i live for weekends.

This weekend was lovely.
Just the right amount of busy.
Just the right amount of lazy.


Went to a goodbye party for my friend Courtney from work.  Her classroom was next to mine and  I’m going to miss chatting with her during naptime, and her overall hilarity.  She’s such a bubbly and funny person.  But I’m super excited for her and her new position.  

We went to Rontoms.  I’d never been there, but I loved it instantly.  It was kind of like hanging out in your grandparent’s basement.  So laid back but still stylish.  
I’ll definitely be going back. 

After that I came home and watched Project Runway.  I was SO sad Anthony went home.  He was my favorite :(.  Not really his designs, but he was so funny!  Sad to see him go.


Went to Zumba with my mom in the morning and then in the afternoon we took Marley to the dog park.  She gets super excited, so we had to have her practice her listening skills first. She loves the dog park.  Butt sniffing, dirt licking, ball chasing – it’s like doggy heaven.
There was a hillarious husky who took over the “doggie pool” and kept trying to drink the whole thing and dig up the water.  Marley was able to sneak in a couple times though.
Got a lovely gift in the mail from my Claire-Bear.  She lives in California and I miss her terribly, so it was so fun getting mail from her…especially something so pretty!
In the evening we had a date to a little Hawaiian restaurant. 
Dates make me happy.
Then we came home and watched “Old School”.
As much as I love Will Ferrell I’d never seen it!?
It was no “Anchorman”, but still had some funny parts.


Went to church and then had breakfast at
The Blue Pig Cafe with the in-laws.

The wait is long, but the food is so good.
Craig got chicken & waffles.  
I thought it was going to be the grossest thing ever.
I was wrong.  Surprisingly delicious.
I’ll be ordering it next time.
Later my friends Jamie and Ashley came over.
We had Thai food.
Then we watched “The September Issue
and snuggled up on the couch with tea.
I love these girls.
Jamie got me the prettiest gift wrap paper.
I love it, and I think I might frame it.
Isn’t it lovely?
THEN….we watched “Oh Brother Where Art Thou”…
which I’d never seen.  Such a good movie.  And the music
is so fun…I’d heard the music before but it was 
fun seeing how it went with the movie.

So that was my weekend….

Oh…and just for fun, I thought I’d join in with Keely’s “Getting to Know You” blog hop over at Mannland.  I’m only a day late.  Better late than never, right?

1 – Why did you start blogging?

To remember things I liked from other blogs and for creative inspiration.  Also, to blog about hostessing and craftiness, although I do that less now than I’d like to.  The blog has kind of evolved, but I think it’s a good thing, and I’m excited to see where it continues to go.

2 – Who’s the one blog friend that you would want to meet most in “real life”?

There are quite a few.  Hopefully I’ll be meeting them this June.  I’ll also be meeting another one in the fall.  But quite honestly, I’d love to meet so many of you lovely ladies!

3 – Why are you always concerned with losing that “extra 10 pounds” when chances are your husband/boyfriend/friends tell you that you look just fine the way you are?

Because it makes me feel good about myself.  It also makes me feel more confident and happy when I know I’m at a healthy weight.  Also…even though Craig will still think I’m pretty with an extra 10 pounds, I know he thinks I’m even more attractive when I’m healthy and I always want to look pretty for my husband…and not just for myself.

4 – What’s the one thing you wish guys could understand about you?

Craig understands me more than anyone else….even more than I understand myself sometimes, and he’s the only one I care about :).

5 – Tattoos. How many do you have and how many are visible when you wear your “everyday” clothes?

I have a plain black line tattooed on my ring finger.  Craig and I both have our wedding bands tattooed.

6 – What was the best year of your life and why?

I hope it hasn’t happened yet.  I think every year just gets better, and I hope it always does.

7 – Name three things you would do if you were a man for one day.

Pee in the snow.  Pee my name.  Pee outside.  

8 – What’s your alcoholic drink of choice that usually raises a few eyebrows?

I rarely drink….like REALLY rarely, but I suppose my eyebrow raising drink of choice would be whiskey.  It’s not exactly a “girly” drink and I think that catches people off-guard.

Hope you all make it through
Monday!  Oh…and check back
tomorrow for a giveaway!


  1. First off
    “Pee in the snow. Pee my name. Pee outside.”
    This made me laugh, because it is… so true, for a lot of girls 🙂

    Also, I love reading your blog, and I love all the cute ideas you have. Sad to say, I am not a very good Suzie Home-maker myself 🙁

    OH, and Marley… she is precious! Maybe you two should have your own Mommy and me photo shoot on my (rustic/dirty) back porch 🙂


  2. Sounds like a great weekend Lauren! Rontoms looks great and I love your description! And loved learning about your tattoo!

    xx Vivian @ http://diamondsandtulle.blogspot.com

  3. +totally know what you mean about the chicken and waffles! it sounds so gross but it’s actually pretty good.
    +how was the september issue? i’ve been meaning to watch it.
    +that wrapping paper is so pretty!!

    xo tiffany

    have a good week! 🙂

  4. Sounds wonderful. That grandparents basement cafe/restaurant looks amazing I loved the chairs in the picture, if only there was one where I lived.

    also, I lovelovelove project runway!
    Also the gift you received is adorable 🙂

  5. ” Pee in the snow. Pee my name. Pee outside. ” Hilarious. I’d probably just pee once outside but all of these options sound good too. Ha!

    I love yours dogs and yay for friends getting awesome new positions for work!

  6. Sounds like such a heavenly weekend! Tea on the couch is the best!

  7. What a perfect sounding weekend – I love your stitchery gift and that wrapping paper is divine!

    I keep meaning to do, but forgetting, the Getting To Know You! I love your answer to number 7 and I am just the same with number 8 – Jack Daniels is hardly a girly drink but it gets me everytime!

  8. Looks like your doggie had a great time 😀


  9. I’ve been dying to see the September Issue! I think I’ll definitely have to get Thai food and rent it soon. xox

  10. Sounds like a lovely weekend! :). Enjoy your week!

    Loved the “Getting to Know You”.

  11. Whiskey huh? You made me shudder a bit! That is a strong drink lady!

    Glad you had such a wonderful weekend!

  12. awesome paper! awesome weekend! and p.s. your blog is an awesome blend of personal and panache 🙂

  13. i have decided i want to be your friend! you always look like you have tons of fun with your buddies, watchin movies…restaurants…shopping…etc.

    oh…and i love the story about marley and the water hogging husky…


  14. Sabin totally digs at the water too, but only if it’s outside! He cannot leave it in a pool, bowl, puddle…

    Also, the fondue place you went looks sooo fun!

    Hope your Monday is lovely!

  15. Wow, sounds like you had an unbelievably busy, yet lazy weekend! Just like your post says, hehe. Anyway, I love your blog. Happy Monday!

    (please follow.) XOXOX

  16. it does sound like the perfect weekend!
    i love all the gifts you got–so cute!

  17. You always have the best weekends! Seriously, every time Friday rolls around I think about you and how my weekend will be nowhere near as cool.
    Happy monday!

  18. It looks like you had a good weekend! I’ve actually never seen Oh Brother Where Art Thou? but my mother-in-law used to play that darn soundtrack on repeat all day everyday (we work in the same office), and I think I’ve never seen the movie because I got so irritated with her CD!

    I can’t believe you hadn’t seen Old School before! I love that movie! Frank the Tank, Frank the Tank! Oh yeah, and “earmuffs.” I love that, and I LOOOVE Vince Vaughn!

    I hope you have a good Monday! XO

  19. I think it’d be fun to pee my name in the snow..doh! 🙂

    You always eat at the yummiest places..

    Thanks for playing and yes, that paper is super pretty and should definitely be framed..

    Happy Monday!!

  20. haha, i love that you would pee in the snow! i would totally want to do the same thing! and your weekend sounds so awesome! i feel the same about old school.. it’s no anchorman, but still pretty funny! i love that you took marley to a dog park.. so awesome! we might be having more reasons to come up there and visit you…because sean’s brother is planning to go to culinary school in portland in the fall! how cool would that be?? anyway, i miss you lots lovely girl..seriously i do. sean and i had a conversation yesterday with some people about you and how awesome we think you are.. it was pretty neat. sean brought it up and i thought it was so cool that he thinks you are awesome and is glad that we are friends 🙂 anyway, love you friend and hope you have a great monday!!

  21. i like that you and craig got your bands tattooed on.
    that’s a really neat idea.
    i know some people are wary of that kind of stuff, but when you have your person, it just doesn’t matter.
    josh and i are getting something together, also.
    we’re not for sure on what yet, tho. 🙂

    i haven’t seen o’ brother in a really long time.
    when i did see it, i didn’t appreciate it really.
    but i’ve recently gotten really into the coen brothers, so i think i’ll totally love it now.

    have a great week, girl!

  22. Great post. Your weekend sounds like so much fun.

  23. I love weekends that have a perfect amount of lazy and busy. They are the best!

    I’ve heard so much about zumba but I haven’t had the guts to try it yet! It sounds like so much fun!

  24. it sounds like you had a great weekend! and you watched some great movies. I saw the september issue with matthew in the theaters and I think it would be WAY more fun to see with girls 🙂

  25. Your weekend sounds wonderful – you always manage to cram so much in!

    And yes, I am a big fan of whisky too!!


  26. Ahh I can’t wait to visit Portland!! Much love to you… you are darling!! XO

  27. hahahaha pee pee pee!!! and whisky oh my!!!!
    thats y friend saras drink:)

  28. Sounds like an awesome weekend 🙂

  29. DUDE. I looooooove chicken n waffles! You must must must go to Roscoe’s if you ever come to LA. It’s the best, the original. My favorite is fried thigh n smothered onions gravy, and the waffles. It’s so bizarre, but chicken with syrup, waffle with gravy, all 4 combined… it’s all gravy baby.

  30. I love that you tattooed your rings! It would prevent the losing, cleaning, resizing associated with a more tangible one.

  31. such a great weekend! is that fondue?! yum!

  32. This little getting-to-know-you is so fun! I love getting to know you; very interesting 🙂

  33. I love, love, love George Clooney in “Oh Brother Where Art Thou”. He is so goofy and surprisingly normal. Especially with the songs. I watch this movie a lot.

  34. this sounds like a wonderful weekend! the chicken and waffles look delish and i’m dying to see the September Issue too!

  35. I LOVE that you & your hubby have your wedding bands tattooed on, so awesome! We were thinking of having our names written on our wedding fingers in cursive in white ink…not sure yet.

    haha, the pee comments. Hilarious & so true. Guys really do have it easy. Another fancy weekend 🙂

    P.S. How was the September issue!?

  36. okay, so I didn’t want to comment on the giveaway, but I have those Le Creuset dishes… the same sizes I think… and if you really don’t have them, you’d better enter your contest! I can fake enter then you can pick me and keep them? 😉

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