new use for an old thing (and a winner!).

I ♥ repurposing.
A lot.
One of my favorite things in all the world is the “New Uses for Old Things” section in every issue of Real Simple magazine.  So….today in the vein of repurposing I thought I’d let you in on one of my personal favorite new uses for an old thing…..
as shaving cream!
-It makes your legs ridiculously smooth
-It’s cheaper than shaving cream
-It smells better than shaving cream
I actually just usually shave my legs with water alone, but thought to try this one day since I had some extra conditioner I didn’t like and it was amazing.  Try it – it’s great.  If you buy the cheap-o Suave or whatever other generic brand that’s offered you’ll save some cash too.  

Try it and let me know what you think!

Oh…and P.S.  Here’s the winner of the My So Called Vintage giveaway….
Lucky #5

Jennifer said…
“I’d have to go with the cocktail ring. I love a bold ring, and this one amps up any look. Great giveaway!

Looks like you got your wish :).
E-mail me with your mailing address!



  1. I’m alllllll about baby oil as shaving cream. It’s the CLOSEST shave I have ever gotten and it skips the lotion/oil/dry skin later on!

  2. I have heard about this tip before, glad to hear it worked well! 🙂
    Thanks for your comment on my post Lauren, that’s awesome that Portland has their own fashion week too, you’ll have to scope some of the events!

  3. I actually used shaving cream one time as a last resort and was amazed at how nice my legs felt after that!!!

  4. good idea! i always have a bottle of that cheap Suave stuff lying around.. from trips to Target where I tried to be cheap or when I had to buy hair products on vacation..

  5. I am totally going to have to try that!

  6. Oh! I have like two or three bottles of Sweet Pea conditioner from Body & Bath Works. I am going to try shaving my legs with it… that’s a good idea!!!!

  7. I use conditioner to shave quite often–actually, they very coconut-scented suave you have pictured! Makes my legs feel (& smell) amazing.

  8. i do the same thing!

  9. I LOVE the conditioner shaving cream idea. Thanks girl!

  10. that series in Real Simple is one of my most favorite too!!!!!!!! love this one. good call!!

  11. Conditioner as shaving cream was always my fave way to shave in college and I couldn’t afford shaving cream…..and conditioner! That was many moons ago, now I can afford it, my daughter just takes mine when she runs out. Time to go back to Suave conditioner for shaving. She wouldn’t touch that stuff with a 10 foot pole.

  12. Lauren I do the same thing and Suave coconut is my favorite!! Ahhhh I knew we were buds for a reason. And no I don’t think it is silly to say I miss you even though we’ve met only twice … it feels like I’ve known you for years. HUGS and HUGS!

  13. Definitely, definitely tried the conditioner trick- I still do if we have some form of crappy conditioner around the house 😉

  14. that is an amazing idea and to be honest I had never thought of it!! Thanks!!!

  15. I used to love doing that – and it’s so much cheaper than shaving cream! I’m ashamed to admit that I had to switch back to shaving cream because I’m as blind as a bat and I don’t wear my contacts in the shower. I couldn’t see the parts I had shaved & where I hadn’t unless I had the bright white shaving cream to tell me!

  16. I’m so glad I’m not the only one who uses conditioner to shave! I told a friend once that I used cheap hair conditioner and she looked at me like I was crazy. When I use shaving cream I get a really bad razor burn..No matter how awesome/expensive the razor!!

  17. I have totally used conditioner as shaving cream. I almost like it better than the real thing! Here’s another tip in case you didn’t know — baby powder (talcum) works great if you’re out of dry shampoo. It sucks up the oil and makes greasy hair look (and smell) fresh again.

  18. I’ll have to try that. I use body wash also as shaving cream.

  19. trader joe’s has something called mango honey shaving cream – paraben free – so it has the texture of a conditioner. i love it.

  20. I tried that too after reading that, amazing!!!

  21. When I first started shaving my legs, my mom recommended just using Dove soap. When I don’t use soap, I use whatever conditioner I have on hand. Works like a charm. And, you’re so right. It smells tons better.

  22. i love that you put this on a blog- I thought I was one of the only ones who used bath products other than shaving cream to shave! 🙂

  23. I have been doing this for years and swear by it. Out with shaving cream! ha. That was lame..

  24. when i started shaving years ago my mom taught me to shave with conditioner been doing it for years! and probably wont ever stop aha

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