how to….turn dirty hair into pretty hair.

The first guest blogger for my
a girl who I absolutely adore. 
I always joke about how all of us bloggers probably seem way more interesting on our blogs than we are in real-life.  That’s not to say that we’re liars or anything, but I think we all just tend to perceive others as more interesting than ourselves.  Not this lovely lady.  I’m pretty sure Brandi is just as exciting in real-life as she comes across on her blog.  She’s a hair stylist and all around creative genius who’s married to a super cool musician and is always traveling all over the place. 

So…without further ado….
meet Brandi.

hi im brandi from sunchild salon & muchomuchobuenobueno. i was super stoked when lauren asked me to create a how to but then i couldn’t decide on what to do. i wanted to do something hair related bc thats what i know but wow what to choose. then i thought about it hard and i figured since i’m always preaching about the importance of not washing your hair everyday i’d show y’all what you can do with your hair when it looks dirty or greasy on day 2.

so on day 2 my hair looks like the first photo, bangs usually look more seperated but for some reason they look ok.
(you may wash your bangs in the sink only on day 2.)
i would curl away from face in the front. and whatever direction in the back.
since my hair has moroccan oil in it from yesterday i didn’t need to put anything in it today.
i have to grab on top because the right side of my hair is growing out from being shaved. yes i did it on purpose:) watch me shave it
with that section you can do a simple braid and over direct it the direction your bangs flow.

i chose the french braid so it would look thicker.
i like to tease my hair when its dirty just to make it look less weighed down.

you may want to go back and curl again, if you want to get the peices you didn’t reach before

i like my hair messy, the messier the better, i like that laid back beachy look.

i loved this look but i am in 2 weddings so im growing it out.

smooth it out more if you want..i haven’t even touched hairspray in this pic but don’t be afraid of it. hairspray is your friend when you want lift or hold:)
ill prob make it messier.

i hope this how to was helpful and encourages you to play with your hair more. i love helping out and if i inspired just 1 person then it was worth it! if you have any hair questions feel free to contact me over at my blog or twitter. don’t be shy:)

Hope this “how to….” was helpful!
If any of you have any talents you’d like to share 
in the form of a “how to” post, 
send me an e-mail:

P.S. If you’re looking for a healthy little snack check out my guest post over at The Skinny today!

P.P.S. if you haven’t entered my Le Creuset giveaway yet go check it out!


  1. omg I love it!! I wish my hair was long enough to look as cute! I need a hair trim SO BAD!

  2. oh I loved that, I loved the braid (loved it yesterday when I saw it in your blog too)! Ill try to make it

  3. I love it… I must admit i wash my hair everyday cause it always looks dirty and strange on day 2… but I’ll try this! Thanks Brandi 🙂

  4. Great idea this How to! You are both two of my favourite blogs so I was so happy when i saw one of the mucho mucho bueno girls on your page! and her advices are just great and easy to realize!
    Hugs from france!

  5. this is awesome – i am terrible with my hair, never know what to do with it and i always just get frustrated… it only ever looks good by accident so maybe i’ll try this and see what happens!

  6. looove brandi!
    and i’m pretty sure you’re 100% right about how her life is just as neat as it appears to be on her blog.
    she’s a doll. 🙂

    i loved this how-to.
    very super helpful!
    and the last picture is so funny to me.
    🙂 ha.
    or maybe she’s being angelic…WHATEVER.

  7. This is so cute! Maybe I’ll try it out but I’m notoriously bad with curling irons.
    Lauren, I agree that Brandi is probably just as awesome in real life.

  8. Very cool “How-To”, thanks girls!
    My hair is always so greasy after a day that I can’t go out without washing it but this looks easy and do-able. Have to try it soon- thanks so much!

  9. thanks lauren that was super fun!
    hope your friends like it and try it out!

  10. I have to get used to LETTING my hair be dirty before I try this, I think.

  11. i meant to also say thankyou for all the super sweet words! i think your super cool too! and i look up to how domesticated you are! such a good wife! and awesome friend!

  12. Oh I love this look, but my hair would never be that good when i hadnt washed it!

  13. I’m trying to transition into not washing my hair everyday and this is great! Do suggest any of the dry shampoos? I like the bumble and bumble hair powder, but any other recommendations?

  14. Cute! I wish my hair was longer so I could do that! =)

  15. very cute! Thanks for the “How to”

  16. Brandi is freaking awesome!! i loved this post!! i want to go home and try this on my hair right now! LOVE it. love you both!!

  17. you are SO adorable! problem is my hair’s notsomuch long enough to do this right now 🙁 but i’ll keep it in mind for the future, i am TOTALLY a every 2 or 3 days hair-washer 🙂

  18. ok.. i’m starring, bookmarking, saving this post in any way i can because i live for 2nd, 3rd, 4th.. ok yea, day hair! my hair is so thick so washing it every day is out of the question, it would break in half. is she adorable or what!? love her, and you’re right.. she seems like she’d be totally amazing in real life too!

  19. i LOVE this!
    i loved it in her post on her wedding outfits and i’m so glad she did a how to post.
    i’m so going to try this… don’t know if i can pull it off, but i’ll try!
    thanks b! thanks lauren! love you both MUCHO!

  20. Her hair looks amazing! I doubt I would have the same results, but I will try.

    Thanks for sharing.

  21. Thats so prettyyyy!!!! <3

  22. she is great I love her!! So going to try this!!

  23. LOVED this “how to”! i wish i could french braid my own hair like that!

  24. Wow – her hair looks awesome! I want to try this. I’m an avid wash my hair everyday type of girl because my hair is so greesy the next day that it shines. I love that braid though. Thanks for the how-to – it’s awesome! 🙂

  25. what a great how-to! i love it!

  26. I loved this post. I have oily hair, so I stopped using conditioner, but I still feel the need to wash it every day because my bangs turn piecey. But hey- I’ll wash just my bangs- what a brilliant idea. Why didn’t I think of that?

  27. woo hoo! I love this post!! I’m a dedicated every other day washer and my hair tends to be on the dry side so I never have any of the grease issues. In fact, my hair is easier to style on day two…

    anyhow, I am totally going to attempt this look tomorrow! I’ve done the one braid thing before but not since I cut bangs so this will be a fun experiment. promise to post pics 😉

    thanks brandi and lauren!!

  28. can’t wait to try this out!! thanks for another great hair how-to brandi.

  29. This is, as her blog is called “mucho mucho bueno bueno!” Well done Brandi! I can’t wait to use this technique on my 3 day old hair! (yep I go three days been shampoos, sometimes 4, I’m a dirty girl!). I love this series Lauren – keep up the great work! ox

  30. I love it, and it’s great because sometimes I have no idea of cute ways to fix long hair, but this is perfect!

    My braiding skills still need practice, though.

    P.S. I found out about this site called and it makes comparing airfare really easy!

    I hope you’ve had a good day, friend! XO!!!

  31. how cute!!! i’m using braifs all the time now since i cut my hair super short 🙂

  32. Oh my gosh – brandi is the cutest thing EVER. HAHA. LOVE the hairdo, it’s super cute! But – wow – your hair does NOT look bad/unwashed in the first pic…i miss one day of a wash & it looks like i rubbed baby oil in it. Not exaggerating!

    But you are a cutie!!

  33. brandi, you are 7 kinds of awesome. this is the best post! i love 2nd day hair, it holds style so much better. i am in love with my 3 prong curling iron and pin curls. your hair is so cute & i can’t believe you had it shaved. that takes balls!
    lauren- this a fantastic feature. i need to think of something i can demo.

  34. hey lauren!
    that’s cute what you did with your hair… i really liked it… unfortunately i got my hair cut a weeks ago and now i can barely put it on a ponny tail…
    anyway i think that’s very nice.
    I’m following your blog and grabbing your button… i’m from argentina and it’s being really difficoult to me to get friends on my blog … would you help me?
    hope we can get to know more from each other!

  35. I absolutely love this!!!

  36. I tried this out with my hair this morning and I have to admit that I’m loving the not-showered-but-still-so-put-together look it has created. I feel positively trendy. 🙂

  37. woot woot! go brandi. that was really helpful! its mostly the bangs that look nasty the 2nd day. meh. but i wanna do that braid thing 😀

  38. That was awesome, what a cutie and she’s a great teacher!

  39. i kind of wish i hadn’t just chopped all mine off so i could do this! i’m seriously loving this how-to series!

  40. hehe too cute! i just did this on my hair! definately will be wearing this do’ tomorrow!! 😛

  41. I think you should have brandi do one of these how to hair things once a month! People like me have a long way to go with hair training, one lesson is just a drop in the bucket!

  42. Using rubbing alcohol (the kind that’s like $2 at the drug store) is awesome. I tried the baby powder but it mostly just coats it and smells like you’re trying to cover up dirty hair! Use the 70% kind, and apply w/ a cotton ball, in sections at roots, only where it’s dirty/oily. Any odor will disappear & it absorbs much of the oil very nicely. After 10 min, take a clean dry towel & rub those areas. It will buy you another day of non-washing : )) Best if you do it the night before & sleep on it. Note: if you dye your hair, this could lift a bit of your color, so beware of that.

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