clean and of the sun.

  2. I am sooo happy that I finally got to join Fill In The Blank Friday. I finally did my first entry.Ü I totally understand the OC-ness that you feel when this urge to adjust a picture frame or a coffee table book. OCs unite!

  3. clean laundry is my absolute favorite smell as well! i love it. no matter how sick i feel or great i feel that smell never bothers me. i love it. and your outfit sounds soo cute! oh and how was cop out? i haven’t seen that one yet.. i want to go see a movie this weekend..not sure what to see! hope you have a happy friday lauren!

  4. I love doing these fill in blanks! 🙂

  5. I’ve got an award for you over at my blog, if you do the whole “blog award” thing. If you don’t, at least you know that there’s one more person out there who really enjoys following your blog.

  6. OH I love the idea of fill in the blank Fridays! I read this from Little Mrs. Married and now I’m going to do my own post :). Thanks!!!

  7. Clean laundry is my FAVE smell too.. love it. And your outfit sounds super cute.

  8. ahh I loved those chocolate mini donuts! I can almost taste them now. sigh I need some to turn my morning around!

    Have a great weekend Lauren!

  9. If you run out of questions for the FITB, maybe you can ask one person to guest blog with their questions on your blog once in a while… 🙂

  10. yay for fill in the blank friday!
    your outfit sounds cute- you seriously have amazing style-im jealous! 🙂

  11. i love the sound of your outfit today! grey is my new favorite color!

  12. i’ve missed doing this last week when i was on vacay! I just got done doing mine 🙂 they are always so much fun lauren!

    j’adore your answer for #3 🙂

  13. Fridays is soo much fun thanks to your fun feature Lauren ..i simply love fillin in the blanks and then reading up all others …love your ans # 3 nd # 5 … happy weekend to u !!

  14. Looks like fun! I’ll have to come back again and play along. :> I’m glad I hopped here though….looks like you have a fun online home here! :>

  15. I forgot to link! Just did it 🙂 Hope you’re having a great weekend!

  16. ooh, i loved mini chocolate and powdered donuts… i never liked real donuts though. i love the smell of laundry going in the dryer when you’re standing outside and the the wind blows the smell your way… the best!
    i hope you have a beautiful weekend my friend!
    xo. thanks. xo. thanks.

  17. just found your blog and absolutely love it! 🙂

  18. Wow, my brain isn’t fully awake to answer all those questions, but the last one caught my eye. Every time I take personality quizzes, it says I’m a strong-minded, determined introvert.

    As for questions, have you ever read The Book of Questions? GREAT book! xoxo

  19. i love the clean laundry smell. and what do you do when someone picks up a photo or book at your house? i was confused?

  20. Clean laundry is an AWESOME smell!!

  21. i love the smell of clean laundry too! and the feel of warm towls right out of the dryer too!

    i think i need to get some of those mini-donuts, i used to eat them all the time on road trips!!

  22. Your outfit sounds adorable! Gray and red are two of my favorite colors…

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