california blog friends trip: part 1.


I had so much fun meeting my blog friends and have so much to say that I had to break up these posts into multiple parts.  Sorry.  Don’t hate me.  I know you’re probably going to be so sick of hearing about my trip, but I just had such a great time that I can’t help but sharing.  Please bear with me.  K thanks.

So…I hadn’t flown by myself before.  I was a little nervous.  
I took the MAX light rail train and 
it dropped me off right out front.
Genius and so so easy.
I made it on my plane without a hitch.

The only problem was when I got on the plane someone was sitting in my seat.  That someone was a 5-year old….and her 8-year old sister.  Apparently they were flying alone to visit their uncle and I got to be the lucky one to sit next to them for two hours.  Yay! (insert sarcasm here).

They were pretty much all up in my business the whole time.  It’s lucky for Alaska Airlines that I’m a preschool teacher and used to kids being all up in my grill on a regular basis or I would’ve been filing a serious complaint.  They were actually fairly well behaved kids….. considering the fact that their mom sent them on the plane without any real entertainment and with ziploc baggies full of gummi worms and M&M’s….not to mention the soda that the flight attendant gave them.  Awesome.  At one point I realized I wouldn’t be able to listen to my iPod or read my magazines without interruption, so I ended up letting them listen to the Black Eyed Peas while they read my Marie Claire.  Maybe not child appropriate…but then again either is sending your kids on a plane while they’re hopped up on sugar and kicking the seats in front of them while shouting.  I rest my case.  The 8-year old (named Haley) was actually pretty cute – that’s her little hand pointing out which outfit she likes best.

The plus side to sitting next to children was that the flight attendant felt bad for me and gave me free gin – which I drank and then promptly decided that I won’t drink again.  Tastes rather like mouth wash to me.  But…I drank it this time.  

Needless to say the flight was much more pleasant from then out.  I was also sufficiently loosened up for when Kassi and Brandi came to pick me up from the airport.  Here’s my first view of California while I waited for them.

We spent our first evening hanging out and eating ’til I thought I might puke.  Delicious food though.  And Dan (Kassi’s husband) kept ever so subtly refilling our not-quite-yet empty drinks.  Tricky guy that Dan.  
After staying up way past my bedtime we went to bed and I got to be futon-mates with Danielle.  We both wear ear plugs to bed, so it was the perfect arrangement :).  It was so strange how we all felt instantly at ease with one another.  I guess it just proves my point about blog friends being real friends.  I think I was probably more open and honest with these ladies than I can be with most of my friends back home.  Not to say that I don’t love my everyday friends, but it was just different.  We all agreed that we need to plan future trips to see each other and visit each other’s respective states as well.

It was basically great.

I promise I’ll blab less in part 2 of this post….it’ll be mostly photos….mostly.  But… don’t quote me on that :).



  1. This is so neat. I keep reading about people meeting other bloggers and going on vacas together. I want in! I think I would have enjoyed sitting next to kids over other adults. I don’t know why, but that seems appealing to me. It could be that it’s 230am while I type this and I’m just not thinking clearly. Can’t wait to read and see more of your trip!

  2. how fun!! I love reading about your trip so don’t apologise and bring them on! xoxo

  3. You’ve totally inspired me to do a blog get together =-) Have a good weekend lady!

  4. that’s exactly how it was when i met my friend abby!
    so much openness, no barriers.
    some of it probably has to do with the fact that she’s not in my circle of friends back home, but also, i like to think that it’s just that special bond.

    so glad you had a fun time!
    can’t wait to hear more. 🙂


  5. Ooh I can’t wait to hear about the rest of your trip. I recently had my second blogger meet up and they are always so fun and i completely agree with you how it’s easy to strike up conversation. It’s amazing the friendships that form from this wonderful community 🙂

  6. Other than the flight, it looks like your california trip got off to a great start! Excited to see more pictures.

  7. The only drink I ever get on flights is Ginger Ale.

    I think being seated next to two young sugar-high kids would have driven me nuts.

  8. Something has happened to me like that before. My boyfriend and I were swimming in my pool (it’s my apartment’s complex). It was really cold, and I always hate at first getting in. Two little girls followed us, and asked me why aren’t you getting in? I said, it’s too cold. They said, no it isn’t. So, I finally got halfway in. They told me to get all the way in. They wouldn’t stop until I did. Then they proceeded to follow us around the whole pool (and the pool is big, but not all that big…not many places to go).

  9. this is awesome! i’m glad you had fun. I can’t believe you had never flown alone before! It’s an experience the first time.. my first time flying alone was back from Italy when I was 16 (scary!)

    m&m’s and candy for kids on a plane?! that is just terrible parenting. terrible.

  10. How fun! Sounds like the start of a really great time (minus hyper kids with no entertainment)!

  11. i agree we all fit perfectly!
    i had a blast i wish we had more time!
    i posted some of my rosebowl pics today…too many to choose from(:
    i ove that you got her hand!

  12. Guess it’s time to meet up with a WA blog friend soon!
    How unfortunate about the plane seating but at least it was a shortish flight. Loved your post on packing all in a carry on, definitely want to try that sometime, if I’m brave enough!

  13. I love these blog world meets real world stories! I’ve only ever met 1 blog friend in real life, and it needs to happen more 🙂

  14. That is so awesome – i’m just dying to one day meet some of my bloggie friends!! (Sorry about your plane mates!)

  15. I love to read about your trip! So cool! I’m glad you had a great time!
    ps: i don’t like gin pure either 🙂

  16. oh how fun!!! What an amazing trip! I can’t wait to hear more!

  17. I just stumbled upon your blog. Wow! that’s really cool. It’s almost like a blind date, except you already know a lot about each other.

    I look foward to reading more. Now a new follower.

    Rambles with Reese

  18. this is so sweet! i really love that blog friends translate so well into real friends!

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