my favorite thing about today #46.

My favorite thing 
about today is:
That I get to meet Kassi!!!
And Brandi AND Danielle!
{This is a photo from my first iChat date with Kassi & Brandi}
I’ll be flying into California around 6:00 tonight and I’m so ridiculously excited
and nervous.  I hope they like me in real life too :).

I feel a little nerdy about meeting blog friends in real life.  I think people who don’t have blogs just don’t get  it, but that’s ok.  Blog friends are real friends.  See…someone even made this little clip art saying so, so it must be true.  I actually can’t remember where I found this.  Ooops.  If you know, feel free to tell me so I can link it).
I’ll be gone today until Monday, so there will be no “Fill in the Blank Friday” tomorrow. Sorry!  I got a lot of feedback from last week’s fill in the blank after I asked if you wanted me to keep doing it every week.  Most people said they did, so I’ll keep doing it weekly (except for this one!), but I may start having guest bloggers come up with blanks for me.  If you’re interested, feel free to e-mail me the blanks you come up with along with your name and your blog address and I may use your blanks in the future.  They can be themed (or not), but try to come up with the most unique questions you can think of that haven’t been used before.  My e-mail address is:

Also if you want to keep up on what’s going on during my trip you can follow me on Twitter. My “handle” or whatever it’s called is LaurensLoDown.

Hope you guys have a great weekend!



  1. I hope you have a great time! And I don’t think it’s nerdy meeting blogfriends 🙂 I think it’s funny that you four meet – just my four favorite blogs to read. Enjoy your time together and take care!

  2. thats so exciting lauren! I am sure they will love you, cos you are awesome!!! I think you are right about people without blogs not really getting it, but if you think about it, it is like meeting someone via letter. There are many people who where friends through letters before they ever met the person they were writing back and forth with. (hope that made sense, ha ha ha!). anyways, have fun and enjoy yourself!!!

  3. How fun!! Hope you have a great time in California! (I might just be emailing you soon with my own fill-in-the-blanks!)

  4. Ofcourse Blog Friends are Real Friends…they are like Pen-pals…so however doesn’t understand… tell them to read and write a bit more and even trust people a little more…

    Hope you have loads of fun with your Blog Friends…

  5. bon voyage! and you are correct blog friends ARE real friends. that is why you connect with some more than others…just like in real life!

  6. i am so excited for! i am secretly jealous at the same time though that they get to meet you! and you get to meet them! i want to hear all about that! i wish i was coming!! i hope you have tons of fun!!! i am so happy for ya girl!! love ya lots! i’ll make sure to see whats goin on on your twitter!!

  7. we’re gonna have fun!
    and don’t be nervous… really.
    i just hope i can keep you entertained!
    see you later today 🙂

    xo. thanks.
    xo. thanks.

  8. Meeting blog friends is so amazing! I recently took a trip with three blog pals who have become some of my closest friends! I was nervous to meet them but it was great!

    have fun in my lovely state!!

  9. I think meeting bloggy friends is the new “meeting your mate online” thing. I mean, people can find a significant other online. Why can’t they find friends online too?

    Have an amazing time Lauren!

  10. I think it’s great that you are going to meet some of your blogger friends. I would be nervous too but excited at the same time. Good for you! I agree with you that people who don’t blog will not understand how exciting it is to meet a blogger in real life.

    As for Fill in the Blank Fridays, I may have some ideas and will definitely email them to you.

    Have fun at your blogger meet up. I can’t wait to hear all about it.

  11. Lauren how lucky!! have a great time sweetie, enjoy enjoy!! xoxo

  12. Have so much fun meeting them!! That’s exciting. Blog friends are totally real friends.

  13. Oh have such a fun time!!!!! And I can’t wait to meet you!!! Much love! XO

  14. How fun. There are so many blog friends I would love to meet.

  15. have fun!!

  16. Lauren! I can’t wait to see pictures and hear about your time! It’s so neat that you get to meet awesome bloggy friends. Sounds nervewracking! But totally fun 🙂
    Hope you have a wonderful time!

  17. How awesome! I hope you have a great time and I can’t wait to hear about it. 🙂

  18. Hope you have a great time! I would be nervous too, but I hope you have fun!

    I’m a new follower, by the way 🙂

  19. Blog friends are SO real friends. Some of my closest friends right now, I’ve meet through blogging. I hope you have a great time with your friends! 🙂

  20. Theres a giveaway going on at my blog come check it out!

  21. Awww, I think it’s so cute that you’re nervous haha. I bet it will be lots of fun! Yay for blogger love!

    xoxo, Ashley

  22. Thats cool! Blog friends ARE real friends, hope you have fun!! 🙂

  23. that picture is adorable! I definitely believe blog friends are real friends! I’ve even added it to my blog 🙂 x

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