my favorite thing about today #42.

Today I’m cheating.
I’m not writing my favorite thing about today, but….here are 

My favorite things 
about this week are….

*Being exhausted from work on Monday night and having Craig say the three little words that would make any girl’s day:  “Let’s get Thai.”  Sweet nothings have nothing on Thai takeout….especially on a night when cooking is the last thing on the planet that I feel like doing. (FYI…I was so excited I photographed my chopsticks…true story.)

*Dr. Pepper Bonne Bell chapstick.  Can you say throwback?  Found this stuff at the Party store while buying balloons.  I don’t want to think of all the chemicals I’ve been ingesting via this fizzy lip balm, but it’s like reliving my childhood with each swipe, so I’ll take my chances.

*Finding twin strawberries.  I thought it was so cool I posted the photo on facebook with a caption that said “twins!”.  A friend thought I was announcing that I was pregnant…with twins.  Not so much.  How clever would that be though if I was and spent hours digging through crates of strawberries looking for a twin strawberry.  Totally not worth it.  Oh…and I really hope I don’t have twins anyway.  With my luck they’d be twin boy terrors.  No thanks.  Oh…and speaking of miscommunications via social networking sites….feel free to follow me on twitter.  I totally caved to peer pressure a couple months ago and got it.  Tried to be sneaky so Craig wouldn’t find out and harass me.  But he did.  It was a pretty embarassing moment.  I like it better than facebook sometimes though because it’s only blog friends and no “real-life” people to get upset about things they discover about you via facebook stalking. 

*Car rides to work with Craig and Marley and doing silly things on the way there like making Marley wear my headband.  Oh yeah Marley…that’s totally happening.

*Enjoying spring-y birthday decor all week long….I’m totally keeping it up still, cause that’s how I roll.

*The new issue of Real Simple.  Go buy it.  Right now.  If you don’t you’ll miss out on the following useful information:

If your champagne has gone flat, just throw in a few raisins for a couple of minutes before serving.  Voila!  Fizz restored.

Empty wine bottles make great boot shapers.

Dry a hand-wash sweater in no time flat by giving it a quick spin in your salad spinner.  What???  I know.  That’s what I thought too.

*Oh yeah…and P.S. I’m totally making the clock on the cover.  How cool is that?

*Perusing the Liberty & London line at Target.  The prints are so pretty, but not really “me”…still fun to look at though.  And I got to lust after this bed set.  So so pretty.  I want the rosette pillow something fierce.  Dear Target, please send me this…free though.  Thanks.
What were some of your favorite 
things about this week?

Hope your Sunday is lovely.
 …and relaxing!



  1. ummm ok honestly,
    a. i am going to target ASAP and purchasing those articles. i dont like the 24.99 price tag i noticed, but i love those. and need them. ummm now. so ill hit you up on monday and let you know how it went. b. my lovely, did you take these with iphone shakeit? cuz i just got it after noami from rockstar diaries wrote about it and am obsessed. i use it all the time and love the pics, a little embarrassed to say where i got the idea though. c. umm nothing better than thai. and how sweet of your cute hubby. d. we’re meant to be friends e. love real simple. will also be on the list at target. ahhh target.
    thats all for now, now that your eyes are tired of reading.

  2. aw dr pepper chapstick i wish i knew where mine was lol. ooh i love real simple! i never buy it though i always steal my moms hah. ohh that would be the cutest way to announce twins, haha pretty cool strawberry! & your spring decor is so cute i would keep it up too haha those white vases are so nice! hope you have a lovely sunday as well 🙂

  3. i think people should really look at the simple things in life like you’re doing right now. this is such a cute idea :]

    and i love the chopstick picture! ^_^

  4. my fave thing this week was yesterday – i went to an open house at a high school that specializes in fashion and costume design. the works were incredible, inspiring and made me want to enroll!
    (i’ll blog about it soon, maybe even today)

  5. Hi Lauren! 🙂
    It’s my first time on ur blog and only have one thing to tell u, I LOVE IT 🙂
    I’ll be coming here again for sure!

  6. Ill be honest, i had a pretty bad week so not really one to remember… but i loved your post! i went to Liberty yesterday, they have some of the Target collection pieces… love it but not sure about it, I will probably get something for my goddaughter though
    btw, if you want to avoid your bubbly going flat you can put a metallic spoon in it, like… the other way around, does that make sense? mmm not sure!
    Have a nice sunday!!

  7. That clock is incredible!!!

    My fave things about this week? Cupcakes, a vintage dress, an organized closet and new kitchen floor!

  8. Lauren you so need to make that clock, it looks so cool!

  9. What made me happy this week…getting to meet my newest grandson (only 5 weeks old and he lives in San Francisco) for the first time, and hiding little thank-you notes (on post-its) all over her house for her to find after we’d gone.

  10. I recently found your blog and I love it! I have that rosette pillow! I love it! It makes me smile every time I look at it! Oh, and every time I see a picutre of Marley on your blog, I automatically go into my dog voice! Too cute!

  11. Aw–sweet Marley–looks totally stoked to be wearing your headband! So cute! Also, I adore that bed set as well!! Sooo lovely! My favorite things this week were: getting out for spring break on Thursday, running with Sabin and having him not drag me down the street, spending quality time with my bestie, and currently, I’m making homemade veggie lasagna–something I’ve never tried!

  12. Who wouldn’t feel happy when no cooking is needed after an exhausting day? I will be even settle for McDonald’s just so I won’t cook. Hahaha! I love Thai food though.

    Thanks for the champagne tip. I always have leftover champagnes but I normally just throw them out.

    My favorite thing about this week: I was able to wear some colors since it’s too hot in Manila to wear black these days.

    Have a wonderful day! xoxo

  13. You’ve totally just made my day. Your blog is so adorable! And I love “Real Simple”. Some of the best tips ever! I can’t wait to see what you post next.

  14. I love that clock idea! That would be really fun to make! 🙂

  15. Your pup is beautiful and totally happenin’!

    🙂 emily

  16. I tried to keep my Twittering habits hidden from my boyf, sure that he’d tease me mercilessly, but it turns out he’s intrigued and might be getting his own account. I don’t know if that’s a plus or a minus, lol.

    Last night I was in Target and got to see the Liberty of London stuff for the first time. And now, I want EVERYTHNG of theirs. Especially their clothing.

    My week was pretty eh, but I’m looking forward to this next one since I’m on spring break. =) Hope you have a great Sunday!

  17. LOVE thai food! pad thai is my ultimate fave! that was a siamese strawberry! ha ha!

  18. I totally had one of those twin strawberries this past week too! Well, Bryan ate it, but I saw it. And I took pictures of it. Haha. Although I’d have to say the best thing about this past week was selling our dishwasher for some sweet money cash and rearranging our apartment so that we feel like real, grown-up people. It is soooo much nicer in here now. Have a nice Sunday! 🙂

  19. oh my gosh, that strawberry paragraph was hilarious! HAHA. you crack me up.

    i love the magazine Real Simple! So much useful info!!!

  20. ooooh i love that bed set too! and that clock is too cool.

    this week, my favorite thing was going to my first big-girl job happy hour and scaring the pants off my brand new boss by telling him i listen to metal and yes i enjoy mosh pits, umm getting to sleep in until 9(!!) on saturday and learning how much i suck at mario twins on the wii with my roommates. fun, but definitely not my forte. haha

  21. My grandma used to buy me that Dr. Pepper lip balm all the time when I was young. I actually need some more because your post made me realize I’d run out! Marley looks so cute, with or without the headband! She makes me miss Reno, my German Shepherd at my dad’s house. They’re such sweet dogs.

    Have a good rest of your Sunday! xo

  22. HaHa, that strawberry is hilarious. I would gobble that baby up first.
    And I love that line at Target, ESPECIALLY all the grey and yellow things 🙂

  23. Thai take-out always makes my day too! And the Target home section. Thank goodness I live in Canada and I can only head down to Buffalo every few weeks. Otherwise I’d be dead broke and have closets and closets full of bedding.

  24. tht clock wall is rad! im with you on the liberty of london…its not me. i actually don’t see wht the bg deal is?
    glad ur wknd has been great!!

  25. I just found your blog and its lovely I would love for you to come check out the giveaway going on at my blog

  26. I love prego strawberries!!! And… love this sweet sweet blog!! XO

  27. i get equally excited when i find a triple nutter (peanut). sounds kind of pervy when its typed out like that.
    i don’t have a salad spinner but that sounds like a god sweater investment.

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