
Today I had a serendipitous encounter.

While I was on a run on my lunch break 
on the waterfront…
I ran into the lovely Caroline of Coeur de La!
She’s on a little vacation to Portland with her hubby Marc and we’ve been planning to hang out later in the week, but had no plans for meeting up today.  I was running with a friend and she was riding bikes with Marc and suddenly I heard “Lauren!”  

When I looked it took me a second to place the face, because she was wearing sunglasses.  We said a quick hello and then I had to run off to get back to work.  What a funny way to meet for the first time, right?  

I can’t wait to hang out with her later in the week :).
Yay for bloggy friends!



  1. how fun!! i have yet to meet a bloggy friend in real life. that would be fun though! enjoy your time with her!

  2. That’s awesome! Can’t wait to hear about the actual hang-out.

  3. i love happy surprises! and hooray for blog friend meet-ups!

  4. how random and how fun! i haven’t met any bloggy friends in real life yet. i don’t think. hmmm….

  5. Hilarious! You’re right–what serendipity! Eager to hear about your meet up later in the week, and yes, yay for bloggy friends!

  6. I love stories like these!!! This shows me that lots of good things happen when we keep our eyes out for good things to happen. Have a lovely visit.

  7. How cool! That’s so cool when bloggers can meet up in real life, fun 🙂

  8. Wow, talk about fate! How funny!

  9. How fantastic and strange all at the same time. What a world we live in!

  10. Aww, how fun! Hope you guys have fun later this week 🙂

  11. i love that! isn’t it so great when the blog world translates into the real world?

  12. Very random! Were you already planning to meet up when she was in town and happened to run into each other? Or did she just happen to be in town and recognize you from your blog?

  13. LAUREN!!! I know how crazy is it that we met that way!!!! YAY for blog friends!! Sending you a hug and can’t wait to drink coffee and peruse the market with you! <3!!

  14. that is funny!!!! hahahaha i always have to take a minute to figure out who ppl are when i dont see them in their normal element:)
    yay for running!!!

  15. Run on your lunch break on the water? LUCKY GIRL!

  16. How cool! Fun stuff!

  17. Haha that’s awesome! 🙂

  18. Just found your blog through Lori Danielle and I’m SO excited to follow you!

    My husband lived in Portland for a couple years and I fell in love with it when I went to visit him!

  19. Small world! I love happy surprises!

  20. I get to meet my first bloggy friend in October! But I actually found YOU through Caroline…and Im glad I did. Im moving to Portland next year, and I know I will be in desperate need for people who know the place…so maybe you can help me when the time comes?? I promise Im not weird 🙂

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