a winner and some winter weight.

So first off….I’m so sorry that I forgot to announce a giveaway winner yesterday!  All the traveling must’ve made me forgetful in addition to being tired.  So…without further ado, the winner of the Le Creuset bakeware giveaway is:

(it’s blurry, but I promise it’s an 84)
Megan Lane from

Congrats Megan!  E-mail me your mailing information so your prize can be sent out!

OK….now on to pressing matters….
A letter to my winter weight:

Dear Winter Weight,

Please go away.  I want to wear pretty summery things and not look like a stuffed sausage…. especially after the 2 lbs. I gained eating fast food and licorice on this roadtrip last weekend.  Ugh!  If you’re going to stick around, could you at least consider migrating to my booty instead of my tummy?  I’m sure it’s lovely there and my flat bottom would greatly appreciate it.  Think it over.



I need to get on top of eating healthy.
I’m turning over a new leaf today.
And it’s grocery shopping day.
So….if I can make it out of there without 
buying ice cream and chips, 
then that’s half the battle, right?

I hate thinking about what I eat.  It sucks.  My weight is something I’ve always struggled with and I feel like I’m forever battling with my inner fat kid.  Am I the only one who feels this way?  Even suckier is the fact that I am married to a naturally skinny husband who can eat whatever he wants.  I love him, but seriously….so unfair.  Any suggestions for healthy meal and snacks would be appreciated….or some miracle elixir would be great.  Kidding.  Sort of.

If I was at my ideal summer weight 
here are some of the lovely items I’d wear….
(Perhaps this will be a bit of inspiration):

sweet little swimsuits like these….    

pretty summer dresses like these….

Instead….the only think I’m wearing these days 
are jeans and sweatshirts :(.

You are more than welcome to “yell” at me Jillian Michael’s style via e-mail, or give me ideas (recipes, workouts, awesome mind tricks, etc…) for how to get my butt in gear, because let’s face it….no one looks cool wearing a mumu or a baggy sweatshirt in July, right?  

Sorry I’m such a downer today.  I’m just feeling overwhelmed with the crappy eating and non-workout habits I’ve developed over the winter months and not sure where to start with getting “back on the horse”.  Wish me luck though, and I’ll give it a go!

Hope you have a great Tuesday!



  1. I know that you got your endless weight problem from me. Sorry. 🙁 I got it from my mom.Help me help you. I promise to help you stay focused on going to the gym to workout, and I also promise to encourage you on your healthy eating venture. Just remember to help your momma too.I’ve always had to worry about my weight, but I think I am on the right track now. A great book to read, which I am reading right now, is Naturally Thin-Unleash Your Skinnygirl and Free Yourself from a Lifetime of Dieting, by Bethenny Frankel. Here’s to Our journey to unleash our skinnygirl!Thanks for recommending this book to me.

  2. I sympathize with you having a skinny husband that can eat whatever he wants. So infuriating!
    And I too am always having a struggle with my weight. It’s taken almost a year to lose 15 kgs (not sure what that converts to in pounds) but if I have a bad couple of days I start putting it on again, really frustrating.
    My key is portion control and trying to eat as much ‘real’ food as possible, which is hard when your husband is eating cheesy-poofs all the time and they are soo tempting.
    I would encourage you to watch the film Food Inc, that really changed my perspective on food and motivated me to try and stay away from processed food . Good luck! x

    – also I hope my letter has arrived! xx

  3. I completely understand what you are going through. When it comes down to it, it’s all about self respect: living a healthy lifestyle. This is an ongoing, continual process though. For me, I workout at least 6 days a week. I always try to vary my workouts from 30-60 minutes (of cardio). Then I always try to do strength training. I vary between pilates, yoga, jillian workout videos. Next is the eating healthy part. Little tricks that help me is: drinking lots of water, taking my daily vitamins, and always trying to eat heavy foods earlier and lighter foods later.

    i don’t want to write a novel so if you wanna chat, I’m available at bridugas88@yahoo.com

    I’m always up to sharing and swapping ideas! =)

  4. I hear ya! I’ve always struggled with my weight..My mom was always very hard on me about it too..Pointing out I could afford to lose X amount of weight. When I got married I was like a size 8/10 which I still thought I was fat. Then I got married and within a year I was up to a 14. And it only got worse. I was trying to lose weight when last summer I got pregnant. I gained 28 pounds and had my baby girl almost 3 weeks ago but still look pregnant and I hate it! It’s one thing to look pregnant when you are but now that I’m not I’m even more self-conscious. I’d love to be working out but I can’t for another few
    I could hide under all the layers of clothes for winter but summer is quickly approaching and that technique won’t work!

  5. You can do it! We’ve all been there – losing weight is tough – especially when there are cookies involved:) I always keep thinking of those swimsuits when I go to the fridge or work-out (which by the way, I am dying for that red one)!

  6. sorry to hear you are so so today! smile we love you 🙂

  7. I lost weight since I became a vegetarian 🙂
    (About a stone )


  8. You and me both re: the feeling crappy issue. Summer’s nearly here and I feel so unfit!

    I’ve started with fruit and oat bars, and I’m doing my pilates DVD for about 10 mins a day for now, then hoping to build up to an hour a day, plus I’m going swimming ever Tuesday night.

    Every little helps!

  9. Go to a farmer’s market and indulge in the beautiful bounty! Pretty veggies are way more health-inspiring than a trip to a supermarket 🙂

    Also – water aerobics! Fun (and hardcore calorie burn!) without the sweat!

  10. You know where you wanna be…back at The Skinny every day! You can do it, you darling girl. Wonder what Katie’s update will say today?

  11. gorgeous picks and I’m sure you look lovely as you are now but if you want to lose a couple of pounds you have plenty of time until June. I’m skipping carbs for a months or two :)x

  12. oh my gosh, you are totally not the only one that feels that way (so dont fret!) 2 of my really good girlfriends have always talked to me about their weight and how they can never really get it to be what they want. they’ve tried dieting, etc. but it just doesn’t work the way they want.
    up until this past couple months i actually had health issues that kind of kept me from eating like a normal person, but since that’s been “fixed” for the most part, i’m finding it hard to stay at a weight i like. having to think about what food i should or shouldnt be eating sucks! ive been trying to get myself motivated to get to they gym too, but thats easier said than done.

  13. hi! i just started reading your blog. i feel you on the winter weight gain(13 pounds for me, oops!). weight has always been a struggle for me too. the inner fat kid is hard to keep quiet. i’ve found a site that helps me keep in check what i’m eating. it’s free and really useful, it’s called livestrong.com and the dailyplate part is where you keep track of your food intake. it’s a start! i know what it’s like wearing jeans and sweatshirts everday. i can hardly go a day without my security hoodie. hah!

  14. I am struggling as well. I am getting married and trying to fit in my dress! I have lost a little so far but I havent done it consistently. I have been walking 15-20 min every day and not eating fast food. So hard but its better for you. Also I heard from a personal trainer. Eat a good, filling breakfast then have protein drink a couple hours later, then eat some turkey, fish or something full of proteing, then have another protein drink couple hours later, then good dinner. He said the protein drinks are good for metabolism.

    Also stay away from bad carbs (white breads etc) Good luck!

  15. I got a Wii fit with the goal of losing the extra gushy part of my belly. I’m equally unmotivated.
    BUT, I did cut out chips and soda completely. It’s helped a little. You could do that, and instead of a lunch, have a big breakfast and just a fruit smoothie for lunch.

  16. congrats meg!! ohhh i love shop ruche!! and i totally know what you mean about winter weight and having skinny husbands, so unfair!! i need to go back to the gym one of these days too…

  17. hello 🙂 you HAVE to visit this girl’s blog: http://www.bobbimccormick.com/ she offers a ton of healthy recipes and workout tips. she has inspired me more than i can even say! for instance, she’s so inspiring that i finished a 7 mile run before work this morning, and each time i thought i wanted to quit, i thought about her website, and all i’ve learned through her healthy lifestyle 🙂 so check it out! good luck!

  18. I have the 3rd swimsuit and it’s AWESOME. PLUS even if you DO have a little winter weight it’s okay.

  19. I have a weightloss blog & i have some links in my sidebar that you may be interested in. BUT i do not even think you are slightly overweight! Right? I don’t remember ever seeing a pic of you where i thought you carried ANY extra weight! I truly do have weight to lose. You look great how you are. And the girls in the above pics are WAY too skinny. Just sayin! But eating healthy is good no matter what size you are. 🙂

    (I bet you could wear any of those dresses & look great in them!)

  20. oh man i seriously need to start taking better care of myself. it is starting to get embarassing how out of shape i am! and how terrible i eat. i know that it is going to catch up with me soon..so i am going to try to do better too! if i find any good tips/meals i will be sure to send them your way! i would love to wear some of those darling swimsuits this summer..ha.. heck, i would love to wear anything and not feel self concsious about it but i am not sure if that will ever happen! i think no matter how my body looks, i will always find something to be unhappy about. which is unfortunate because i think a lot of us are that way! we just need to try and be healthy and embrace what we got i guess! i’m sending good vibes your way! love ya girl!

  21. Its spring which means asparagus is in season. I’d marry an asparagus if I could… Veggies are great for you, they clean you out and taste yummy. Asparagus, go for it…

    Also, if you’re not into the green stuff, try sweep potatoes. I’d cheat on my asparagus with a sweet potato. They’re so good for you, way better than a regular spud.

    The best part about veggies is they not only help you lose weight because they’re low in fat and calories, but they help your body work better so it is more able to use the fat you’ve got stored for a better purpose than hanging around your middle.

  22. oh girl i feel ya! i feel fat all the time!
    i am not ready for swimsuit season. it actually makes me want to cry!
    you are beautiful so dont sweat it!
    we can be healthy together!

  23. You looked really cute in those Portland street style photos, I am sure you could pull off most of those cute outfits you posted. But maybe instead of wanting to wear something that isn’t flattering, do some fashion research and learn how to wear clothes that flatter how you already look 🙂

    Warmer weather is the best time to get healthier, you can fill up on fruit for your sweet tooth and most of it’s water so it flushes out of you! You’re right about the shopping though, just don’t buy any junk!

  24. girl, i feel you!
    its so easy to eat and eat and eat in the winter and then the first hot day and i put on some
    shorts and i slap myself for all the skip trips to the gym! i wear tights and leggings 24/7 in the winter so its wierd all the sudden having bare legs! haha.
    but i know you’ll look wonderful whatever you wear! and at whatever weight!!

  25. I am overwhelmed by the cuteness of the bathing suit’s and dress’s.
    I feel for ya hon on the fatty issue. I am still trying to lose the last little bit of baby weight I gained with my last pregnancy. I want to be a smoking hot Momma, not a Momma in Mumu and mom jeans….
    What helped lose a lot of weight was when Roman was diagnosed with Celiac, we all went Gluten free in the house, no wheat, no crappy food… I lost 20 lbs in a month. I also went back to ballet after having Esme then picked up Flamenco and it helped tone and lose more weight. I love dance as it is fun! And you sweat and laugh and don’t care after how silly you look as you are so tired after.
    Don’t worry my dear, you look hot to me and I am sure everyone else would agree you don’t need to worry.

  26. Well, I don’t really have any advice for you, my dear! But I definitely sympathize with you. I just make sure to eat lots of fruits and veggies everyday, and take Onyx on at least one walk 🙂

  27. I’m with you. Go away winter weight!

    Before Christmas I was exercising 5 days a week and eating healthy(kinda). I go out of town for two weeks and now my daily exercise is the walk to the mail box.
    I think as long as you are exercising and are mindful of what you eat, you will find your ideal weight.
    Feel free to yell at me Jillian style!

  28. A skinny husband is so unfair… I know all about it, though I think mine is starting to gain a bit of weight, and I for some reason feel its all fair:)
    If you find some wonder cure to get rid of the winter weight I would love to know about it.

  29. i think we’re all in the same boat! my “fat” jeans are even feeling a little tight! luckily today I loaded up on fruits and veggies and every time i get a craving – for no matter what – i eat a banana, sweet/filling/substantial enough to warm off a craving, but definitely no doughnut!

  30. I totally feel you! Some days it’s hard to put on anything other than jeans and a t-shirt. But I try to wear things that Ravi likes so he can help boost my self-esteem! Also, I pretty much forced him into running with me. I really, and I mean really hate running, but if we do it together, it’s a nice time to spend time together and be without electronics (cell phones/video games)! Maybe you could coax Craig into exercising with you? The better you feel, the nicer you’ll be to him and the more loving you’ll be towards him? Haha, that’s pretty much what I told Ravi!

    Also–I have a huge sweet tooth, so instead of cookies/pie/ice cream, I’ve been doing fruit, like pineapple, raspberries, and strawberries–that pretty much does it for me!

  31. Jeez, it’s not only me!
    I definitely feel your pain on this weight thing. Never been overweight at all, but recently all this fat is jumping on to my belly (yeah I definitely DIDNT put it there, ha ha) and my clothes fit differently. It’s tough but I’m trying to make changes to the way I eat.
    See, I’ve been one of those “health nuts” since I was 13 or so, but health food can still be totally fattening if you’re baking something and eat half the bowl of dough, so actually my new approach is to eat MORE packaged foods (protein bars and such) because the calorie count is right on the wrapper, in my face, and I can’t justify twelve packaged cookies, you know?

    Anyway, good luck with your adorable swimsuits!

    Much love,

  32. Oh girl, I feel you. I’ve started this new internship 4 days a week 930 – 530 which with commute factored in is really 8-630 and I just do not want to work out. I am too tired to fit it into my schedule. and i’m eating easter candy as I type this. Don’t get down on yourself though, you’re beautiful and you have nothing to even fret about. Extra pounds come and go for all of us. You have a loving (skinny) husband and a beautiful little family that you’ve started. And you know how to enjoy things once in a while without feeling guilty over eating a piece of bread. Life is good. 🙂 (except I am completely and utterly angry at you over the fact that I did not win the giveaway – kidding of course kind of :))

  33. I’m in the same situation. Try and replace your snacks. Don’t buy ice cream and chips but make sure you buy some healthier snack options otherwise you will be tempted to go out and buy the ice cream later. I like to snack on dates and salted almonds, apple and peaunut butter or almond butter, brown rice crackers with tuna, pickles, pickled beets, bananas, raisens. When I am craving sweets I like to make candied pecans. Toast some pecans in a skillet and drizzle with pure maple syrup. hope that helps!

  34. It takes 2 weeks to make it a habit! Get out there, run jump, pretend to fly…just be active! I got my 24 hour fitness membership about 2 weeks ago and i’ve never been happier. Going to the gym just makes me feel good!!! It’s been 2 weeks, and im more motivated than ever!

  35. Oh, winter weight… *sigh* I have also relegated my hibernation pounds (like I like to call them) to sweats and jeans. I don’t even want to THINK about how many pounds I gained after my spring break last week, and all those cupcakes and cheeseburgers I ate. Yeah.

    But those super cute swimsuits do somewhat inspire me to put down the cupcake and get on the treadmill. Somewhat. 😉

    P.S.) I am hosting a giveaway on my blog for a custom designed necklace! Feel free to enter and help spread the word. Click here to learn more.

  36. A. Men. I have been feeling the EXACT same way today. I haven’t even bothered posting on The Skinny yet today and when I do it is likely to sound very similar to what you have already said. I feel so blah and impatient about weight loss and healthy habits right now. Thanks for pouting a little. It made me not feel so pathetic.

  37. I hear ya, girly! I’ve been not exercising and eating whatever I want (meaning total crap) for the last, oh…9 months. I guess 10? Since my baby is over a month old? Yeah. Crappy. I told my husband that I know it’s time to get back on track, but I’m SO not motivated. So I’m not trying yet. I’ve found in my life that it’s pointless to try when I’m not motivated because I don’t do anything and then I end up discouraged. So hopefully I’ll get motivated soon! You should check out justcookalread.blogspot. They have awesome, and usually healthy, recipes!

  38. I hear ya, girly! I’ve been not exercising and eating whatever I want (meaning total crap) for the last, oh…9 months. I guess 10? Since my baby is over a month old? Yeah. Crappy. I told my husband that I know it’s time to get back on track, but I’m SO not motivated. So I’m not trying yet. I’ve found in my life that it’s pointless to try when I’m not motivated because I don’t do anything and then I end up discouraged. So hopefully I’ll get motivated soon! You should check out justcookalread.blogspot. They have awesome, and usually healthy, recipes!

  39. as julia said, i think we’re on the same boat, too. it’s natural to gain weight in winter, and now it’s natural to shed it. getting out of the market without crap is a great first step–I wish you luck with that! in terms of exercise, i find that if i do activities i enjoy, it doesn’t feel like “working out” and instead is just fun.

  40. Hmmmm the dreaded winter weight! I find it that once I get back on the healthy band wagon it is easy to stay on board because it just becomes habit. When I’m struggling I like to write down everything that I eat (in a diary) before I eat it….that way I have to think carefully before I put it in my mouth. There’s nothing worse than the husband that snacks on chips all day long…just focus on how good you’ll feel in that bikini 🙂

  41. I love that red one-piece. I’m very self-conscious of my body in a swimsuit and I love how 1 pieces are making a comeback.

  42. I’m totally in the same boat.
    I’ve been worrying about looking good for our engagement pictures later in the month but I’m pretty sure there is Chinese takeout in the kitchen 🙁
    What’s worked best for me in the past is finding a class that I really enjoy taking ( I take kickboxing) and once I spend the money on it I feel guilty NOT going!

  43. I am right there with you. I never had to battle weight until I was in my late 20’s. The past few times I’ve gained and lost significant amounts of weight the gain was always due to unhealthy eating habits (fast food/not cooking etc) – and I was able to right my wrongs and lose the weight quickly. Now that I’m in my early 30’s I’ve realized that I’m going to have to do a lot more than eat better to get it off.

    Knowing what you have to do is the beginning of the battle, like I said I’m right there with you. I’m trying to make healthy choices little by little and work in the exercise as well – I know if I go full throttle I’ll give up before I even begin, it’s in my nature.

    Good luck girl – I’m pulling for you! ox

  44. I love that blue striped ruffly dress! and the vintage inspired swimsuits. i’d love to wear those too!!

    So, totally feel ya… My darling skinny boyfriend eats such crap and never has to pay for it. I’m on Weight Watchers currently, on a quest to lose 50 pounds. I’m 17 down!! whee. I lost 35 pounds in ’08 but gained it all back, plus 10, in just one summer where I ate whatever I wanted. and when I take a weekend of WW to go to Cali, or eat a bad meal, I gain. Not fair. It’s really going to be an entire lifetime of watching what I eat, because if I don’t…well I’ll gain 50 pounds again. SO NOT FAIR. so…..at least you’re not alone!

    Right now, in addition to Weight watchers, I’m doing Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred, and it’s working okay, not as good as other people’s amazing results on it. I’ve also got some Tracy Anderson, celebrity trainer, videos that I’m going to try when I’m done with this. And I have always liked Tae Bo!

  45. I am right there with you! I noticed my gut is hangin where it never was before! At least my clothes still fit, I am just softer. I think the seasonal fruit and veggies will help me out of my rut somewhat. The winter just makes me want to eat bread, which is NOT so slimming for me!

  46. Hi Lauren! Well I just love recommending books 🙂

    I highly, highly recommend Julia Ross’ “Diet Cure” and Diana Schwarzbein’s “The Principle Program”. These two wonderful ladies aren’t about willpower and severely restricted diets, they absolutely respect a woman’s body and address hormonal changes, sluggish thyroid, brain chemistry (affected by poor diet and dieting), and eating nourishing, whole foods. Nina Planck’s book, “Real Food: What to eat and why,” is also wonderful. If you have some time to sit down and read, read these, they changed my life!

  47. Oh yeah – and having a skinny husband is NO FUN sometimes 🙂 Andy is exactly the same way. And they think we look amazingly hot even when we don’t understand why!

  48. that bikini is beyond cute! Good luck with the healthy eating, im trying to do the same!

  49. Power yoga, meditation, eating with the seasons, food journal! Also, take time to prepare your meals and enjoy them without major distractions. Make healthful lunches (and maybe breakfast too) the night before to take to work. Also, smaller meals throughout the day is very helpful for me. Make sure you treat yourself now and then too. A good dark chocolate bar is good to have on hand, but I wouldn’t recommend eating it all at once or every day! Vegetariantimes.com has fantastic recipes. I go on there all the time and have a subscription to the magazine. You are always welcome to come to a yoga class with me some time too–it does wonders for your body, your mind and is a great way to relieve stress. I swear and live by it. Remember, diets are not effective…don’t diet. Nourish, fuel, and satiate yourself with good, healthy food and eat organic as much as possible. This makes a world of difference. You only get one body–treat it like a temple and don’t be too hard on yourself!

  50. YAY! i am sooo excited about my new bakeware!! i am definitely in the same boat regarding winter weight. yuck. my hubby and i have set a lofty running goal for the summer – hopefully we can make it happen!

    good luck lauren!

  51. I have had this battle for soooo long! We should all start a cute little, let’s get our butts into gear post or something. To be honest I have done weight watchers and loved it, because really its just a way to make sure you eat all of your healthy stuff and not feel deprived too. I love yoga and running with the dog but my downfall is time management. I have two jobs and full time school and I get caught up in it and make excuses like this etc. haha I honestly just want to be healthy and feel it, not sluggish and unable to button pants therefore choosing to stay in the house.

    I am doing my last bit of school in Barcelona in 2 months and I want to feel beautiful and lay on the beach. Let me know if you really want to start some kind of non cheesy healthy cheer on group.

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