how to….fool people into thinking you’re suzy homemaker.

Kicking off the first of (hopefully) many “how to….” posts will be…!  Hope you don’t mind.  I promise I’ve got a lot of great bloggers lined up for future posts.  Get excited!  Oh…and if you’ve got any great ideas and would like to guest blog in the future, feel free to e-mail me with your idea at: (

Many of you may think I’m pretty domestic.  While it is true that I have my moments, it’s also true that I’ve got my cheater tricks.  So, here are some of my tricks for fooling people into thinking I’m Suzy Homemaker…even though I’m not!

1. Own an apron.  

No matter what you’re doing when guests come to dinner (even if you’re a half hour behind on the meal because you got sucked into a marathon of “What Not To Wear” episodes) they will instantly assume you were being a busy little bee if you’re wearing an apron when you answer the door.

2. Have a few easy go-to recipes.


Having recipes that are tried and true will make last-minute dinner guest stress a thing of the past.  Crock pot recipes are my favorite.  Pulled pork with chipotle coleslaw is the fan favorite around here.  Literally, it consists of throwing a pork loin in your crock pot and pouring in two bottles of your favorite BBQ sauce and a splash of apple cider vinegar (turn on low for 10 hours).  Buy a bag of coleslaw and add in mayo to your taste and a bit of apple cider vinegar plus chipotle hot sauce.  Put pork & coleslaw on buns.  Serve.  That’s it!


Having a signature alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink does wonders for your Suzy Homemaker reputation.  Craig makes a mean Mojito, but my non-alcoholic signature summer drink is:  Blackberry limeade.  Buy canned limeade frozen concentrate and frozen blackberries.  Mix limeade in a pitcher.  Defrost berries in microwave.  Add to limeade and mix in sugar to taste.  You can also do this with lemonade.  Throw a couple of mint leaves in and some lemon slices for garnish if you feel like getting fancy.


I have a quick summer berry gratin recipe that I love and is SO easy.

Also, I try to have some baking mixes that are tasty enough to make people think you baked it yourself….maybe dust a bit of flour on your face so you look the part of baker extraordinaire.  Two of my fakie-baking helpers are:

Trader Joe’s truffle brownie mix
Betty Crocker Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix

3. Have places to stash junk.

Every girl needs some hiding places to throw stuff during those freak out moments when people will be showing up any moment and the house looks like a tornado blew through it.  Here’s (one of) mine:
4. Only legitimately clean what you have to.
The most important areas to clean that will make the rest of the house seem instantly cleaner are:

*Wipe down the toilet and sink. (Don’t mind the water spots on mine…)
*Make the bed.  Nothing makes my room seem tidier….even when I have a heaping pile of clothes in the corner.

*Throw random crap in the aforementioned junk closet.

*Do dishes…or in a pinch just throw them in the dishwasher, pre-scrub as a good hiding spot until later.
5. Have cards and gifts on hand.
Part of the junk hiding in that closet I showed you happen to be gifts.  When I see gifts on the cheap I pick them up, because you never know when you’ll need something for a birthday you forgot.  Ooops!  Don’t worry….these are gifts for co-workers or far-removed relatives, not those who are near and dear.  I also stockpile my cards, making a bunch at once so I always have one for any occasion.  As for wrapping…brown craft paper gift bags and white tissue paper are my staples.  I get them at Dollar Tree, and they can be instantly dressed up with a little paper cut-out heart, a rubber stamp, or a bit of raffia.  Since they’re a neutral color they work for guys, girls, babies, weddings, bar mitzvahs….whatever!
6.  When all else fails put on something pretty.
Sometimes you just don’t have the time or energy to fake it.  In this situation, just throw on a pretty dress and red lipstick.  If you look and feel confident all eyes will be on you…. instead of the heaping pile of laundry sitting in your living room :).
Hope this how-to was helpful (or at least mildly entertaining)!  And don’t forget to e-mail me if you have ideas for these posts!



  1. SOOO cute! What a fun post/idea.

    I so agree with #1 – I’m no Suzy Homemaker, but I always feel like my apron seriously ups my cred 😉 Def going to try that Blackberry limeade mixture this summer!

    Where is your comforter/duvet from? I lovelovelove it.

  2. this made me laugh! i do have a kick ass apron (it was my grandma’s & its lime green) and a go to dessert (cake mix cookies).I am one of those crazy people that have to make the bed before I leave for work so I’m good on that. love your bedding!
    (if all else fails throw some vodka in with your limeade. they’ll never know how clean the house is after a few).

  3. What a GREAT post! So funny because I use some of the SAME tricks myself!! ha ha – hey, a girls gotta do, what a girls gotta do, right?!?!


  4. GREAT Post Lauren! Love the Apron trick! 😉
    And the TJ’s Truffle Brownie Mix is no longer a well-kept secret at my office. Everyone loves it and the cookie version too. Just sprinkle some powdered sugar on top and everyone thinks the cook slaved away. 🙂

    xx Vivian @

  5. I love these tips… the apron thingy is fabulous. And I love the part to sprinkle some flour in your face to look like you really did all the baking from scratch.

    Have a great day Lauren! I really enjoyed reading your tips. xoxo

  6. ha ha ha i loved this post – so very true 🙂
    i also throw everything into one room or place and close the door.
    always make the bed and pack dishes away 🙂

    thanks for the post 🙂

  7. So adorable! I could definitely use this post, as I am NOT Suzy Homemaker!

  8. What great ideas. I am not Suzie Homemaker by any means but this will help me give that appearance anyway. I love the blackberry limeade recipe.

  9. Ooh, I’ve gotta get an apron.
    I’m the master at hiding clutter. My mom was a really neat and tidy neatfreak when I was growing up (i called her Mom-ica…like Monica on Friends), and I became really artful in how I hid my clutter from her.
    and spot cleaning the problem areas, that is super efficient. what a brilliant post 🙂

  10. This was a GREAT post! So clever and yes, entertaining! I didn’t know you made cards, but you are really talented, I love them! Great tips in your ‘How to…’
    If I come up with anything for this new feature, I will be sure to email you!

  11. 🙂 Love this post! There are a few aprons at Anthro I’ve had my eye on … maybe I’ll go get one!

  12. I’m convinced! Thanks for making me smile this morning. 🙂

  13. I think this is adorable! And so true. I feel like all of these things help you seem like Ms. Suzy even if you mess up boiling water!

    Can’t wait for more of this series!

    x, ash

  14. Um…that is really pretty wonderful and definitely made the start of my day.
    I think having an appetizer helps to fool people too, then they think you’ve REALLY put time into having them over.

  15. lol, i LOVED this post! i definitely think wearing an apron will make you look like a busy bee, even if you really aren’t! and it will instantly make the food you make taste better b/c ppl will think you are an awesome cook, hehe. and i DEFINITELY only clean what i have to before people come over… i should really keep my house clean all the time, but there’s never enough hours in one day!

  16. oh lauren! i love this and you are so funny! your still domesticated though
    ! i loved this one!
    im working on mine hee hhee i hope you like it!
    you can come over to my house and make me something to eat please…hahaha maybe in cali you will make a feast. ill make guac.:)
    xo b

  17. love these ideas!
    i’ll definitely be putting them to use when josh and i have our home.
    haha. the apron one is my fave. 🙂

    you make such cute cards, btw!
    they’re adorable.

  18. awww! this was such a great post! i LOVED it!! i loved getting another tour of your cute house! and i am going to for sure have to try some of these quick recipes! i am all about quick and easy..and if i can look domestic in the process? why not eh? i used to have an awesome apron but i let my cousin borrow it for halloween, i better get that back asap! love you girl! hope you have a great day!

  19. Love this because I so do these!

  20. You kill me. Who needs to really be domestic when they can pretend to be? 🙂

  21. Love it! Great job on your first how-to post. Adding blackberry limeade to my grocery list right now.

  22. Mildly entertaining? This was AWESOMELY entertaining!

  23. hahaha cute! my favorite is the place to stash junk..i think i have to many of those places.

    and the apron..i sure do have a cute one now 🙂

  24. i love this post.

    it is super fun to see your ideas, and i agree with every single thing you said.

    you are so clever and cute.

    oh, and i want craig’s mojito recipe.


  25. I need to buy an apron! But otherwise I also have my easy to make recipes, that will blow people away, my junk closet is more of a junk room, is that a sign that we have too much space? Love the post, and look forward to more of them.

  26. Oh little suzy homemaker…You’re too cute! I still can’t get over how much I love the window frames that hang above your bed. You have created such a nice home:)

  27. helpful and entertaining
    miss lauren homemaker!
    love this post and i look forward to more!

    mucho love my friend!
    miss you!

    xo. thanks.
    xo. thanks.

  28. Great post! Since I can’t cook to save my life, and I’ve banned from the kitchen ever since the Grilled Cheese Incident of 1993 (who knew a simple little sandwich could almost cause a fire? :p), I guess I’ll have to resort to throwing on something pretty and putting an apron over it.

  29. This post was so cute & fun! I love it! Im gonna try out your blackberry limeaide!!

  30. Great post, and so funny. We totally have a junk closet.

  31. ADORABLY entertaining and now … i’m hungry.

  32. SOOO cute! Love this post!! Great first “How to” post!! =)

  33. This was hilarious, now I know why flour was all over your face last time I was over….j/k

    You go to many bar mitzvahs friend?

    This made my stressful day a little brighter!

  34. omg, LOVE IT!

  35. Oh- I wish I could be as good of a hostess as you are! 🙂 I love this post. I am a fairly good cook & I love to bake, my one down fall, is I do not deep clean unless I know people are coming out for dinner or drinks or whatever. 🙂 And if a friend stops by unannounced, I just about die.

  36. Loved the how-to! You have great tips! I sometimes wear my apron in the front yard to check the mail, now my whole neighborhood things I’ve got the Suzy Homemaker thing going for me.
    I’ve been seeing the recommendation for gift closets quite a bit lately, I’m going to have to get one started. My usualy problem isn’t forgetting to get a gift or card, it’s getting one then forgetting it give it until the moment has passed.

  37. I love this! And I’m totally gonna try the apron thing 🙂

  38. I love this! And I’m totally gonna try the apron thing 🙂

  39. haha, this is too cute! 😉

  40. Those were totally helpful suggestions. I totally agree about making the bed, it instantly really makes the bedroom look clean, even if the floor is covered.

  41. That was so much fun… tricks like these are amazing. I too buy my gifts sometimes a year in advance, plus little extras I find on clearance. Everyone knows if they’re strapped for a gift they’ll ask me to run to my “gift closet” 🙂

  42. What a great post! it was helpful and funny! made me feel a bit better about some of my shortcuts too! thanks for the tips

  43. Haha! This is great! And, seriously, aprons are so key.

  44. eeek! best ‘how to’ ever! thanks for the tips!!

  45. amazing! I’m stealing some of these tips. That TJ brownie mix is the best! Seriously it tastes homemade. I’m going to email you mine by Friday 🙂

  46. o lauren! u’re such a cutie in that apron =)


  47. Oh my this is AWESOME! I LOVE IT. I could use every tip. I even already own an apron as well as know how to cook a delish dessert. Now I just need a place to stash my junk and make my bed and I’m there. HILARIOUS! Thanks again for sharing 🙂

  48. Lauren! You are so real & so cute! I love it!

    Great post! I LOVE that TJ Brownie mix. YUM, yum! xo

  49. You’re a master of trickery! I’ve got one (or ten) too many of those handy hiding places for when things to be picked up in a hurry. Chris’ grandma has a habit of showing up unannouned ALL the time, and since I’ve always got several projects going on at once, I’ve had to learn to cram in a hurry!

  50. Kudos to you! I think this series is ingenious. I can’t wait to try your blackberry limeade.

  51. I don’t even own an apron. And I’ve been married for 6 years!!

  52. this is brilliant; very funny and insightful! my fave is the apron trick…must pick one up! and your homemade cards are so cute!

  53. I love you for writing this. Such good advice. You’re awesome!

  54. Love it!! Don’t kid yourself you totally are susy homemaker!

  55. you are prob my favorite person ever. i need many tips on how to appear as a homemaker. or how to be a homemaker. i own 3 aprons. and none of them have ever been used. need i say more???

  56. Ha, I love this post. You are too cute. I say keep ’em coming 🙂 -kel

  57. I think you are a pretty great Suzy Homemaker….of the 21st Century! 🙂 Even though Craig gave away your secret (loudly) about the pulled pork…

  58. perfect for a soon-to-be-married girl like myself! thank you!!

  59. you’re too cute! i love wearing an apron… i got a vintage polka dot ruffly one for Christmas, but I’ve been making my own (taking ages though, i’m on hiatus) that I can’t wait to wear!

    your blackberry limeade sounds hecka easy and delicious! mm. must try.

    i love your homemade cards as well!!! i LOVE making cards, it makes me so happy 🙂

  60. I love this!

  61. I love your Hot To posts! Please keep them coming!
    I’m going to be moving to my own apartment soon, and I now know that I must get an apron to go along with it.

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