how to….make a fabric banner.

*Side note…I have a little list up over at A Diary of Lovely today.  Check it out if you have time!*

Today’s guest blogger is the lovely Kjrsten over at Have a Cute Day.  Kjrsten is a super stylish fellow Oregonian whose style is perfect in that “not-trying-too-hard” kind of way that just makes her infinitely cooler.  She’s also a mom and the poster-child for how hot you can look when you don’t allow yourself to fall into the frump of matchy-matchy mom tracksuits.  Aside from being really ridiculously stylish she’s got mad crafting skills which is why today Kjrsten is going to bestow some crafting skills on to you….

I started making these banners for my girls Birthday’s last year. My plan is to bring them out year after year for of course- birthdays, but even for other special celebrations too (kind of like the red plate! Which my mom used when we were growing up, for B-days, recital days, graduations etc…) So there I was with my girls banners, and the next thing I know I am making them for friends and family alike! That’s what happens when word of something so cute like this gets around! I would make them for you too, but you would have to wait in a long line, so I will just let you in on my trade secrets so you can make your own!

It’s really easy to do, here’s how I make mine:

Supplies Needed:
Ribbon/Ricrac/Pompom/lace or other trimming
(i found this cute yellow pre-pleated stuff at Joann’s and it matched the fabric I was using perfectly so I went with it, but I normally choose the large strung pompoms!)
needle and thread
pinking sheers & scissors
card stock
(to make a template with)
large buttons
straight pins


Cut a triangular template with your card stock.
trace triangles on to felt and fabric
cut accordingly
I like to use pinking sheers for the zig zag cut. Get your pinking sheers on ebay for half of what they charge at the fabric store.
Tip: cut fabric a little smaller for a nice felt border for a layering effect.

arrange and line up your triangles with the trim … and then drink a diet pepsi
pin everything into place

affix triangles to ribbon (or pleated trim) with needle and thread and add buttons where triangles intersect.

grab your felt and trace letters. you can do this free hand if you are an artist. I used MSWord to make templates, and traced them onto my felt. Tip: use a window for tracing.

cut out your letters

attach letters onto your triangles with needle and thread

I like to secure by stitching an X, but you can be creative here.


These make great gifts too! This one was for a friend of ours who just turned 8!

Enjoy your banner for birthdays, year after year!
Also, you could do this with any holiday :
Valentines – BE MINE
Christmas – TIDINGS of JOY
Halloween – BOO!
whatever, you get the idea.

Isn’t this cool?  I think I may have to try to whip one up for Craig’s birthday in August….mine’s actually the week before his, so maybe I could make us a combined banner…..somehow……

Hope you guys enjoyed this how to!

Happy Wednesday!



  1. OMG – Sooo cute!

    xx Vivian @

  2. Gosh this is just soooo wonderful!!!
    I am actually going to do this for my wedding – we are having a sort of garden party/alice in wonderkland theme and i was looking for banners just like this…but why buy when i can make!

    thanks ever so much!

  3. |Would you mind if i post this on my blog tomorrow as it is a how to day…sort of a guest post featuring the lovely you?

  4. So cute! Not only are they adorable but you can reuse them which is great! xo

  5. I love this idea! It will make holidays seem even more special and it looks super easy. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Just popped by from A Diary…loved your stuff! 🙂

  7. Now I just need to learn to sew!

  8. thanks for having me Lauren, glad I could share this, it really is so easy, everyone should have one! Also, (re:Krysten) I don’t sew, like-not at all! if you can sew on a button, you can do this!

  9. Love it!

  10. AHH I LOVE IT!! I have a ton of scrap fabric and I’ve seen things like this on Etsy, but I wasn’t sure where to start. I will have to do one this summer – lovely!! I love the fact that she plans on reusing them.

  11. so darn cute!! i definitely want to do this when i have kiddos.

  12. very cute- i love have a cute day, it’s one of my fav fashion blogs!

  13. I love it! The colors are beautiful! xoxo

  14. I love it! I have been wanting to make one for my son’s room. OBSESSION with capital O for Giant’s Baseball team. Esp. love the can of DP next to project. My slogan could be, “Good Time Charlie, powered by Diet Pepsi”.

  15. wow how awesome! I will have to save this post/forward it to Matthew since my bday is coming up 😉

  16. I like this idea. Thank you for posting!

  17. This is so darn cute I can hardly stand it. Thanks for posting!


    All this is Grace and Charm

  18. i’m so excited to see a how-to for them, i can’t wait to try it out!

    thanks for having such awesome features!

  19. love it!!

  20. i do love these. i need to make a birthday one that i can use for my husband every year.

  21. so cute! I might have to consider attempting this for an upcoming baby shower I’m planning. So adorable!

  22. Normally I don’t pay too much attention to DIY posts, as I don’t have any faith that I could do them . . . but this one looks easy enough to actually try. And very cute!

  23. says:

    Found this just in time! I bought the material and felt not knowing how to do this for my daughters baby shower and lo’ and behold I find these encouraging instructions! By the way, how do you keep your carpet so darn clean with children??? Admirations, Kathy.

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