fill in the blank friday.

Happy Friday!

You know what Fridays mean here at my little ‘ole blog….it’s “Fill in the Blank Friday“!  I feel like I should maybe say something clever here….but I’m not going to.  If you want to play along this week just copy these questions and then fill them out either on your own blog or in the comments section.  If you blog these blanks, make sure to link back here using the link below (at the end of the post) so we can all check out your answers!  Now….Let’s fill some blanks!

1.  The first thing I do in the morning is     hit the snooze button….three times   .

2.  Every night before bed  I     check my e-mail, set my alarm on my phone and pop in my little pink ear plugs .

3.  My favorite thing to do when I’m having a bad day is      watch some trashy reality tv and eat ice cream.  Oh how I love ice cream.  I’d like to say go for a run or something productive like that, but it would be a total lie   .

4.  Something that makes me cringe is     when people yell at their children in public.  It makes me sad.  I know kids are frustrating sometimes a lot of the time, but there are better ways to deal with it than yelling.  I heard a woman on the train a while back yell at her 3 year old on and call him stupid.  It broke my heart    .

5.  Social situations    stress me out sometimes.  I always like them once I’m in them, but I have to psych myself up for the situation ahead of time and usually I’m exhausted afterward   .

6.  I like to collect      random tchotchkes.  I have pretty little treasures scattered throughout my house.  A couple of things I specifically collect are heart shaped rocks and white ceramic objects   .

7.  Weekends are for      recharging, relaxing, catching up on DVR’d shows, eating yummy food and spending time with the ones you love    .

Hope you guys have a great weekend!

What are your plans?



  1. Whee! More procrastination! Thanks for posting these!

  2. done! The mclinky think worked..

  3. I agree 100%!!!!! 🙂 have a great weekend girl!

  4. I love today’s picture that goes a long with the post 🙂 So pretty!

  5. I love what you said about weekends! Definitely perfect for recharging! 🙂

  6. My weekends are for the same things are yours. I love that I’m not the only person that devotes weekeds to DVR’s and relaxing. Have a great one 🙂

  7. and yes about what i do after a bad day… someday it WILL be going for a sweaty run but i’m with you on enjoying trash tv 🙂

    we’re off to a daytrip to durham, NC to visit his sister’s family.

    have a lovely weekend!!!

    ps. what makes you cringe– i hate it too!!! so sad

  8. I have to wholeheartedly agree with your weekend blank Lauren – absolutely what they are for!!

    Have a great one.

  9. All of these answers were pretty much the same as mine. I also hate when people yell at their kids in public and I hit the snooze button too many times to count in the morning!

  10. something i noticed today when reading other bloggers’ fill-in-the-blank answers, is that the majority of everyone is weird social situations. i think it’s funny because we’re all bloggers and writers, and we just like to be alone or with our men 🙂 or very close friends and family! just an oberservation.

  11. i HATE when people yell at/generally mistreat their children in public. well, i hate when they do it in private too, but i’m usually not there to see it. aside from being a general indicator of pad parenting, it makes me wonder, that if this is how they treat their kids when there are tons of strangers watching and judging, how do these parents actually treat their kids in the privacy of their own home? they must be even less restrained! ugh, those are people i just want to kick in the shins, really really hard!

    p.s. i’m a snoozer too! and even worse than you apparently! 🙂

  12. I hit the snooze button a lot more than 3 times. It’s bad, haha.

    People who yell at their kids in public are horrible. I wish I was the parent police sometimes. It really is heart breaking.

    The weekend is totally for catching up on the DVR. I don’t know what I did before DVRs!

    Happy Friday!

  13. Anonymous says:

    Techno-challenged and blogless, so here are my answers.
    1. The first thing I do in the morning is groan and roll over.

    2. Every night before bed I pee and brush my teeth (unless I’m drunk).

    3. My favorite thing to do when I’m having a bad day is whine over wine with my girlfriends, then go dancing.

    4. Something that makes me cringe is one of my co-workers who will remained unnamed. I never answer her calls until it is absolutely necessary.

    5. Social situations can be fun with the right group. It can be exhausting though if the group chemistry is off or you get totally ignored.

    6. I like to collect facts in case I ever make it on Jeopardy and ceramic nuns and Marys.

    7. Weekends are for smiling, recharging, dancing in the ran, being outside, enjoyment, eating breakfast at noon, laundry, reading and all the things I love that get shoved aside during the work week.

  14. Yess! Thanks for this fun, Lauren! I don’t know how to do the regular link thing anyway, so can I just comment instead?

  15. just did mine, fun! Love this linky concept!!! What a bunch of GREAT bligs up on that list!

  16. I hate it too when people yell at their kids in public so uncomfortable and unreasonable…
    Have a great weekend lauren xoxo

  17. Your weekends sound LOVELY! 🙂

    And BTW, can your coworker get me in touch with Jenny G.? I’m so jealous!

  18. I love the photo you posted with the questions, so colourful!

    Ahh, yes, bad days are for all the guilty pleasures. A choice between a run or lazing on the couch and eating junk, lazing wins hands down!

    Have a good weekend!

  19. Very cute.. i collect postcards that my friends have sent me from their trips… have a great weekend!

  20. congrats on 100 link-ups! I love your fill in the blank fridays 🙂

  21. I’m sorry I didn’t get to do fill in the blank friday yesterday…those were great statements too!

  22. Hi Lauren! I’m stopping by for the first time and I love your blog! It’s so vintage and cute. I really liked the “fill in the blank friday!”, I would love to start doing it!…feel free to check out my blog too!

    P.S I can’t stand it when parents yell at their kids in public too. It makes me just want to pick up their child and give him or her a huge hug.

  23. I think in my last post I put that my name is Lauren. And I meant to say Hi Lauren. If I did I am sorry, and my name is Chelsie. lol

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