life lesson #4.

The grass isn’t always greener on the other side.

People seem to have this idea that other people have it better than they do.  Well…they don’t.  Everyone has their hang-ups, shortcomings, and downfalls.

I know I’ve mentioned this before on the blog, but Craig and I dated for six years before getting married.  Around year four (right before I graduated from college) I started questioning our relationship.  Yes there were a couple of legitimate concerns, but mostly I just wondered whether or not there was something better out there.  I’d spent a good chunk of my life with the same person, but what if there was someone better for me?  

So…we “took a break”.  It lasted all of one month before I realized that there are a lot of guys who are douche bags out there and that I really and truly did (and still do!) love Craig and that he was and is 100% the right person for me – my very best friend.  Sure he pisses me off sometimes, but then again, I’m sure I piss him off plenty of times too….probably even more often.  But, I realized that even though he’s not perfect, he’s perfect for me.  I know that sounds totally cheese ball, but it’s true and I know he’d say the same about me.

Moral of the story:  The grass on your side is good too.  Maybe it’s a little patchy and weedy in spots, but then again, that’s just because you’re out having a life instead of spending every spare moment manicuring your lawn.  It may not be perfect, but it’s yours :). 

(Hoping the metaphor made sense!) 



  1. love this. so true.

    and besides. weeds are my favorite kinds of flowers. 🙂

  2. Love this post! 🙂

    I did a similar thing recently. We were together for over 3years and I was thinking the same as you, could there be something better, but the time apart just made me realise how important he is to me and how much I want to be with him dispite all the silly little things that annoy me 🙂

    Now it’s a little more complex as we’re dating to see how it goes as he had started seeing someone for a bit 🙁 I guess it’s what you get for always wanting more but I’m sure we’ll work things out and dating is fun 🙂

  3. I totally understand where you’re coming from! A great lesson to learn and it’s nice to be reminded once in awhile 🙂

  4. Good lesson! I like the contentment and happiness here. You’re a wise woman 😉

  5. Quite right. People are too busy worrrying about what everyone else has got these days instead of taking a step back and being thankful x

  6. I needed this today!

  7. Love this… I broke up with my guy too, imagining that there was some sort of Prince Charming/Noah from The Notebook out there and guess what? I already had him. Who knew? 🙂 Luckily he felt the same still!

  8. i LOVE that metaphor!

  9. You are so totally right – it’s easy to think someone else has it better when things aren’t going quite right in your own life but no one is perfect and no one has the perfect life.

  10. I remember that month! You guys are so perfect for each other! I can’t wait to hear all about your road trip! Let’s get together when you get back!

  11. So true! This a good lesson to remember. I will repeat this when I have a hard day. Thanks!

  12. I wholeheartedly believe this! Very well said. I love the grass on my side and wouldn’t hop over the fence for anything 🙂

  13. The metaphore completely, 100%, made sense and thanks for the story!!!
    Hop you are having a glorious day!

  14. precious!

  15. love love love this! we have NO lawn so that means we really must be out enjoying life! ha ha 🙂

  16. This could not have come at a better time for me. Thank you, Lauren.

  17. Great post Lauren. You and Craig are the cutest.

  18. Great post! I feel the same way about my husband.

  19. I can totally relate! My now husband and I took a “break” and quickly realized exactly what you shared. I’m thankful for my sometimes patchy grass… because at least I have it! 🙂

  20. breaks suck but they can help you to realize what it is that you really want/need. 🙂

  21. i like this one 🙂

  22. This goes hand in hand with “you always want what you can’t have” (often followed by once you have it you don’t want it anymore).

  23. I absolutely LOVE this post.

  24. i totally agree!
    good metaphor, too. 🙂

  25. Gorgeous post, Lauren. And I can definitely relate — Ricky and I have been dating for over ten years. I consider him my first serious boyfriend and I have never loved anyone but him. Have I ever wondered about the grass on the other side or wish mine didn’t have those “weedy patches”? Sure, but I’d rather stay on my side of the fence — the grass may not always be greener, but at least the sun always shines here. (Corny, I know. But true. :D)

  26. loved this post

  27. Well said.

  28. I totally agree with you! Everyone always wants what they don’t already have but once they get it, it’s not what they thought so they go after something else… oh life life life. i’m glad you are happy!

  29. it’s true. we always want what we can’t have, but really, it’s right there in front of our eyes. however, i do believe in dating a few people before settling down. i know for me, it gave me a real sense of what i want – less reasons for me to wonder what else is out there. and living together is also something that i personally feel should be a must before being with someone for the rest of my life … i don’t know. maybe i’m just a little hussy?! lol

  30. seriously LOVE that metaphor. we would miss out on so much life if we were worried about keeping our grass green all the time. thanks for this! <3

  31. it makes perfect sense and it’s beautiful!

  32. Yup, your metaphor totally makes sense! 🙂 It’s so true. I’m glad I never went through that “break” phase with my fiance!

  33. aww I love the end of this entry. It’s true- I’m too busy living my life to pull every little weed… Love it!

  34. Thank you so much for that post! Wow, its crazy how God can use a random blog to speak to me.

    I have been dating this incredible, Godly man for 3 years and we’re planning on getting married but I have found myself wondering some of those same thoughts. He has been my only boyfriend, first kiss, and high school sweetheart and I have never dated anyone else.
    I am sure that he is perfect for me even though we both are certainly not perfect 🙂

    Thanks Lauren!

  35. I am so happy that you wrote this post. My boyfriend and I have been dating all through college (3.5 years), and we’ve both talked about this and had similar issues. It’s really reassuring that other people out there have felt the same and still ended up happy. 🙂

    Thanks so much Lauren!

  36. Lauren– you are an amazing writer, and this post really touched home with me, thanks for being so honest on here.

  37. Love the metaphor.

  38. I ran into the whole grass is greener deal a couple of months ago. Except, I waited until after we were married to have what I call my “quarter life crisis”. Thanks for doing this post, though, because it makes me feel like I’m not crazy for having gone through that, and you are so right.

  39. Totally made sense! I love it. So many poeple are always wanting what they don’t have, and don’t realize what they do have an take it for-granted until it’s already gone. This post made me happy 🙂

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