
The highlights of this weekend were:

Going to see “The Other Guys“.  This was the most hilarious part.  Watch it!  (the video is crap quality, but it’s the only youtube video I could find that had the whole thing).  We laughed hysterically!

Learning how to suck a little less at ultimate frisbee.  Craig invited me along and it was actually pretty fun.  I love that my husband likes me to tag along when he does “boy stuff”.

Buying tickets to go see She & Him in October with my friend Jamie!  I’m SO excited!  I love me some Zooey D.
Watching DVR’d Project Runway with Craig.  It makes me terribly happy that Craig likes to watch it with me.  My husband is kind of stylish or something :).  And I was also super happy that Gretchen continues to represent for Portland fashion.  I really liked her outfit, but Craig wasn’t a fan.  Agree to disagree.
Doing Zumba with my friend Casey and window shopping.

Meeting up with a friend from high school and eating lunch and a yummy mini cupcake and having it not be awkward, but actually fun.
Other than that the weekend was pretty uneventful.  


I was feeling pretty bummed on Saturday.

 I’ve just been feeling like my life is stuck.  I feel like I’m treading water and getting nowhere.  Pretty much everything I want to be doing in life is the opposite of what I’m actually doing (aside from being married to my best friend who is so amazing).  I’ve just been feeling like I’m a failure at life.  

Maybe it’s to do with the fact that I’ll be turning 26 on Thursday and I’m starting to get all “where is my life going?” and introspective about getting older.  Who knows.  Whatever the case, it sucks to feel like this.  I need a change.  

Ugh!  Sorry to be a downer, but sometimes being a downer is part of life.  I’m actually feeling better though after writing this post.  It was kind of cathartic….and also good to take the time to focus on the good things in life:  the fact that I have a wonderful husband, family and friends….and that it’s almost my birthday! (my narcissistic favorite day).  

….Oh…and the fact that cupcakes and Zooey were part of my weekend makes things a little better too :).

Hope you all had fun this weekend!



  1. I’m super jealous! I would love to see Zooey!

  2. I still need to see The Other Guys! I’m sure all of my bloggy friends think I’ve seen it since I went to the premiere for the red carpet, but I didn’t get tickets 🙁 I have plans to see it soon though! I’m so happy you’re seeing She & Him and now that I know they will be in STL I’m working on finding a buddy to go with! You’ve reminded me that I haven’t finished watching Project Runway! I love the Portland girl, but I also love my boy from St. Charles, MO 🙂 We aren’t known for fashion designers so it’s exciting to see someone from MO on the show!

  3. I knew you were a LEO!!! Sending you a hug from one Leo to another!!! Keep that head up … the right things will happen!!! XO

  4. i’ve been feeling the exact same way, lauren!
    i actually just posted about it, too.

    this is my first season watching project runway.
    behind, i know. ha.
    but i’m loving it!
    there are two people on the show that are kind of in my area.
    one from st. louis, the other st. charles.
    i thought that was neat!
    and i’m loving gretchen so far. : )

  5. I had a couple of years in that stagnant/going nowhere phase, and it is hard. It is frustrating. But you will get through it, and the lessons you learn in patience really do make you a better person.

    (And, speaking from experience, there’s no better person to go through something like that with than your husband who is also your best friend. I’m glad you have one of those too!)

  6. I think you’re getting the post-25 anxiety.

    You see, until you turn 25, it’s all shits and giggles and “yay it’s my birthday” and the feeling you get about your birthday is only a variation of the birthday bliss you used to feel as a kid.

    26 is the first post-25 birthday. It’s on the way to 30, and we’ve been socially programmed to think that by 30 everything should be just so. But don’t let it get to you! You are lucky and happy and you have all the time in the world to steer your life in the general direction you want to go in.

    Just grab the steering wheel! 🙂

  7. Aw, I know the feeling, and I hope you start feeling better about things soon! You will figure it out; believe that you are exactly where you are supposed to be right now, and take it from there.

    I used to love playing ultimate frisbee with my college boyfriend and his friends! I wasn’t the best at it either, but it was fun.

    I can’t wait to see “The Other Guys” now! We were going to see it Friday night, but opted for an older movie that we also wanted to see. Since then, I’ve heard such good reviews of “The Other Guys!” Maybe this weekend.

    Enjoy your week!

  8. i listened to the npr interview with will about the other guys and i just love him! there’s nothing he can’t make funny!

    i know EXACTLY how you feel about life. sometimes i get in a serious funk and just cry for days and tell chris that this isn’t the life i was supposed to have, and that i feel like i’m leading someone else’s life. i’m 28 and i STILL don’t know where my life is going. sometimes it really does make me feel like a loser. anyway, try not to feel so bad about it because i guess a lot of us have those same feelings, and i think you’re doing great. you’re an amazing person with a happy marriage and a college degree, so you could really do anything!

    i love you tons and tons, and i hope you have a better week (and get lots of presents)!

  9. That video is hilarious! I’ve also been extra introspective lately – it seems to me that taking the time to really think about what we want is the best thing to do. Once we realize what we want to keep working for, we can actually go for it! Good luck!

  10. Can’t wait to see The Other Guys! I too love Zooey, who doesn’t?!?! 🙂

  11. my hubs brought me along to place ultimate frisbee for the first time. i was below mediocre but i was definitely our team spirit.

    we also enjoyed watching project runaway on our dvr this weeekend. i really like Gretchen’s work but also liked the red dress.

    hope you have a wonderful weekend and lovely birthday.

  12. gahhh! we got the internet saturday, but we can’t get the wireless router to work yet so i still don’t have it at home so i am writing real quick at work before it gets so busy! just wanted to say i love you and miss you! i saw the other guys this weekend as well and thought of you! i loved that scene! sooo funny! i even saw sean laugh quite a bit through it but i dont think he wanted to admit it. anyway, i just want you to know that i think of you often, and i am sorry you are going through a rut right now! i sorta feel like i am always in one.. i don’t know when i’ll ever get out of it! hang in there though, it is your birthday week and you deserve to take a break from any rut you are in and just be selfish and do all the things that you want to do 🙂 i hope you have a great birthday week. thanks for being such a great friend to me. i love you so much! have a fabulous monday! (sorry i have been such a MIA friend lately!)

  13. I’m suffering from the same “treading water” feeling, despite the fact I have most things going for me. I, too, am blaming my upcoming 25th birthday for causing this sudden life re-evaluation. Keep the positivity following! Be selfish and have fun this week!

  14. she & him are coming to my town FREEEEE the week of my birthday. so excited — i’m taking my self down there even if i have to go alone.

  15. I think its ok to feel bummy around birthdays. They always make me sad, and are we ever supposed to know where our life is going? I don’t. I’m 28 and still dreaming. You have lots of time to figure it out! Failure is the last word anyone would call you.

    I hope you have an ah-mazing birthday week! xx

  16. Right now I am learning all about trying to focus on all the good things in life. Remember, life is short, all you can do is enjoy the ride.

    I know how you feel, I’ll be 27 in another month and I have the same thoughts all the time. But I think I’m going to try harder to live in the moment and love TODAY.

  17. I think that I really need to be in my “mom” mode right now, so here goes…You are one of the most beautiful,inspiring,funny young women I know(I would say this even if I was not your momma).I am so very proud of the young woman you have become. You have a lot of things going for you too-great husband,great family,and great friends! Please remember to be content with where you are at right now, God has you just where He wants you right now.You have 900+followere who love reading your blog daily. You have touched many lives this year because you have chosen to be “REAL”, thanks so much for that.I am really looking forward to spending a fun-filled birthday day with you. You are AMAZING and I love you!

  18. Sweetie, we all go through this and it’s great that you realized all the blessings you have in your life.

    p.s. You’re still so young. Enjoy being 26. Sometimes, I think everyone wants to grow up so quickly and go somewhere and be something. I know I was like that and I was so unhappy. Once you let go of all the things that are “suppose to happen”, you enjoy life so much more for what it is.


  19. I love your weekend – what a perfect combo of fun and relaxation!

    I think everyone feels the same way at some point in their lives, especially as they hit their late 20’s – Lord knows I did too! Keep your head up, girl!

  20. i get you about the feeling stuck thing. come down for a bay area visit 🙂

  21. hey lauren, what’s holding you back from getting adventurous these days? i always feel like you’re having a ton of fun because of the things you share on your blog, but maybe you need to try something new. who cares if you’re on a set path with a mission in sight? i’ve never hit the age where i started thinking about what i was doing with my life, but i feel like that in itself can be rut-inducing. it is, however, exciting to just seek inspiration without abandon 🙂 i feel like volunteering somewhere would be a great thing to try. blessings, in whatever you seek.

  22. I’ve just been going through the very same thing. I just turned 25 last month but for the past two years I’ve struggled with the direction of my life. Especially since I don’t even want to do what I got my Bachelor’s in. I think it should be called a quarter life crisis. Be willing to take time to think and be introspective about what you want out of life and what you want to put back into your friends, family, the community, etc.

    But most importantly, just take it one day at a time.

  23. i know what you mean by feeling stuck.. i’m actually going to be 26 later this month too and i just feel like i haven’t gotten anywhere career-wise. but like you, i have an amazing hubby, as well as many other amazing things in my life, so i just try to focus on those things when i’m feeling down. i’ll pray for God’s guidance in your life, that’s what i’m praying hard for right now. have a fabulous birthday!!

  24. I feel the same way about turning 27 next month…it just feels so OLD and for some reason it feels so much older than 26. Ugh. Well I’m looking forward to Sunday! Yay! Would you want to go to Isabels for brunch? There’s never any wait to get in since not many people know about it but its SOOO good! Chris is playing at church this weekend now so Bennett will probably be with us for breakfast then Chris will take him when he is done…is that okay? Happy Birthday-Week! 🙂

  25. You are describing exactly how I feel. Do you know what you want? My problem is I have no idea what I want to do with my life (namely career). All I know is I don’t like what I’m currently doing! Oh, well. Time will tell (I HOPE). 🙂

  26. I’ve been feeling exactly the same way about needing change… or something.

    Love your updates. And I agree with you on Gretchen’s clothes! Hers was the best!

  27. I love She & Him..super jealous

  28. Yay! for Ultimate frisbee! That’s the best sport in the world!

  29. Zooey is so adorable! I like her style! I like their music too. 🙂

    ♥ Teresa ♥

  30. I used to be awful at ultimate frisbee, I’m still not pretty good, but I enjoy it much more now. We bought a sweet new frisbee that throws really well so it makes it more fun to play.

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