fill in the blank friday (plus…two for one special).

Today and today only you lucky folks get a two for one special….today I’ll be writing my favorite thing about today (#40) AND fill in the blank friday!  First off…..

Let’s fill in some blanks!

here are some other options I toyed with for 
today’s fill in the blank friday photo….

Marley is not a very cooperative model.
1.  One thing I MUST do before I die is     be a mom.  That may sound lame…and that’s not to say I don’t have a million other exciting things I’d like to do….like travel and such, but I think being a mom is quite possibly one of the coolest things you can do with your life.  If I can’t have my own, I’ll adopt.  Either way is perfectly fine with me   .

2.  I would rather     buy new clothes   than   do a load of laundry   any day.

3.  If I could give my younger self one piece of advice it would be     don’t worry about what people think.  You probably won’t be friends with most of these people in the future anyway.  Put time into the people that love you and will always be around  .

4.  If I won the lottery tomorrow I’d      buy a big farmhouse with some land…but not too far from the city, and then put the rest in the bank so I could live off the interest and be a stay-at-home-mom and volunteer at some social service agencies that I’d really love to work with but can’t currently afford to work with because I unfortunately have a mortgage and need to eat sometimes    .

5.  The best surprise ever was     when Craig filled my car to the brim with balloons for Valentine’s Day my senior year in high school    .

6.  My biggest fault is      I’m a total push-over.  I have a hard time telling people no and standing up for myself.  I’m working on this though and actually getting a little better at it   .

7.  My biggest strength is     I guess that I’m a people person.  I’m friendly and I can get along with most anyone and I think usually make people feel welcomed and comfortable and (hopefully) not judged in most any situation    .

Play along with this little game if you like!  Just copy the questions and post your answers on your blog and then link back here using the McLinky below (at the VERY end of the post) so myself and others can see how you filled in your blanks.


My favorite thing 
about today was….


Today at work I remembered why I work with kids.  They make me terribly happy.  We do show and tell in our class and this week’s letter was the letter “T”.  So today at the request of one of my favorite little kiddos (I know, I know…you’re not supposed to have favorites….sue me!) we had a Tea Party….because it starts with the letter “T” of course!  They were so cute and being so classy about it.  We had little shortbread cookies and they kept calling them “tea cakes” along with our decaffeinated earl grey tea (honey and milk was added and they actually drank it!).  We showed them how to raise their pinkies while they drank tea and they were being so proper.  One little girl took it upon herself to play hostess and pour everyone’s tea, and I overheard another little girl talking to her friend Will…but calling him “William”….I think she must’ve thought it sounded fancier that way :).  I had some cute photos, but sadly I can’t post them….so here are some cute teacups to look at instead…you get the gist.


Then in the afternoon I got to watch a play put on by my last year’s class.  It was the cutest thing ever.  They wrote it, directed it, made the costumes, “set”, etc…..  It was called….

They made it a black tie affair and had their families come in and watch the DVD of the performance (they were to nervous to perform it live) and everyone got dressed up and there was a red carpet and everything.  
They made “tickets” and they even had a ticket collector sitting at the door.  It was freaking adorable.  I can’t even tell you how proud I was of them.  They were my very first class I ever taught at my school, so I think they’ll always be my favorite.
OK…I promise that’s it.  
Thanks for being patient with my long post.

Happy weekending!


Oh…and go sign-up for the giveaway if you haven’t done so.  It’s a good one!


  1. DITTO on #2 and #3! That’s so adorable about “William”! Have a happy Friday! I’ll play along tomorrow I think. Right now is time for bed.

    xx Vivian @

  2. Sounds like a great day, kids can be so adorable! I too need help with #6, sometimes you just can’t be so nice! Have a great weekend Lauren 🙂

  3. Oh what a cute idea! I really like that tea party, and your making them cultured that way and getting a little etiquette in there too. 🙂

  4. love your posts, no matter how long girl. 🙂
    happy friday!!!! 🙂

  5. Aw, I love Marley! Great pics!

  6. I love your 2nd fill in the blank, I’ve definitely boughten new socks instead of folding the heap on the drier before.
    Also, your kiddos sound way too freaking cute! Both the tea party and play are wonderful and it sounds like the school you teach at is a great place for kids to learn and grow.

  7. oh my goodness! your things i love was just so sweet. lately i’ve been playing with the idea of becoming a teacher, and it’s reading things like this that push me closer to it every day! thanks for sharing lauren 🙂

  8. Aw, i love it!!! I love the tea party story! 🙂

  9. I love the Fill in the Blank photo with Marley. Malu and I want a full German Shepherd for our next dog, whenever that will be. I have to head to work now, but I’ll read more about your Friday when I get back!

  10. Ooh I just love the picture I get in my head of a car filled with balloons on Valentine’s Day- so amazing and bigger props because he was still in high school doing those sweet things! Go Craig! (The man makes beds too! Lucky you!!) Have a great weekend Lauren:)

  11. holy freaking cow i just LOVE miss marley! i could just kiss that big black nose, love me some puppers!

  12. awww! those kids are soo cute! i love that the little girl called him william! haha, that is too funny. i love little kids.. and i love all of your fill in the blanks 🙂 i want nothing more than to be a mom someday too! and i can be a total pushover as well… i feel like i am getting better at it..but then sometimes i feel like i am getting worse..hehe. oh well. i love how you got marley to model! she is soo cute! i love the one on her nose..

    anyway, i love you girl! have a fabulous friday!!

  13. I love the tea party story. Teaching is one of the hardest jobs in the world but these moments make it SO worth it.

    Have a wonderful weekend 🙂

  14. Marley is such a sweet model. And yay for wanting to be a mother first and foremost 🙂
    Thanks for doing this Fill in the Blank Friday! I look forward to it every week!

  15. Kids melt my heart. How cute that she was calling him “William” and eating tea cakes. Too darn cute!

  16. I wanna be a mom 🙂

    Have a great great weekend 🙂

  17. THAT IS SO CUTE!!!! about the kids! oh my gosh. Sometimes I think I would love to be a teacher (for a little while at least) but only little kids. Older ones are jerks. (kidding kind of) and I agree, the one thing I must do before I die is have kids. I can’t wait to be a mommy. I also want to get married.

  18. I love Marley! She is so cute!

  19. The tea party sounds so adorable! Marley is a fabulous model! Too cute!

  20. loved this post! 🙂

  21. How fun is that?! I sometimes secretly wish I were a teacher of some sort! 🙂

  22. Ugh–Marley is too cute. Also, I love that those kids played right along with the tea party and even tried to fancy it up on their own! That’s so adorable!

  23. HOW MUCH FUN it must be you to work with adorable kids every day 🙂 i love the red carpet!

    and your dog is so photogenic! ha. Maverick would never stay still unless she was REALLY sleepy.

    #6 i’m the same… i can never say no. This has meant taking on more projects that stress me out and working two jobs 😉


  24. 1 and 3 are my total favorites. i MUST agree with number 1. it’s what i was going to put as well. ♥

  25. I love how much we have in common! I completely agree about would pick 1-4, 6 and 7 for mine too (not joking). I’m a total pushover, but a people person. I want to be a mom more than anything one day and I totally would rather buy clothes than do laundry (speaking of which..) And I would want a farmhouse just close enough to a city but far enough that it’s peaceful, quiet and romantic.

    Your number 5 made me melt. Is Craig the sweetest guy ever? I think so! Love the balloon filled car 🙂

    Have a great weekend Lauren!

  26. Marley is so cute, I just want to reach through the computer and scrather her neck and rub her belly. I love german shepherds, and I miss the one who lived with me at my dad’s house.

    I can totally relate to #3 and #6. I hope that when I’m a mom I can make my child understand that they shouldn’t spend their childhood and teenagehood (I know, it’s made) worrying about being cool and having other people like their clothes and everything else. It’s such a waste, and for what? And I’m also a push over. I hate it, and I wish I could change it so bad, but it’s a part of me, permanently, just like my freckles!

    I’m glad you had fun at your tea party and I hope you have a good weekend! xo

  27. cute idea with the fill in the blanks 🙂 i’ll have to do that sometime. i’m a new follower 🙂

  28. Marley is such a cute dog ..and i totally love the surprise you got was indeed the best ..
    happy weekend !!

  29. I love your thoughts on children. Your students are so lucky to have you for a teacher, and your someday-children will be so blessed to have you for a mom.

    And Marley is way cute with the heart on his nose.

  30. Sweet! Happy Sunday 🙂


    I love love love kids. a Tea Party! that sounds so cute. I’ve had many teaching and nanny jobs, but I just got a new one teaching special ed and I am in love with it already. It is more challenging than with regular kids, but it is so rewarding as well. and I’ve only had it for two days!! but I can tell. Plus I got paid to watch The Little Mermaid — WHAAAT?!

    oh also, your dog is adorable…dogs get so ashamed looking when you put things on them!! I once filled my boyfriends car w/ balloons for his bday, along with clues that led him on a scavenger hunt to me/his gift. I’m a total pushover as well, and feel like I’m a total people person too 🙂

  32. I just clicked through to this post and felt compelled to post your first answer to the first question….

    “”1. One thing I MUST do before I die is be a mom. That may sound lame…and that’s not to say I don’t have a million other exciting things I’d like to do….like travel and such, but I think being a mom is quite possibly one of the coolest things you can do with your life. If I can’t have my own, I’ll adopt. Either way is perfectly fine with me .”””

    How amazing is that? You’re a mom now, you fulfilled the most important thing on your priority list, one that I share with you and look forward to, and one that you’re SO good at! Congrats Lauren!

    <3 <3 <3

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