my new favorite person.

Saturday morning I finally got to meet the 
adorably sweet Caroline from Coeur de La 
and she’s pretty much my new favorite person….

We met up at The Ace Hotel (where Caroline and her husband Marc were staying) and we drank Stumptown in the lobby.
After drinking coffee we headed out to the Farmer’s Market and while we were there I officially decided that Caroline and Marc are the most fun people to eat with EVER.  They were like kids in a candy store with all the yummy food abounding and it made me smile – these two are definitely foodies :).  

We ate Pine State Biscuits and I had the most delicious egg & cheese biscuit of my life….and I don’t even really like biscuits!  Luckily we got one before the line was a block long.
We also had Sol Pops – Caroline had read about them in Sunset magazine (she knew more about the Portland food scene than I do!) and I’m glad she did because they were delicious.  The Strawberry Basil one was the essence of a farmer’s market on a stick – true story.   
The best part about hanging out with Caroline and Marc is that they both like to share food, which I love, because then I get to try more things.  Craig never likes to share food :(.  Also, Caroline is great at documenting :).
They were both big fans of Portland’s coffee.
Caroline was just as sweet as I had imagined and I wish she lived closer, because then I would have a fun foodie friend to eat with, but who would still encourage me to run it off since she’s quite the runner :).  
Marc and Caroline:  Move to Portland! 

Oh…and look at this beautiful necklace Caroline brought me:
I love it!
Oh…and don’t mind my crazy morning hair.
So fun meeting bloggy friends who turn into “real life” friends!



  1. That is so cool! I hope to one day meet a blog friend

  2. That strawberry and basil sol pop sounds amazing! This outing looks like my idea of heaven I love food =)

  3. Aww, that is so nice! She does seem sweet. and you found some good places to eat! More to add to my list for next time I drive to Portland… I’ve been wanting to go to Pine State Biscuits for awhile, since I saw it on Diners Drive ins and Dives!

  4. It looks like you had such a great time! Love that necklace. I’ve been wanting one for a while.

  5. yay for meeting another blog friend! i often wish the u.s. were much, much smaller so it’d be easier to meet some of the amazing people i’ve gotten to know through blogging!

    you look beautiful as always, and i’m glad you had a fun weekend of eating!

  6. Yay how fun! And I love that necklace!

  7. aw love that! 🙂 you two are two of my favorite bloggers so i love seeing you together… happy monday!

  8. Love your new necklace!!!
    Great pictures girl, and so glad you had a fantastic time with Caroline!

    Happy Monday.


  9. i have not had internet forever and still dont have it but have to say hi while i am at work! i am so glad you two got to meet! 2 of my favorite bloggy friends! you girls are adorable! i am jealous that you got to meet, but so happy for you guys 🙂 hope all is well! i miss you tons!!!

  10. Lauren, no joke all Marc and I have chatted about is moving to the Portland area … we will have to chat much more about this but we LOVE LOVE LOVE the people, the pace, the food, and the outdoors. This post was so SWEET and I must agree you are by far one of my new favorite people … you are an official FRIEND. Sending you much love and I love that you liked the necklace. Hugs!!!! <3

  11. We were at the Ace Saturday morning getting coffee too! We will bump into eachother one of these days for sure! 🙂

  12. That’s so fun that you met up in real life! Looks like the Portland visit was lots of fun. I need to get down there for a weekend to explore.

  13. jealous! I want to meet awesome bloggy friends!
    but this looks like such a great time, lauren! I’m glad you got to meet carolina and marc!


  14. awwwww that is so sweet!!!! I love reading about bloggie friend meeting IRL!!!!! Now if only someone cared to come to Kansas City haha

  15. how fun!

  16. Anything strawberry and basil is to die for; and apricots and basil as well 😉 Tat is such a pretty necklace too!
    It’s great to meet blogger friends and it definitely sounds like you guys had so much fun 🙂

  17. This looks so great! Glad you had a great time!

  18. I love trying new food! Sounds like a wonderful time!

    Glad you had a great meeting of the foodies!


  19. is that a teeny tiny wishbone? how cute!

  20. looks like fun. just have to say i whole-heartedly agree with your life lesson in the previous post 🙂

  21. this is so cool. this is one of the things i really do love about blogging. i love the idea that the internet can bring new people together that would never otherwise be able to meet.

  22. sounds like you had a great time! love the necklace she gave you.

  23. i just adore you both and so awesome you girls got to meet up!!!

    i love the necklace xo

  24. I gotta say, I’m a little jealous of you meeting blog friends in real life. It seems so fun!

  25. how stinking cute is this! I love that you just recognized her off the street. Isn’t blogging magical for reasons like this?

  26. Eee so great! It makes me so glad to see blog friends getting along in the everyday world too 🙂

  27. Awww! This is so awesome!

    This is exactly what happened to me & Camilla at Champagne Bubbles…love the blogger community, just love it!

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