fill in the blank friday.

I decided that today’s Fill in the Blank theme will be one that is near and dear to my heart…. and that is “Fashion”.  I don’t take fashion very seriously, but it is something I enjoy.  Putting an outfit together is a favorite hobby of mine and if any of you need a personal stylist to come play dress-up in your closet I’d love to help :).  If any of you want to play along and fill in the blanks on your own blog make sure to come back here and link up at the end of this post so we can all see what you wrote.  OR….fill in the blanks in the comment section.  Oh…and I just wanted to let you all know that I love that so many of you play along!  Even though I don’t have time to comment on everyone’s blog, I still go and check out your answers.  Now on to the blanks…..
1.  One fashion trend I really regret is      Disney and Sesame Street character items on t-shirts.  I wore these like crazy in middle school.  NOT cool.  What the heck was I thinking?  Also, probably white jean short overalls.   .

2.  The one thing that always completes any outfit is      A pair of earrings.  I almost never leave the house without earrings on.  Even if I’m just lounging at home in yoga pants and my favorite faded grey hoodie, a pair of little pearl studs can make me feel instantly pulled together .

3.  I would describe my personal style as       I honestly don’t think I can answer that!  I’m not classic, not overly trendy, not bohemian….hmmmm….I’m stumped.  Any suggestions?   .

4.  My fashion muse is       Rachel Bilson.  She is so freaking adorable and I feel like we have fairly similar styles.  I am also inspired by fashion bloggers:  Jen of Jen Loves Kev, The lovely Fashion Therapist, Kjrsten of Have a Cute Day,  The postings of Glancing Girl and all of the beautiful people Lisa Warninger takes photos of over at Urban Weeds     .

5.  If I could own one designer piece of clothing it would be     Ummmm…. just one?  How ’bout three?  Oh right….I made up the question so I can do whatever I want.  I’d choose:  Christian Louboutin round toe pumps, a Marc Jacobs bag and a Chanel dress   .

6.  I would love to raid the wardrobe of      Rachel Bilson…see above.  Ooooh…. or maybe Nicole Richie   .

7.  Today I am wearing      my pajamas since it’s still Thursday night as I’m writing this…not sure what I’ll wear tomorrow.  BUT…Thursday’s outfit was pretty cute:  black leggings, brown boots, chambray button-up and a nubby off-white sweater.  I should’ve taken a picture because it was cute although it sounds quite clashy      .

Thanks for playing along!

Hope you have a fun weekend!



  1. That is amazing. Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed reading them.

  2. Ugh, I wore Disney T’s and overalls too.. why did we do that?? I blame my mom. And the 90s in general.

  3. ooohh. i love this edition!
    i’m always the girl in the store putting complete outfits together.
    it looks like i’m preparing to dress multiple mannequins, seriously.
    i love it tho. 🙂
    what can i say?
    i gots skills.

    oh, and your outfit from the other day?
    it sounds totally cute!

  4. Boo, I skipped this week, I had other stuff to blog about. Maybe better, though, because I’m not the world’s most fashionable.

  5. again, all of my blanks mimic yours. I guess I just want to be like you 🙂

    Love these blanks because I just bought a new dress and shoes last night so I am very inspired in this area! Great job 🙂

  6. So much Fun! Love doing this!

  7. Oh, this is a fun one! I was a little nervous when you said fashion because it’s really not my thing (I always dress nicely and with my style, but I don’t “follow” fashion), but these questions are approachable. Posting in a few minutes, hopefully!

  8. Love this fill in the blank!!! Oh and I will email you tonight … about the dates of our trip!! Much love sweet lady! xo

  9. i love this! and your outfit sounds adorable … i wish i could pull off wearing something like that.

  10. Christian Louboutin, le sigh….a girl after my own heart!

  11. I love your fill in the blank fridays. I always get to read a new blog and make a new “blog” friend 🙂

  12. BY FAR, my most favorite one!!! 🙂 i love the way you pull off belts Lauren!

    happy friday 🙂

  13. Would you come and play stylist in my closet? I always feel like I’m stuck in a rut.

  14. So much fun, first time participating!

  15. i agree, i feel naked when I realize I accidentally forgot to put on earrings!! such a weird feeling! i have way too many pairs

  16. I love Nicole Richie’s style…oh except the maxi dresses…they look great on her but they’re just not my ‘thing’! 🙂

  17. youre so cute! id love to start playing along, i just need to figure out how to cut and paste this whole thing…im a little computer challenged. my fashion trend regret is lots of makeup in jr high, particularly eye makeup (shadow). and a belt or a cardigan always completes an outfit for me:) have a fabulous day, and thank you seriously so much for your very kind and loving comment that was very timely on my blog regarding mr/ms anonymous. it meant a lot to me. you are the best!

  18. ooh my I still wear animated t shirts, IN the house though 😉 actually Im wearing a Snoopy I ♥ California one now hahahha
    Dont hate me! please

  19. i love this fill-in-the-blank-friday! if i could have one designer item it’d without a doubt be a marc jacobs bag, swoon!

  20. oh my! thanks for the shout out! Who knew?!

    pretty sure you are too cute on your own, to be inspired by me though!

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