fill in the blank friday.

It’s Friday!
Time for some blanks!

If you want to play along, fill in the blanks on your blog and then link back here using the linky at the end of the post.  Enjoy!

1.   In the story of my life the actor who would play me would be       Zooey Deschanel because, I think she’d play me with just the right amount of quirk.  And yes…I know we look nothing alike, but that’s not the point .

2.  If I could change one thing about the world it would be       for everyone to truly listen to one another.  If we could stop and listen we might learn a lot  .

3.  Yesterday       is done with and thank goodness it’s Friday!  .

4.  My favorite comfort food is         probably bruschetta as of late.  bread, and warm feta….mmmmm  .

5.  My new favorite blog find is     The Neo-Traditionalist.  I’m obviously late to the party in finding her, but I am so glad I finally did .

6.  If I could meet any blog friend (who I haven’t met yet) in real life, I’d choose to meet       I would love to meet Chloe of Sean and Chloe (she was my very first blog friend!), because I think we’d laugh non-stop. Also, Helena at A Diary of Lovely – love her!    .

7.  My favorite breakfast food is        Belgian waffles smothered in a homemade blueberry/ginger mixture.  YUM!     . 

Happy weekending!


P.S.  Make sure to go enter the vintage giveaway I’m hosting!


  1. Oh my gosh, blueberry and ginger… I think I just died. Nope, still here. Gotta try that.

  2. Mmmm I love Belgian waffles. But I like mine with strawberries and chocolate chips!

  3. Lauren! Thanks for the question about our new favorite blog. I am always looking for new, interesting blogs, so this will hopefully introduce me to many. Like!

  4. Ok so the next time we hang out friend we are making brushetta, having waffles for breakfast and adventuring. I love the Neo-traditionalist LOVE LOVE. I want to meet Chloe as well … I think next Summer we need to have a little get together and all three of us run a muck!!! Hugs my sweet friend. How are you?? XO

  5. You are a lovely blog and I am giving you an award. Come to my blog to get it.

  6. awww!! you made my day by picking me to meet! i seriously plan on meeting you one day. i promise you that. i miss you girl. i have just been in a whole other world lately and i hate it. i want to get back to our emails as well. i hope you are doing fabulous lauren! love you!!

  7. Hi I have a giveaway going on at my blog from my sponsor, I would love if you came to check it out 🙂

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