moral dilemma.

The evil empire.

I have successfully avoided shopping there for the past five years (aside from the incident I blogged about where I had to check my morals in order to buy motion sickness pills).  I know they have some cute and incredibly cheap things, but as long as I don’t go in I won’t be tempted, right?


Enter Norma Kamali and her collection for Walmart.
It’s beyond ridiculous.
Cheap AND chic.

I accidentally stumbled onto one of her Warlmart pieces while Google searching, which led me to the website, which only made me fall more in love with her pieces, which in turn made me more tempted to shop at Walmart.  

I want this dress real bad.  Super cute and only $20 + $.97 shipping!  I don’t know if I can resist.  Morals or a super cute dress?  

“I am in a pickle!”  

Name that movie….

Weigh in!



  1. Oh you have to buy the dress. It is to cute to pass up the great deal

  2. i can never pass up a good deal. if i were in your pickle, i would just go for it and buy the dress. although, i never shop at walmart either…. my grandpa tells me i shouldn’t because it help the chinese economy rather than our own. that isn’t reason enough to not buy a cute cheap dress though….

    and i totally couldn’t agree more about some christians giving the rest of us a bad name…. totally annoying.

  3. wait a month then find it on ebay–then it’s like recycling. 🙂

  4. people with good morals like good dresses. so its ok 🙂

  5. super cute dress!
    i’m kind of thinking it’s “the sandlot.” hmm?

  6. Lauren,

    I really look up to your commitment to avoiding shopping there for 5 years! I just watched the documentary (The High Cost of Low Price) and am so appalled that I’m doing a major life overhaul and starting to be a conscious consumer. Ask yourself if a 20 dollar dress is worth making their employees go on food stamps and not afford healthcare. Or the fact that the dress was made by underpaid factory workers.

    I felt the same with Isabel Toledo for Payless and countless other designer collabs this fall, but like you mentioned when you don’t see it you aren’t tempted. No matter how cute I find the pom pom flats to be, do I really need them? No. Do I want them? Only because they are in exciting new ads and there is buzz about them!

    It is completely your decision, go with your gut! Be honest with yourself! No one has a right to judge your shopping habits, I won’t if you do end up purchasing it!

    I just want to be the good angel on your shoulder and say “stick to it!”


  7. yikes that is a tough one! but the dress is so cute… maybe just this once … (;

  8. That IS a really cute dress! And why is Wall mart the evil empire? Think I need to read up on it because I am Norwegian and we don’t have it over here so I know nothing about that!

    But since I can still blame my ignorance I’d definitely go for the dress 🙂

  9. I know it! She’s had some amazing things there in the past year or 2. I say go for it! I totally would.

  10. I still can’t. Seriously… the Walmart closest to me is just SO GROSS. First I’m scared that someone may run me over in the parking lot. And then I’m scared I’ll get some disease inside. It’s just so dirty. Ugh.

    Maybe order online though…

  11. Oh boy… I so understand where you’re coming from (I’m a major Target devotee and avoid all things rollback/smileyface) but… that dress rocks. I mean, really rocks. Gobuyitbutdoitreallyfastsoyoucan’tthinkaboutit!

  12. I think you have to get it; it’s just too cute. Plus, you wouldn’t have to step foot in a Wal-Mart, and I know you’d still be supporting them, but it’s only $20…

  13. I believe in moral balance. I think you can get the dress, but you have to make up for it by only shopping at local organic farmer’s markets for a month. Or sending a donation to a charity in a country that Walmart exploits. Or being extra green for a couple of weeks.

    Balance out your support of evil with some extra support of good 🙂

  14. I shop at Walmart out of convenience, … and now I am feeling guilty reading your post. I think – if you have stuck to your convictions about Walmart for five years – then don’t give in now!

  15. i say to myself, “i have to be financially responsible on certain things. if i can get if for less, why not?” i won’t judge you. 🙂

  16. Don’t do it, don’t give in! even though the dress is cute and cheap it isn’t worth supporting a place that treats all their employees so badly. Not to mention how awful the people that actually manufacture all of their products get treated and how bad all of it is for the environment. (Sorry to be such a Debby downer.)

  17. you should order it! at least you don’t have to go into the store 🙂

  18. Walmart has these cute clothes?!? I have always been a Target lover, but now I’m going to have to check out Walmart’s stuff! Very cute:)

  19. I say, go with your gut.

  20. I agree that Walmart is an evil empire that monopolizes business and sucks up money. Unfortunately, our opinions won’t change the millions of people that shop there, dropping cash every day. Sigh! However, that dress is so cute and I think you should buy it even if it’s from Wally World. It’s cute, and if you haven’t shopped there in 5 years then you deserve a break! 20 bucks is a steal!

  21. Oh my God! Now I’m in the same dilemma! Ahhh

  22. Girl, I just bought this dress for 3 dollars at walmart on the clearance rack, tell me thats not worth it?!!? IT iS!!!!!!

  23. not worth it! shopping at walmart just makes me feel icky. no matter how cute the dress.

  24. just buy it!!!!

    who cares! no one is judging you:)

    i say GO FOR IT

  25. Ooh, I see your dilemma. Heck, go for it! Why not? I’m totally with you on avoiding Walmart AT ALL COSTS, but you won’t contribute to the world’s demise if you buy this one dress. 🙂

  26. What’s wrong with Wal-Mart??? I have never bought clothes there, but I’ve kinda become hooked on their cheap housewares and the occasional grocery trip.

  27. I avoid Walmart too. I’ve only been in it 3 times in my entire life, and I only purchased something once. It was a dog leash. We adopted a dog from the Kansas Humane Society and she was waiting for us in a Walmart parking lot in Denver. I ran inside the Walmart because we forgot to bring a leash with us. Then again, I honestly don’t research every place I shop…

  28. DON’T DO IT LAUREN!!!!! Come on you’ve gone on for this long….think of Bob’s Red Mill…your dad…think of the greater good.

    But I won’t judge you if you do…but then again I actually don’t think that dress is anything special but You will look wonderful in it…with some added accessories. If you do get it…I think you should go with the black… remember H&M is coming real soon…

  29. I know how you feel about Walmart! I feel the same way, and that website called doesn’t help make me feel any better about it! The dress isn’t my style but if you like it, I think would warrant a trip! 🙂

  30. All I have to say is, ANCHORMAN.

  31. Don’t do it!!
    Find it resale, instead.


  32. Get it!
    You have to. It’s cheap and chic. You’re saving money. I think I might start shopping at Wal-Mart 😉

  33. Super cute dress should win. Definitely. 🙂

  34. don’t do it!! Walmart is evil!! you could probably find something just as cute on etsy or at any local shop!!

    but it is cute and i totally understand the temptation!

  35. I advise you to stick to your plan on this one… if you feel so strongly about not shopping there, you might feel worse later on for not sticking to it for the sake of fashion.

  36. I’m gonna chime in with those saying not to do it. Last December I decided I wasn’t going to buy clothes for an entire year (a HUGE feat for me) and there have been a few times when I’m ready to throw in the towel proclaiming how I “need something” because of this reason or that and my husband always replies with a “you do NOT need that. you WANT it.” Which is true. As much as you love these dresses, you don’t need a single one of them. You decided not to shop at WalMart for a reason. Stick to it. A year from now, five years from now you won’t care about the dress. But you’ll still care about the reasons you chose not to shop at WalMart in the first place.

  37. I HATE WALMART. HATE. whenever i end up going there it sucks my soul out like the dementors form harry potter.

    BUT these new line makes things a little different…
    i’d actually go when it’s not as crowded. but when is walmart NOT crowded!? ah…. i feel your pain.

    shop online!??

  38. you must get this dress! to cheap to pass up! 🙂

  39. I’d say get it! I’m all about being green and supporting local businesses, and I do. But sometimes it’s too expensive only shop that way and sometimes difficult/impractical. I try to do things in moderation instead of one extreme or the other.

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