a change of heart.

Am I the only one whose seen the fashion forecast 
for long skirts and experienced a little shudder inside?

Long skirts….

Are we living in “Little House on the Prairie”
 or in a compound full of sister wives? 
 Ummmm….the answer is:  NO.

I get that fashions come around and go and then come back around, but some should just stay gone.  Long skirts aren’t really flattering on anyone – super dowdy.


This ensemble from Style Pill
is giving me a change of heart.
{cute skirt from H&M.}

I won’t be rushing out to buy a long skirt anytime soon, but at least I’ve gotten to see that when styled properly a long skirt can actually be cute :).

What are some of your fashion “don’ts”?



  1. UGGS! That is my main fashion don’t. I don’t find them all that cute, to be honest!

  2. Skinny jeans. Cannot stand them. I have yet to see anyone they look good on.

    (Disclaimer: except men. Some men, especially rock stars that I have huge crushes on look good in tight jeans ;))

  3. Long skirts…hmm, I’m with you. They don’t need to come back. 😉 But I do sorta like that outfit in the above photo.

    My biggest fashion “don’t” for men: DON’T wear a beige Speedo while working on your RV outside. Seriously. There was this rather…interesting man that we once knew that wore a beige Speedo. Our neighbors thought he was naked and wanted to call the police. I about peed my pants laughing. It was hilarious.

    For women…well, I have a ton of fashion don’ts…but I’m going to refrain from saying them, as I’ll never be able to stop 😉

  4. you may find that i end up eating my words, but for now, and hopefully forever, i can say that i will NEVER wear a long skirt! obviously they’ll look even more ridiculous on me because i’m short, but i just don’t think they’re flattering for anyone.

    i hope you’re enjoying your roadtrip, friend! XO!

  5. I cannot stand those harem pant things… I don’t see how that’s flattering on anybody except Aladdin… I’m also not feeling the long skirts, and I’m afraid I also can’t handle those toothpick pants with the exposed zippers at the bottom.

  6. We’ve all been guilty with this one…the flip flops with the jeans and a sweatshirt. Yeah, sometimes you have to throw on shoes real fast, and those are the first ones you see. But seriously if you do this in the dead of winter and start complaining that you’re cold, it’s your own fault.

  7. Long skirts only remind me of high school when, as a part of our dress code, we weren’t allowed to wear jeans, so I skirted the rule by wearing a long, denim skirt. (Get it? Skirt, skirted? I’m too much.) Being petite, it wasn’t a good look. Still isn’t, on me anyway. I do love that skirt from My Style Pill, though.

    Overalls. That’s another fashion don’t for me. A long, overall skirt-dress would be the worst.

  8. I’m with you on the long skirts…they can look cute sometimes, but they’ll never look cute on me! Short people just look shorter in long skirts 🙁

  9. Whaa…? Why don’t you like long skirts?! I love them! Am I making a giant fashion mistake here? hahaha.

  10. Lauren, I totally agree. I am short, like 5″ 1′ short so this trend is my worst nightmare for so many reasons. First, it will be impossible to find anything that doesn’t drag on the ground without being hemmed, and second, I really don’t need anything to draw attention to my short legs… but that the picture you posted could be cute… for someone with a lot more height than I have.

  11. I’m pretty disappointed with this year’s fall fashion.

    For example: NUDE? Really? Who looks good in nude? I know I don’t. I also don’t look great in any of the other dusty colors that are supposed to be “in” this season.

    Hopefully winter and spring will bring good news!

  12. okay, i was totally with you on this one. but then i saw this kinda long skirt and anthro on sale and i tried it on and i died. so comfortable. so feminine. so…airy?

    i love long skirts now!

  13. I am not a big fan of long skirts either……but I will agree that sometimes they can look ok in the right outfit

  14. Oh man, when I see too-flared, too-short jeans with boots, I literally cringe… I mean really, how does one ever think that’s okay??

  15. I like long, tiered summer skirts – with a cute top they’re perfect for a chilly summer night. But they have to be extra flowy! Anything sheath-like and the look is way lame.

    I have no patience for leg-warmers – they were trying to make a come back when I was in college and I was horrified!

  16. I used to follow the “never wear black and brown together” rule. But now that it’s kind of in style, I don’t abide by it anymore. So my new, trusty fashion rule is never go out of the house without a good bra on…

    unless you have a REALLY good reason not to : )

  17. Oh ya, and nay on the long skirt trend. I don’t work out 5 days a week to cover up my leggies with a sack : )

  18. Clogs. I REFUSE to accept those are back in or will ever be cute again.

  19. “oh yeah and I don’t work out five days a week to cover up my legs with a sack.” hilarious Dana. Ummm heck no to the long skirt I don’t even think that pic is very good because you know you’d think it was way cuter if that skirt was shorter like just below or above the knee. Don’t be fooled by cute shoes and her fashiony pose.
    Skinny jeans I’ve changed my mind on. Used to hate but now I accept. I agree with uggs, although comfortable and cozy maybe they should be reserved for lounging. Overalls not cute but maybe overall shorts. The Aladdin pants are
    pretty much ridiculous. I don’t agree about nude although not becoming on me it
    can be very beautiful.
    I hate it when people wear sweats except lounging and working out or pajama pants….really you couldn’t throw on jeans instead?
    And I really don’t like it when people wear running shoes as their normal footwear. Runnings shoes do not look good with jeans or khaki or anything but workout attire and should be worn as such.

  20. Long skirts are something I wish I could like, but I don’t and I can never find a long dress that I think I would actually wear…So until I am utterly wow-ed by a long-skirted dress, I will probably abstain from this trend.

  21. Yeah Lauren, I agree with you here. I mean, I’m not going to judge anyone who wants to wear a long skirt for their own preferences. Whatever. Just don’t put me in one!

  22. Uuuugh, I’m shuddering right there with you. I wore ankle length skirts to school from the time I was 4 until I was 16 and transfered to public school. I am forever ruined when it comes to skirts. I haven’t worn a long skirt in 8 years. And I don’t plan on it any time soon!

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