my favorite thing about today #47.

I hadn’t done one of these posts in awhile,
 so I thought I’d bring them back….

My favorite thing 
about today was….

Going to the zoo with two sweet little boys
and seeing the dinosaur exhibit.
Some of them were pretty life-like right?

It was pretty much the cutest thing ever because Sam (who was 4) was all about these giant animatronic dinosaurs, but the little brother John (who was 1 & 1/2) was not having it.  As we walked through the exhibit he kept saying “Bye-Bye!” to the dinosaurs from the stroller to let me know that he wanted to leave.  I thought maybe if he got out of the stroller and held my hand he might feel better about the whole experience, but I was wrong.  When we walked up to this big dinosaur hand-in-hand he screamed and hid behind me – poking his head out between my legs just to make sure the dinosaur wasn’t chasing him I think.  I couldn’t help but laugh.  I convinced him to roar back at the dinosaur which finally seemed to do the trick.  He got a kick out of letting out his fiercest roar and then broke out in fits of giggles.  

Little kids make me happy.

What was your favorite 
thing about today?



  1. I do sure that was really so much fun. I also can’t help but laughing, that’s really funny! tell them about my greetings 🙂 have a nice day, Lauren!

  2. that’s so cute that he started roaring at the dinosaurs! you’re so good with kids, and i know that when you have one or ten, you’re going to be an amazing mom!

    love you, friend!

  3. that is cute. i like to think kids who may get scared at things like plastic dinosaurs are probably some of the most creative and imaginative kids. and that’s okay by me 🙂

  4. What a lovely tip: roaring at things that scare you! I’m going to start roaring at the stupid moths that creep into our house and fly around my head. Little kids always have the BEST ideas!

  5. Aw, that sounds like so much fun!

    My favorite thing about YESTERDAY was finishing a great Jen Lancaster book and starting the Bree Tanner book. Yay!

  6. ha ha ha! this is so cute!

  7. aww that is too cute!!

  8. hahahaha! so cute and funny!
    i love dinosaur exhibits!

  9. oh i love this! it makes me miss my little nieces and nephews!!

  10. Aww that is so cute. Little kids make me laugh, they are too adorable! Sounds like a fun day, I love the zoo!

  11. I love taking the boys I babysit to the museum, they just always seem to be having so much fun, even when they’re seeing the same exact thing every week!

  12. SO CUTE! Bennett is already practicing his dinosaur/monster sounds (we aren’t quite sure which is which yet) and it’s pretty much the cutest thing ever. It’s totally a boy thing!

  13. that’s such a sweet story, and such a good idea to get him to roar!

  14. That sounds so cute! 🙂

  15. little kids are SO cute! It sounds like you had a lot of fun 🙂

  16. Little kids are so funny! I freaking love going to the zoo, even if I don’t have little kids with me.

  17. Haha! This is such a great picture..I’m serious! My boyfriend and I have such a strange obsession with dinos. I’m not kidding, we took a trip to London and instead of checking out all of the historical sites we made it our PRIORITY to visit a dinosaur exhibit.

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