some fun tutorials.

Tonight I was perusing the interweb looking for some tie-dyed leggings.  I saw Gretchen wearing some on last week’s Project Runway and knew immediately that I must have some.  Perhaps you didn’t notice them, because she was only wearing them while hanging around the apartment, but I thought they were so chic for both lounging about AND going out.  I finally settled on a pair by Vera Wang.  These ones below actually.  I like that they’re subtle.

Anyway, it took me all evening searching for the perfect pair that was subtle AND didn’t cost a fortune – because really….tie dye leggings are not exactly an investment piece.  

While searching I came upon a tutorial to make your own tie dye leggings that was so great.
This tutorial led me to others by the same You-Tuber (is that a word?).
Here’s another one on how to make a chain statement necklace.
Here’s one on how to make an American Apparel-esque Le Sac dress.
I’m sure there are a ton of others as well.  
Hope you enjoy them and have a great weekend!



  1. Youtube is funny how you start one thing and then a half hour later end up watching something else totally unrelated to the first and wondering how you found it.

    Great finds!

  2. i noticed her leggings, too!
    i really liked them.
    i love that there’s a tutorial for it.
    might have to try it out!


  3. they look great Lauren, I like that they are subtle as you say but have this edge to them!

  4. Ooh I love free/ DIY stuff! Thank you, Lauren. You’re the bomb.

  5. AWESOME! (And yes, YouTuber is a word!)

  6. Love your new leggings! These videos are great. I wish I was crafty enough to follow along.

  7. My husband and sister in law and I are obsessed with tye dye. And leggings are my favorite accessory in the colder weather. I must make some of these!!

  8. Thanks for these Lauren, I’m all over the statement necklace!

  9. I am so in love with that outfit at the top, its great!

  10. How fun and inspiring to start a new project!

  11. oh I love tie dye leggings! And thanks for sharing the DIY videos 🙂 I’m in a crafty mood so I’m going to try it!

  12. i was hoping that when i scrolled down, i’d see some nice bright pink and green leggings 🙂

  13. I love the internet for this reason alone. I searched how to roll sushi and found so many helpful videos. I love that you were looking for leggings and I was looking for sushi :)!! Sending you a hug sweet pea! Can’t wait till you visit!! Send me an email with when you will be in my neck of the woods. <3 XO

  14. well hello mrs. compliment me all the time!!! geez, you make me feel so good! tutorials are the best. seriously. get’s me in a crafty mood…

  15. These are very fun. I could truthfully fall into a black hole of tutorials and never do a single one of them. I think I am sufferring from over stimulation of DIYing!

  16. thanks friend! i still have your bday present when i get back from austin i will send it!!!

    i love tie die leggings!!!! and pillow cases! and everything!!!


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