fill in the blank friday.

I almost forgot about Fill in the Blank Friday!  What????  I know.  Don’t worry.  I remembered at 10:15 PM, but I couldn’t let you guys down, so today’s blanks will be a speed version….whatever questions I can think of as quickly as possible.  No theme.  Just pure, raw, unadulterated blanks.  Feel free to play along and then link back here using the Linky at the bottom of the post.  Enjoy!

1.  The very best thing about the summer is      The long days and how everyone stays up a bit later and just hangs out BBQ’ing and laughing.  It just feels like there’s always more fun things going on in summer   .

2.  My first crush ever was      A boy named Chad May in the 4th grade.  We got to be in a wagon train project when we were learning about the Oregon Trail and he was the husband and I was the wife.  I was thrilled beyond belief .

3.  This may sound really silly but       I sleep with ear plugs.  Kind of weird maybe and I suppose it sort of kills the opportunity for Craig to whisper sweet nothings in my ear in the middle of the night, but what can I say….I value my sleep   .

4.  I squeeze my toothpaste from       the middle of the tube.  I never think to squeeze it from the end.  Too much effort.  Thankfully Craig does the same thing   .

5.  My absolute favorite “comfort food” is     Donuts….or pizza.  Probably donuts though.  They’re perfect.  A bread AND a sweet.  Pure genius I tell you!   .

6.  A random fact about me is that      I used to do Bible quizzing for church.  We would compete against other churches memorizing Bible verses and sit on these buzzers that would go off if we knew the answer first.  I was totally THAT kid   .

7.  The one piece of technology that truly makes my life better and I couldn’t live without is      my iPhone.  Hands down….when it was broken, I felt like I’d lost an appendage in war or something.  Sounds ridiculous, but it’s totally true      .

Hope you enjoyed the speed round.
Happy Weekend!



  1. i wear an eyemask to bed because i have to have it pitch black to be able to sleep well. it looks awkward…so i feel ya on the earplugs.

  2. I sleep with ear plugs too! Even the smallest noise will wake me up.

  3. Love your #3!!!! 🙂 Have a great Friday Lauren!


  4. Nice one, I always love your questions!
    have a great weekend Lauren xoxo

  5. Loved the speed round and your answers! 🙂

  6. I remember the Oregan Trail game! I LOVED it! And I’m with you with not squeezing the toothpaste from the end. And I wish I had an iphone!

  7. Lauren, I loved this one!
    Thanks so much for thinking up fun questions!!!

  8. Great list. Donuts are one of my favorites too. Chocolate with chocolate frosting, yum!

  9. I was THAT kid too! haha

  10. I sleep with ear plugs too!!!!!!

  11. I used to wear earplugs when I slept because I was in the city and it was SO loud! I continuously would wake up with every car that went by! Have a great weekend Lauren!

  12. I didn’t realize how much I valued my husband squeezing from the midst of the tube as I do until today. Thanks for reminding me about loving the little things he and I have in common 🙂

  13. I feel the same way about my iPhone. How I ever existed without it I’ll never know.

  14. I’m kind of scared of sleeping with earplugs in case there’s a fire or a break in or something I need to hear! Is that paranoid?

  15. hahaha
    bible quiz kid! so cool! seriously!!!!
    did you ever go to power team events? or carmen concerts! hahaha
    i loved oregon trail too!
    and i do that with my toothpaste too!
    and why does summer make you feel like you need to drink margs all day everyday!!!! ugh! i love it

  16. your number of links in insane!

    oh my gosh, that’s so funny that you sleep with ear plugs, because i do, too! any little sound and i can’t sleep. i actually worried that i may be the (chubby) weird one in cali if i put those babies in when it came time to sleep, but now i won’t worry about it!

    your comfort foods are my comfort foods. it’s almost rewarding to feel crappy.

  17. i was thinking ear plugs might be a necessary sleeping tool. i’ve come to the realization that if i don’t get a solid 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep, i’m kinda cranky! 🙂 i’m totally with you on that!

  18. ha! your first crush is such a cute story! hope you had a wonderful weekend!

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