random random random.

Not the most exciting post.
Just a bit of contemplation.

So….today at work I was talking to a co-worker who just got a paid internship at this advertising agency she’s been volunteering at for the last year.  They finally stepped up and decided to pay her because they realized how awesome she is and I am so excited for her!  She’d been working at the child development center AND going to volunteer with this company on her day off every week (we all work four 10-hr. shifts) for the past year so she definitely earned it.

Talking to her got me thinking….

I love the kids and people that I work with.  I love going to work knowing every day with the knowledge that I am shaping little minds (actually every day on the way to work when Craig’s driving he asks me: “What are you going to do today?” and I always reply: “Oh you know…shape minds.”).  And I love the funny kid stories that I come home with every day.

BUT….I’ve been working with kids in some aspect or another since I was 17 years old.  I’m 25 (almost 26) now and I’m starting to get a little burnt out.  Part of me really wants to try something new….. something more creative.  I’m not saying I’m going to quit my job or anything, but I’m considering doing the same thing that my friend did and finding an internship or volunteer opportunity on my day off.  I just feel like I need a new challenge, you know?

(this picture doesn’t really symbolize anything….
but I always have photos in my posts and
it seemed weird not having any so I threw
it in for consistency’s sake.)

I’d love to do something that would allow me to be more creative like working with some type of magazine publication, or advertising or something.  Any suggestions?  It’s a little scary because I have no “experience” (technically in a job sense) doing anything creative and I always get a little nervous about my creative abilities because I know there are so many people out there who are so talented and I end up doubting myself.

SO….for any of you in Portland….any suggestions for places I should look into finding internships or volunteer opportunities with?  AND….for those of you elsewhere….do you have a creative job?  How did you get it?  Any suggestions about types or companies to look for or how to go about this would be great.

I know this isn’t a super exciting post, but this is just what’s been on my mind lately so I thought I’d share.

Hope you guys have a good Tuesday, and make sure to check back tomorrow for a “how to” post by someone pretty fantastic :).



  1. Lauren, I love being a mind shaper but all that teaching and learning can be draining. I’m only in my 3rd year of teaching but it is TOUGH! I love it though. Now.
    I work a second job at the Performing Arts Centre some nights and weekends. I’m not sure how long I will keep it up, it gives me a little bit of extra cash but it is also nice to still have my foot in the Arts. Maybe that’s something you could look to do – it is lots of fun!

  2. this is such an exciting thing for you!
    i hope you find something that you’re super passionate about.
    good luck on this new adventure, lauren.

  3. This is a really interesting post. I have a job that I really love (most of the time) but it’s very taxing, and I have to be really assertive all the time and it’s really emotionally and intellectually draining (I’m a social worker in a psychiatric ward). I would love to do something creative (I’ve always really wanted to be a makeup artist ) but I’m too scared to change roles because a) I’d have to study and train b) I’m worried that I would lose all the skills I’ve acquired through my job c) I’m worried that I wouldn’t feel satisfied, that it wouldn’t challenge me enough. And then I think that maybe I have infested too much of my self worth in doing an “important” job – which I shouldn’t let define me, I should do what makes me happy.
    BAhhhhhh. I don’t know anything. Just downloading thoughts.

    Really great post Lauren!

  4. I think that you are pretty brave to step out and venture into doing something differen. I am very proud of you. I will pray that God will lead you to the very best volunteer, internship, and finally a different line of work. NEVER doubt that you can do great things. You are already doing wonderful and great things in the lives of more than 600 blog followers, of which I am one. Follow your dreams and your heart always. I have faith in you and I am still your greatest fan.

  5. I completely feel you on this one. I am on the path to becoming a full time teacher and have always worked with kids. For the past year I’ve been working at a school 30ish hours a week and have 20 second graders all to myself to teach and help mold minds just like you! But I can already feel that desire for something on the side that helps me grow a little bit in other areas I love. This is actually why I’m majoring in liberal arts, bc I love being well rounded or at least trying to be in all areas.
    I dunno if this helps much but I have been considering becoming a pilates instructor/ personal trainer for a while and feel that it would fulfill my love for the health world as a part time job.
    All you have to do is decide on which creative outlet you want to go with and just apply everywhere and anywhere. If anything, you’ll walk out knowing you are taking chances which is great!


  6. I think that you should do something else, if anything just for fun! I too have been working with kids since ever (it started in like 4th grade!) and after so many jobs nannying and tutoring and teaching, it certainly does becoming draining, even though it is rewarding. There’s definitely ways to challenge yourself in the classroom and bring your creativity there! But if you’re not too tired, I bet it would be fun to do something totally different as a personal brain-relief/cleanse!

  7. That wasn’t boring at all… It was actually very relate-able as it seems that is the constant position I am in too.

    I work with kids too; 3 days a week. Having 2 days off has allowed me to use my time for the development of my photography, although just like you I become overwhelmed in the world of much-more-creative-people than I.

    I wish I could be more involved in a creative atmosphere (amongst adults) where I can learn from their creativity and do something new and creatively challenging myself. The only real thing holding me back is fear and the fact that I don’t speak the language here.

    As for you… GO FOR IT! Start researching publications and call them up! The worst thing that can happen is that they say they’re not looking for anyone right now. I read a book recently that really inspired me and helped me to see the whole “job-thing” in a new light. It’s called “Find your dream job” by Sara Wade and Carol Ann Rice. The woman who wrote it interviewed tons of normal people who made big job changes. Even if you aren’t looking for a new job it’s really motivating as far as trying something new. I seriously recommend that you read it.

    You can find it here on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Find-Your-Dream-Job-Guaranteed/dp/1905736479/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1271152257&sr=8-1

    Well anyway sorry to be a such a random commenter. I always feel like when I recommend things in a comment that it makes me seem like a know-it-all… but really it’s only that we are totally in the same boat.

    Greeting from Germany 🙂

  8. Im looking for a new job now and I understand you completely, I would love something more creative but it’s difficult when you dont have the “right” experience.
    Go for it! you will be amazing

  9. i know how you feel. my career is based a lot on research and science… sometimes i want to do something more organic… from within… not just because a research study says its right. use the creative side of my brain, etc.

    from the looks of your blog, you are very creative and would be good at some sort of publication and/or magazine…i have no experience either though, other than i read magazines 🙂

    i say go for it! 🙂

  10. You have an eye for quality, detail, and style. These skills are valued in both consumer-related fields (buyer for retail businesses, personal shopper, etc,) and design fields. I don’t know much about either one, but you have the skills/gifts to be able to poke around and learn more about opportunities for training and working. I think you would burn out more quickly as a buyer/shopper, and that the design work would be more rewarding, but more demanding to get to (ie, require more training).

    When I went back to college at age 35 (with 5 kids – Katie was 3), I thought I wanted to go through some kind of 2-year program because I didn’t have much time with my large and busy family. I was looking at becoming a bookkeeper. I wished I could do something more professional, but I thought it would take too long to get there. Then a friend said to me, “Whether you go to school or not, you’ll still be 5 years older in 5 years.” I realized it didn’t matter–I was going to be doing SOMETHING for the next 5 years, so I might as well use the time to get me to where I wanted to go.

    Clackamas Community College has some good software programs that help sort out who you are and what you would be good at doing and what kinds of jobs go with that. I’m pretty sure it’s free – you can check in with their counseling dept on a day off.

    (Sorry the comment is so long, but I don’t comment very often, so I guess this makes up for it. Haha.)

  11. I also do theatre. It’s amazing. I love to perform, so i auditioned in 2006 & was in a show at the community theatre. But then somehow i got into stage managing & that is awesome too. You’re kind of in charge of the cast – you email them cast notes & such – kinda like the director’s secretery! It’s a lot of fun & a lot of work, too, but worth it. I love watching the play get on it’s feet!

    Community theatre is usually volunteer, though pro theatres may pay. I know you were thinking more visual arts kinda creative?? But even if you don’t perform, or don’t want to stage manage, you could volunteer to help in their costume dept or something.

    Some of my favorite people in life are ones i met in the theatre. 🙂

  12. Good luck! I worked with kids for many years, as a Nationally Certified Equestrian Coach, and time spent working at a boarding school. I have not worked with kids in about 5 yrs and I totally miss it. I surround myself with all my friends kids as often as I can 🙂

  13. I used to teach at a community college and I drained of energy and inspiration pretty quickly, even though I adored my students. Teaching is an AMAZING and admirable profession, but I understand what you mean by embracing a creative outlet to recharge….. that comment above about the Arts center sounds like a great suggestion! 🙂

  14. I, too, find myself wanting a change! I feel I am going through the motions at my job, and am able to complete tasks rather quickly without having to use much brain power! I want a challenge, although I’m not sure which way I want to turn.

    Good luck in finding a new opportunity! :).

  15. I hope you find something awesome Lauren. Heck, I hope I find something awesome too!

  16. I have a great resource for you to check out!


    It’s a networking tool used by local nonprofits and volunteers/interns to connect with each other. Nonprofits post their needs/events, and if you sign up for the “digest”, you will receive a weekly email with all the opportunities and events listed and how to get involved.

  17. you are amazing lauren. seriously, to be willing to volunteer and expand your options is awesome. i wish i had that type of motivation. i admire you so much!

  18. Gah…I just lost a great freaking comment.

    Anyways, I said that you’ve made the first step by sharing all this with us. We’ll keep our eyes peeled. I know of two internships and apprenticeships in your area that have opened and closed within the last months, one in a letterpress and one setting up photoshoots for vintage-style dress patterns.

    I hope you find your outlet!

  19. You are an amazing women. Working with children can be the most rewarding but draining job in the world. I think something different and more creative sounds like a great idea. Do you sew, paint, draw, craft, or do any wed design? I’m sure you won’t have a problem finding something in Portland.

  20. I totally understand how you are feeling. This economy makes everything so hard with the job part of our lives. I work for a temp agency that works directly with Nike. Temp agencies are a good way to go in Portland if you are looking for new things! That way you can see what you like to do or will maybe meet people along the way to point you in the right direction! And at least you are getting paid too!!

    and ps I think that picture totally fits the post!!! The colors are coming out of the jar- you’re ready for something new! 🙂

  21. I just got an internship at San Francisco Magazine. I have no background in writing or journalism but I used my papers from college and my blog posts in my application and some how scored the gig! If you truly want something badly enough, you will get it. Just be really clear about what you want. Find a great publication and apply for an internship. Find a local, fun, PR firm and find out if they offer any positions. I totally believe in you!

  22. I totally know what you mean by this post! For the Peace Corps qualifications I am going to volunteer to start teaching/tutoring ESL and I’m pretty excited about it! Maybe you could just search volunteer opportunities and portland in google and see what comes up?

  23. I love your photography! Please do a post about your camera and what you use and like to take shots of…maybe you could do photo work for a mag?

    I’d love to know!

  24. Oooh. Please do update on this. I am fascinated. And jealous that you have a day off. 🙂

  25. I’m in my 7th year teaching, and while I absolutely love “shaping minds,” as you put it, I still feel the need to be creative, something I don’t always get at work. So my side-job is writing book reviews for Examiner.com. It doesn’t pay great, but at least it allows me to get paid for writing book reviews, something I wouldn’t mind doing for a living! Reading + writing about what I’m reading + getting paid well = joy. 😀

  26. Lauren I think that is SUCH a great idea! You should go after whatever interests you the most. I bet you’ll have fun and learn a lot about yourself in the process. It would be hard to give up that off day though ! Can’t wait to hear what you find 🙂

  27. I second your decision. I have been teaching kids for three years and I’m already exhausted! I can’t imagine you after close to ten years! You say you have no experience in creative/publishing stuff, but you have a blog with close to 700 followers on it! That doesn’t count for nothing! you’ve also done design and layout work on it, so that’s a sort of graphics qualification too! Think about what would make you happy, and then go with it! And don’t be afraid to promote yourself! people don’t realize how often they become their own obstacles! worst case scenario: somebody says no – and who cares! 🙂

    p.s. i’ve been thinking about your how-to posts, and I made a pretty snazzy little headband the other day,which I’d be happy to share, if you’d like me to show your readers how 🙂 let me know if you’re interested!

  28. I think you should totally go for it! I admire you for taking the steps to figure out what you want to do!

  29. I’m flattered that you mentioned me and that our conversation triggered this post 🙂 You know I back you up 100% on this and I definitely understand how you feel. Check out those companies we talked about, and remember, your blog is a great example of work you’ve done (in terms of writing and a project). You’re smart, stylish, hard-working, personable, and attractive…who wouldn’t want you as a volunteer?!

  30. I don’t live in Portland but GO FOR IT LAUREN!!! XO

  31. hi! just wanted to say thanks for commenting on my fill-in-the-blank friday :)i HAVE read redeeming love and i adored it! i read it during a really boring class i had in college, and was embarrassed that i was almost crying in the middle of class, haha!
    i googled noel from felicity (scott foley) since you said he looks like my boyfriend, and you’re right, they do sort of favor each other 🙂

  32. maybe you should cntact all your local magazines and start there. show them your blog and following and tell them to give you a space to write! or maybe other magazines you like!!! who l=knows what could happen! but also you blog is yor creative outlet too right? this blog will take you places!

  33. i totally understand about the job thing although im just a student. actually your job now and what youre looking for kind of goes along with my major: consumer journalism 🙂 i would love to do public relations for some business involved with children (my actual dream job is public relations coordinator for a children’s hospital) but i really hope you find something that is interesting to you and that you absolutely love!

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