fill in the blank friday.

Today’s theme is….
there is none!
Random is the name of the game!

Have fun filling in the blanks on your blog (should you choose to play along) and then make sure to link back here at the end of the post so we can all go read your blanks.  Let’s go!

1.   When I get a day to myself I like to       drink chai and lounge about reading magazines and watching reality TV marathons. I could seriously read magazines for hours and hours. I’m a cover to cover, read every word kind of girl .

2.  High school was….      Meh. I didn’t really like it and don’t really have a desire to go to my reunion (which will be in only two years!). High schoolers are jerks   .

3.  A little dream I have is       to go to New York Fashion Week. I would die a happy, happy girl. It would be sensory overload in the very best possible way. This could actually probably go in the big dream category  .

4.  A big dream I have is       to have some babies and a lofty farm house with some land  .

5.  If I could drive any car my pick would be     a Mercedes G-Wagen.  Although not an old one like we have now, but a new one with butt warmers and shiny chrome .

6.  A time that I felt really and truly beautiful was       when I woke up the day after getting married.  I had perfectly smudgy eye makeup and my curls had turned into lovely bed head and I had a just-married glow of knowing that Craig had chosen me to be his forever   .

7.  Tomorrow I will….       be going to the PDX Collective Sale at The Ace Hotel…and whatever else the day may hold     . 

Hope you all have fun this weekend
and make sure to check back next week for a great giveaway!



  1. Oh I’ve missed these Lauren! Love the answers! Have a great weekend!

    xx Vivian @

  2. i feel EXACTLY the same about #2. the whole “best years of your life” saying about HS is complete crap. i’m glad it’s over, and i don’t want to go back! i keep debating on whether or not i want to go to my reunion. i do keep in touch with some people from high school, so it would be nice to see them, but on the other hand, there are still people from high school that aren’t friendly, and a reunion is a totally voluntary event, so i’m not sure.

    have a good friday and a good weekend!

    XOXO pretty friend (and you do look pretty in your outfit posts, but i also feel really strange posing for pictures).

  3. I don’t plan on going to my HS reunion either. Just doesn’t seem like it’ll be fun.

  4. butt warmers, magazines, and a lack of desire to attend one’s high school reunion?

    we were meant to be friends.

  5. hooray, I get to play along this week! have a great weekend 🙂

  6. Aww you’re morning-after-the-wedding-beautiful moment is so charming, I love it! What a sweet memory 🙂

  7. I’m the same way with reading magazines…it actually bugs me that I’m so thorough so I have to make myself skip some of the stuff…this is why I am 5 months behind in all of the magazines I subscribe too (oh and the fact that I am chasing Bennett all day). No more subscriptions for me once they are done!

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