fill in the blank friday.

Today I am going to
see these guys.
…and I’m kind of thrilled.

If you haven’t heard about Camera Obscura, please drop what you are currently doing and go discover them (here’s their website….their twitter….and a blog post I wrote about them).  Seriously….you should do it now.

I was smitten at first sound and I’m so excited to see them live.  My excitement is only compounded by the fact that I haven’t gone to a concert since college.  Craig’s not huge on live music….he likes it but would rather spend money on other things.  SO….I’m going with my beautiful friend Jamie and a couple of girls who are truly devoted fans driving all the way from SoCal.  We’re even having a sleep over.  Yay for a girl’s night!

Because my Friday will be focused on music, I thought I’d make music the theme of this week’s Fill in the Blank Friday.  Oh….and P.S. Holy moly!  Last week a whopping 111 of you played along!  It was insane.  Needless to say I haven’t read all of them (yet!).  But I’m so so glad you played along.  If you want to play along this week, I’d love it.  Just make sure to link back here (at the end of the post) so we can read your answers!

1.  One song that always takes me back to my youth is     Rock Steady” by The Whispers.  It’s a random one, but I remember listening to it all the time when I was younger   .

2.  My first concert ever was     George Strait I think.  I had a best friend who really loved country.  Not the coolest first concert, but I can live with it .

3.  If I could create my dream music festival I’d want these bands to be there:      Bob Marley, The Beatles, 80’s Madonna, 90’s No Doubt, 90’s Green Day and Boyz II Men (loved them in 4th grade!)    .

4.  The best make-out/”boot knocking” song ever is      JT “Sexy Back”. Haha.  Kidding.  I just can’t think of a good one.  I’m not a music in the bedroom kind of girl, but I’m interested to hear what you guys say    .

5.  The best concert I’ve ever been to was     Relient K.  Mostly because I went with Craig to see them during our early dating days and we had so much fun    .

6.  A memorable musical moment for me was        Going to an outdoor concert with my mom when I was in middle school.  It was Green Day, Blink 182 and a ton of other bands. My mom wouldn’t let me go alone with my friend so she said she’d go with us.  My mom is pretty much the sweetest, most innocent person you’ve ever met and I’m pretty sure she was corrupted somewhere in between the girl’s who were flashing Blink 182 on stage and the people puffin’ cheeba all around.  Sorry mom.  Funny in retrospect though     .

7.  The song on my iPod that’s getting the most play these days is      Black Eyed Peas “Imma Be”  It’s great for running (and Zumba!)    . 

Happy Friday!

P.S.  Three more days to enter the giveaway!



  1. last weekend O saw it all over it was so much fun!!
    Enjoy the concert!! xoxo

  2. I’d choose Bob Marley and the Beatles too! 🙂 good choice!!!!
    Have a great weekend!!!!

  3. That was fun – thanks!!!

  4. your music festival would certainly be interesting! haha. George Strait? My 14 year old self is jealous as hell, lol

  5. Have fun at the concert Lauren! Thanks for this weeks fill ins. I always enjoy this!

  6. Have fun at your concert! Yay for music themed questions 🙂 PS-you were in my dream last night. I tweeted about it!

  7. Isn’t today your day off? And you’re already posting? You should be sleeping in, crazy girl! 🙂

  8. Isn’t today your day off? And you’re already posting? You should be sleeping in, crazy girl! 🙂

  9. Isn’t today your day off? And you’re already posting? You should be sleeping in, crazy girl! 🙂

  10. Hope you have an absolutely fun-filled weekend Lauren – Happy Friday!

  11. Ha, my first concert was *N SYNC. Definitely not cool but they were great so whatever.

  12. haha oh man i love this. i love that you went to relient k! i love them!!! that reminds me of being in college when i moved away with my sister! haha… you are the bomb. hope you have a lovely weekend! i am so jealous! did you hear they are playing at a festival in May with a whole bunch of other bands? it’s like a 3 day thing? It is called Sasquatch! here is the link my friend sent me!

    anyway, hope you are enjoying your weekend!! love you!

  13. Sooooo hard. But fun – thanks! I’m going to check out Camera Obscura now. 🙂

  14. I’m so jealous that you are going to see Camera Obscura. Their music makes me happy. Have a great weekend.

  15. BEST fill in the blank friday ever. have fun at the concert!

  16. I’m a huge relient K fan! I had an opportunity to see them once but had to reschedule for something totally not fun.

  17. ooo this is a great fill-in-the-blank.. i might have to play along on my blog! have SO much fun tonight.. you definitely will not be disappointed.

  18. Thanks for the great questions!

    Imma Bee is so addicting. I can’t turn it off when it’s on the radio!

  19. hahaha thats awesome! my dad went with me to warped tour bc i was too young and i think he was super freaked out! hahaha

  20. i hope you have an amazing time at the concert + girls night! i’m crossing my fingers their on this coast sometime soon!

  21. Oh man. 80’s Madonna. You are speaking my language again.

  22. Weeeeeeee! This one was so much fun! I lovvve music! LOVE talking about it and sharing it! Great theme….and uhhhhh if you want some “boot knocking” tunes….check out my post.

  23. i freaking LOVE relient k. LOVE LOVE LOVE.
    and imma bee is one of those songs that gets stuck in my head so easily.
    and the concert memory of your mom — HYSTERICAL!! my mom woulda died at a blink concert.

  24. This was one of your best fill-in-the-blanks yet, Lauren! 😀

    Have fun at the concert! Here’s hoping they come down to Miami, soon…

  25. I love No Doubt! They’d be there for sure 🙂 Have fun tonight. yay for girls night 🙂

  26. have soooooooo much fun at your concert! i know you’ve been looking forward to it 🙂

    can’t wait to hear about it! off to get some indian food! yum. I have been counting down the hours since work this morning lol

    don’t you love dinner dates with your husband? in this case, my husband-to-be.


  27. i used to LOOOOVE relient k! that’d be fun to see them live.

  28. I LOVE Camera Obscura! I got to know them a few years ago thanks to Alsace Lorraine which has connections with Elephant Records. I hope I can see them live one day; maybe once I’m settled in the States (I’m from Argentina). Speaking of music, I’m super thrilled today, because I’m seeing Belle & Sebastian (another band from Glasgow) for the first time! 😀

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