stylish organization.

I am a recovering Type-A.

What I mean is that I am naturally a Type-A personality.  I like order, I like lists, I like schedules, I like having a plan.  BUT…my husband isn’t so much a Type-A.  He’s not completely a Type-B slacker or anything, but he’s definitely not a list maker.  He’s more of a go-with-the-flow, show up “fashionably late” for everything kind of guy.  Early in our marriage I became a super nag and decided that if we were going to stay married (which obviously is the plan) then I needed to chill the heck out.  

I’m no longer the first one to arrive to a party and I sometimes forget dates, but I’m much happier.  Despite my more laid back Type-B-esque approach to life I still do love me some organization….especially when it’s pretty.

{perfect for stacking bracelets and rings.}
{some more jewelry storage.}
{crafty storage.}
{earring organization:  dangles AND studs.}

{Repurposed organization.}

{Labels to keep it all together.}

{some pretty dream closets.}

Have fun organizing!



  1. i was a neat freak, perfectionist when i was young, then i turned into pig pin…now im going back to neat freak….oh LORD! jacob is a neat freak to the max! when our room is crazy we are crazy!
    love most of these!

  2. Ooooh, I spy a pair of earrings that I have and LOVE! The gold hoops with white and gold beads from H&M . . . I have them in black and in white and love them both. Speaking of love, I also really love the palette used to store studs! Unfortunately, I almost never wear studs . . . and sometimes I think my jewelry holders are taking over the top of my dresser!

  3. I’m pretty sure there’s one Type B and one Type A in most marriages;)
    My husband gave me the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People the other day. Guess who’s the Type B.
    Btw, I love the first picture for stacking rings. Fantastic!

  4. this was like the most exciting post for me because i am totally OCD and i LOVE ORGANIZING. ahhh thanks girl! yay for type A

  5. This is definitely making the type A part of me come out!

  6. I am recovering as well!!! I use to think I was so not Type A but realized that I was living life by dates/times etc. So I tossed my planner out the window and have been trying to relax. Hugs lady! XO

  7. oh boy did those post hit home, not only because i’m a definite type A-er by nature but also because my boyfriend (who i live with) is most definitely not–and let’s just say that i, too, realized the best bet for making our relationship last was letting go of, well, most of my list-making, time-crunching ways… oh, and did i mention i’m 100 times happier? 🙂

    (this, of course, is not to say that i’m not obsessed with all the awesome organizers in this post. clearly.)

  8. I love to have everything organized, too. I definitely have chilled out since I moved to Chile. It’s impossible to still hold on to type-a and your sanity at the same time! And, it does feel good to let go a little! Though I’ve always hung out on the fashionably late side of the fence.

  9. I love love LOVE me some organization! This just might be my most favorite post of the day! I’m not even type A … except when it comes to cleaning and organizing… then I’m triple AAA!! 😛

  10. oh my I’m with you on the Type A wife / Type B husband! That is me and my hubs to a “T”.
    I love all of these, but I might cry if I could have the last photo!

  11. you know, you would seriously think i’m preggo by all the nesting type things i’ve been doing around my house lately. i’ve been feeling an incredible need to organize, and as such, the entire back of my suv is filled with bags of stuff to go to the goodwill. now if i could only do pretty, decorative organizing in my studio room!


  12. “recovering type-A” … I like that. I would say I’m a recovering type-A myself. I love lists and organization, but I also get really anxious and worry about everything when it’s not organized perfectly. And I get mad, easily. I’m working on that big time.

  13. Your personality sounds like mine and my hubby sounds like your hubby. I think the odd combination of the two personalities balance each other out. My hubby has taught me to relax and that life is not over if things don’t go my way. But…I must have to have my lists…it’s how I function and I can’t live without them.

  14. I’m totally a type A personality too – at least when it comes to organization! My fiance is MUCH more disorganized than I am and we definitely clash sometimes. I love photos like this though…even though my things never quite look like this, they are fun to look at!

  15. i think i like that room with the ladder. just cause. and climbing to retrieve a purse instead of leaves in the gutter … heavenly.

  16. I would TOTALLY love to have a closet/bathroom combo. The picture above gives me lots of ideas/ hopes for a future house!

  17. Lotsa great inspiration! I love organizing and making things look pretty 🙂

  18. These storage ideas are brilliant. I love the last picture.. what a dream! 🙂

  19. If my house is messy, it follows my mind around all day long, so I feel you on liking organization. And the manfriend isn’t could care less, so he’s always saying “put down the laundry basket and let me love you.” ha.

  20. I wish I knew how to make organization pretty like that. Someone teach me please!

  21. Ahhh!! I love all of these…I am an organization FREAK and always love new ways to store stuff, but still look cute and not too “boxy”! Thank you!

  22. Ha! I am super messy, but love love organizing. Oxymoron, no?

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