my new bff.

Today I’d like to introduce you 
to my new BFF….  
Meet Argan Oil.

“What is Argan Oil?” you may be asking.  Well…. Perhaps you’ve heard of the hair product sensation that it Moroccan Oil… touted for it’s hair miracle-working properties by celebrities and hairstylists alike.  
My friend Brandi told me about it and I’d planned to buy some from her when we had our blog-friend meet up in California last month after trying it and loving it, but sadly I forgot.  I was pretty bummed out until my friend Claire told me some great news… Argan Oil is the same thing as Moroccan Oil and not only is it easier to track down (I bought mine at Sally Beauty Supply) but it’s also about 1/3 the cost of Moroccan Oil ($9 v.s. $24’ish)!
Not gonna lie…I had my doubts that this generic version would live up to Moroccan Oil’s amazingness, but these doubts have been assuaged and I am now completely head over heels for my Argan Oil.  The smell is almost exactly the same as Moroccan oil, which I must say is incredible and it makes my hair just as pretty and shiny and a bit less curly and more wavy which I love.
I just put a teeny dab on my wet hair before using my other usual products and then dab a bit more on once my hair has air-dried to calm my frizz and create shine. 
Now…I’m definitely not a hair-expert, but I do know that this product has been great for my hair and I’ve even gotten compliments as of late about how great my hair looks.  BUT….even more impressively was that one of these compliments came from my husband who never notices things like this, so I know it’s gotta be doing something :).  
Here are the links if you want to purchase either Argan Oil or Moroccan Oil…you won’t regret it!
Happy Tuesday!



  1. Your new bff sounds amazing, but my only question is does it make your hair very greasy? I would love something that gives shine and prevents frizz (especially since I live in Miami, which is currently unbearable), but my blow-outs only last two days before I have to wash my hair again. The price is certainly right, so I might just try it out…

  2. Ooh! Thanks for the tip Lauren! I’d recently fallen in love with Moroccan Oil too and about 1/4 left in my bottle. I’ll be sure to check out Argan oil for a comparison!

    xx Vivian @

  3. I think I’m going to hunt some down because my hair is so dry and frizzy. I would love a magic treatment like that!

  4. I was just reading about this stuff! Hrmm.. looks like I will have to try it!

  5. “calm my hair…” is all i needed to read. i will go to sally beauty supply this week and get myself some! with all the swimming i’ve been doing this last month or so, my hair has been feeling so dry, and of course dry hair means frizzy hair, so i’m in need of help!


  6. Hmmm… I may just have to try this stuff out. Thanks for the suggestion!

  7. i NEEED to try this product!!!

    strumblings =

  8. thanks for this!
    I’m all over the cheap, easy-to-find (right?) stuff that works wonders…so thanks for sharing, lauren!

  9. oh gosh, i need to try this! thank youuuu for posting this! i’m excited!

  10. This sounds miraculous! I never know what to do with the long, thick, semi-wavy-kinda mess on my head. I’ll let you know how it goes…

  11. I have the generic stuff too, and it works great. I’ve heard it works well on skin, but I have yet to try.

  12. Thanks so much for sharing! I have been contemplating buying the moroccan oil but have put it off because of the price. The much more affordable argan oil sounds perfect for me!

  13. that stuff looks awesome. im always looking for more natural products. does it smell good/does it make you break out if it touches your skin?

  14. hmm that sounds pretty amazing! and the price isn’t bad at all. think i’ll have to try it!

  15. Thank you so much for sharing! I have almost bought Moroccan so many times but never actually could bring myself to shell out the cash for it. I totally will try this stuff and I’m so glad to know it smells almost the same too! 🙂

  16. Wow awesome!! Thank you so much for sharing!!!

  17. I’ve been using Moroccon Oil and I lovvvve it but wowza, thanks for the tip on plain ol Argan Oil! I am going to try that next. Isnt the smell just DEVINE!?!? It has made a huge difference for my hair and when I run out I totally notice the difference!

  18. i want to try it too. products are one of the things i need to buy less of when times are tough financially. i usually do aveda products, mainly because i like the smell but shampoo and conditioner i do on the cheap b/c i just don’t notice the difference.

  19. i just started using it too! it took me a few tries to get the quantity right (i have pretty fine hair so for a while i looked like a grease monkey until i learned that VERY little goes a LONG way for me) but i looooove it now!

  20. So good to know! I love that you’re saving me money.

  21. well i looked at the ingredients so i think your ok with the fake brand….
    it’s still not the real thing:) haha

  22. I’ll have to try that. So you use it in addition to your usual products?

  23. I want some!!! my hair is a frizzy freaky MESS and i’m completely ready to rip it out.
    this seems like maybe a little less harsh option.

  24. I’m so glad you like it!! I’m still in love with mine, too. Yay for cheap!

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