lovely little roundup.

This weekend was super busy
which = not a lot of blogging.
So….here are someย 
pretty things to look at
until I get more time….

{I adore this pin-up swimsuit.}
{I want the deer AND the frame.}
{OK…I’m actually obsessed with the whole etsy shop….}

{I love organic looking jewelry like this.}
{Only the cool kids rock Mr. T tees.}

{Swoon…. I want this dress for my own
Such a fun little detail.}
{How cute is this picnic tote?}
{This little tent makes me want toddlers.}
{…so does this modern playhouse.}

{Such a cool necklace.}
{a not-so-subtle hint for the one you love.}

{OK.} ย 
That’s it.

Happy day to you all!



  1. oooh pretty selection, I love the deers and frames, i actually saved them too yesterday ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. that etsy shop is pretty much amazing and pure sunshine happiness.

  3. Oooh, I LOVE that swimsuit! …and the tent, and playhouse.

  4. eek!! i love those colorful frames and candlestick! what an amazing etsy shop, thank you for sharing.

    and i really want that picnic basket, even though i have two baskets already. i’d be so stylish with that one!

  5. Great finds! I especially like the yellow organizer, the frame, the deer, the necklace, the play house. OK, I give, they are all so cool! Fun way to start the morning with day dreaming!

  6. i love that you are attracted to colour and light and life!

  7. When the day comes that I get married,
    pleasePLEASE send me that “Let’s get Naked” pillow for my wedding bed.


  8. i love that swimsuit!!

  9. 1- wow that modern kids playhouse is AWESOE!! I’m so jealous they didnt have that when we were young!!
    2-that lets get nakes pillow…ahahah soooo funny, i love it!
    gotta go check out that etsy store now…. ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. i would move into that modern playhouse! how fun! it’s better than the make believe house (that was the swingset) my brother and i would play “in.”

    that pillow looks like something chris would put on the bed. perv.

  11. love that picnic tote! what a great idea!

  12. i love everything on this list! i went to every link lol.

  13. all so great! that pillow is funny. could totally picture that on my bed. would be great until the kids learn how to read, then it would have to go. ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. the picnic tote is really cute…and the blue frame!

  15. LOL… I’m cracking up at the Mr. T tee and the “Let’s Get Naked” pillow!

    That playhouse looks like a Frank Lloyd Wright creation! How cool.

  16. You are KILLING me! I want all these things!

  17. That Etsy shop with the frames looks amazing!!

  18. That dress is killing me! Want want want!!

  19. Don’t let my husband see that “let’s get naked” pillow. He’ll want it. Ha! PS, I was looking at the blogs you love and was sad mine wasn’t on there! Rude! Kidding ๐Ÿ™‚ I think our blogging friendship has slacked since I went private. I’m thinking of going unprivate..I hate losing my bloggy friends!!

  20. Oooo that green frame is adorable!

  21. Very nice selection of pictures girl. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Have an amazing day.


  22. I love the tent and playhouse! The necklace is gorgeous! I need to start making a “wish list”. Thanks for sharing ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. haha i love all of these things. you always find the cutest stuff ๐Ÿ™‚ i would LOVE to go shopping with you someday! hope you have a lovely tuesday lauren! love ya!

  24. I love that dress! And the tent… Makes me want to be a child again ๐Ÿ™‚

  25. oooh…love it all! ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. I totally thought that was lingerie and I was like woah lauren. haha. Love it as a swimsuit though.

  27. Woowee, I love all of these amazing things. Thanks for sharing them! ๐Ÿ™‚ If you purchase a headband, I will put you in a drawing for a free one!;)

  28. so many wonderful things! What’s not to LOVE!? thanks for sharing Lauren!

  29. That playhouse rocks! I’ve been trying to get Jus to make a tent over our bed for months but he hasn’t don’t it yet.
    Hope the rest of your week goes well!

  30. You find the best things!

  31. The bold colors and that heart shaped back of the dress make me SO happy!!! Perfect finds, Lauren!

  32. i want that lets get naked pillow!

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