celebrating a bun in the oven but not my own.

The highlights of 
my weekend included:

-Going to my friend Jamie’s first official class as a Zumba instructor!

-Eating TCBY with our hillarious friends John and Dana and laughing hysterically all night.

-Going clothes shopping with Craig.  He finally broke down and bought a few new things that he was desperately needing.  Yay for stylish husbands! 

-Trying to brainstorm how I’m possibly going to fit enough cute clothing into a carry-on bag for my trip to California on Thursday.  $20 each way to check a bag???  Ridiculous!  I didn’t know everyone charged to check bags now seeing as I haven’t been on a plane in four years.  LAME.

-Watching the Proposal with Craig.  He lost a bet and this was the consequence.  I think he kind of liked it because of Betty White though.  I thought it was ridiculously adorable :).

-Writing this list in rainbow colors.  Not quite sure why I am though.  I guess I like to change it up for you guys sometimes.

BUT…the most exciting
highlight was….

Helping to host a baby shower 
for my friend Anna.

She’s having a little girl and no one knows the baby’s name…it’s top secret.  BUT….Anna did let me know that the name is French.  Well….I love a theme and French Country seemed like a perfectly chic theme for a baby shower – and a little less typical than the usual animal theme.  Here are some photos.  Bon Appetit!

{The Drink “Bar”}
{TJ’s French Berry Lemonade & Neopolitan candies}
{The first game: Guessing the # of clothespins}
*I’m anti-awkward baby shower games*
 so we only did non-awkward ones

{my favorite decor detail}
{mis-matched vessels filled with various pink, white & green flowers}

{Here’s a zoomed out version}
{Note the mismatched china…perfect accent}

{my attempt at a pom pom luminary a’la Martha}
{Hers was perfect, but mine’s unique}

{The Spread:  fruit skewers, mini-croissant sandwiches}

{Dessert – top to bottom: }
{mini chocolate mousse, coconut macaroons & chocolate beignets} 

{favors: little cookies}
What do you guys think?

I had a lot of fun coming up with decor ideas and trying to keep it on the cheap.  I can’t wait for more friends to start having babies so I can help with their showers too :).

Hope you guys have a good Monday!



  1. oooh soo cute – love the BEBE on the wall.
    well done on a cute shower

    Betty Bake

  2. Such an exciting time for your friend! Babies are such a blessing. Have fun on your trip! xo

  3. The baby shower looks great…you have done a good job…

  4. What a PRETTY baby shower!! I love all your decorating/accent ideas – and I really really really love that little “bebe” cut-out 🙂 I bet your friend loved it!

  5. it looks adorable! awesome job.

  6. great shower pics! i appreciate all the attention to detail and love that you put into the planning and decor and games.

    i have to tell you that yesterday in a moment of a little bit of heartache i sent the universe a message and said “show me a rainbow to let me know that it’s going to be okay” and today i saw yours!

  7. adorable!! i like the flowers in mismatched vases too… so cute!

  8. Honestly, I am positively obsessed with this. The “French Country” theme is brilliant. The menu was perfection, and I love how you attempted the Martha craftiness – better than I could do, I’m sure! So classy yet understated. Love. xxSAS

  9. Yay for fun weekends. Your sweet husband is awesome and spent way too much of his time tinkering on our old P.O.C. And what a cute shower, you did such a fabulous job!

  10. Very cute. Congrats to your friend!

  11. That shower is adorable and so fun! The food looked yummy and I love the ampersand! I don’t know why but I just love that symbol! We used in in all of our wedding paper products because of that…

  12. Such a cute shower!

    Try rolling your clothes in your carry-on – you’d be so surprised how much more you can fit that way!

  13. It looks amazing! I could go for one of those mini chocolate mousses… yum 😉

  14. Here is something I found online about packing for 10 days into a carry-on…thought it might help! http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2010/05/06/business/businessspecial/20100506-pack-ss.html

  15. oh wow, before i finished reading the first sentence, i thought YOU had a bun in the oven!

    1. i miss tcby so badly. they closed the one here several years ago, and i’d literally kill (or at least hurt) for their cotton candy frozen yogurt.

    2. chris refuses to go clothes shopping. he’ll whine to me about when he needs until i break down and get it for him. i wish he wouldn’t be such a baby!

    3. i would never pay to check a bag. i’d just do laundry if i had to. i don’t understand why airlines charge you to bring bags! seriously, is it a luxury to take clothes on a trip?!? at least the rolly suitcases can fit as a carry on. that’s what i use. oh, i can’t wait. but i’m kinda jealous that kassi & brandi got to meet already! i propose no sleeping the whole trip, that way we get more in!

    4. i thought the proposal was hilarious. chris and i watched it two nights in a row! i didn’t know ryan reynolds was so funny!

    5. the baby shower decorations were so pretty. i especially like the flowers in different vases.

  16. you are soo good at party planning, lauren!
    seriously. you should consider this for a career.
    when you post pictures of your work, i am always so in awe.
    i especially love that first picture with the bottles, candies, and BEBE sign.
    precious! 🙂

    thank goodness you had normal food choices.
    i once went to a baby shower where everything was baby related.
    we’re talking all the way down to cookies shaped like tiny baby hands and feet.


  17. I love the baby shower theme! I think you should come to Indiana and throw me a bridal shower just so I can have such a pretty party.

  18. very sweet! i love it extra because her name is Anna.

  19. I love the theme! The party looks so cute and fun! Congrats to your friend 🙂 You’ll have to tell us what she chose for a name. And I looove The Proposal! It’s one of my favorite romantic comedies!

  20. Yay! I loved the pics of the baby shower. I love any kind of party but baby showers are so much fun! It’s all so exciting! I love that she’s keeping the name secret, we did that and only told the initials. Kept it more special. Loved the French theme since the name is French, how cute!


  21. what a delightful babyshower! well done darling!

  22. Everything looks super cute 🙂 French country to go along with the top secret baby name is adorable!

  23. Congrats — and yay for rainbow colors!

  24. awww. i loved the proposal and so did chris (although he doesn’t like to admit it).

    i thought the whole cast was hilarious…who knew ryan reynolds had it in him???

    love your party theme too!!!


  25. Lauren – love that you wrote your list in rainbow colours – shows just how happy you are feeling!

    Adore the combination of pink and green ribbon on those bags – subtle and oh so pretty.

  26. What a cute set up for the baby shower! So fun!

    Dustin actually really liked The Proposal. He’s a Ryan Reynolds fan.

  27. Nice job! That looked super cute! Have a great week!

  28. I loved the stand for the brownies and desserts. Super cute. And the drink bar was cute too. I love that brand of lemonade 🙂 My aunt buys it all the time and I got to take a bottle home the other day :] sooo good. and it tied into your color scheme! nice. haha.

  29. awesome job with that shower. southwest doesn’t charge for checked bags! i suggest you wear/layer three whole outfits on the airplane to save room in your bag 🙂

  30. The decorations are so adorable! Love it!

  31. That shower looks so so cute! i love the little favours!

  32. such a cute shower!!

  33. Man, you are good at a theme. I have to throw a baby shower in like two weeks…you want to come and help me? What games did you play?

  34. Beautiful! I love the theme. Throwing showers is one of my favorite parties to plan, all the guests are so happy and excited! Great job 🙂

  35. you plan such wonderful little parties! i’m working on my cousins baby shower and i’ve found this very inspiring!

    have a wonderful time in california!

  36. you did a fantastic job — it’s so lovely!! love all the flowers in mason jars & the clothespins game! i need to find a pretty glass jar like that!

  37. I am planning another baby shower right now and was needing some inspiration! After throwing somewhere around 8 showers in the last few years, I was getting tired of the same ‘ol, same ‘ol. Thanks for the great ideas. I think that it’s a very dreamy shower! Looked awesome 🙂

  38. Super awesome, Lauren. And I want all those desserts REAL bad.

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