oooh i love technology.

This title was a Napoleon Dynamite reference.
I don’t care that it’s not cool anymore.
But seriously….
I did want to talk about technology.  Well.  Sort of.
I have a Facebook page now!
Actually I’ve had one for awhile, but hadn’t done anything with it.  Feel free to go “like” it.  But only if you actually like it.  No pressure either.  I don’t want to be a shameless self-promoter, but I thought I might start using my facebook page because, sometimes I get overwhelmed with my blogger dashboard and there are days when the only blogs I bother reading are the ones that update on Facebook or Twitter.  I also read blogs linked to Facebook more often because my iPhone ruined me by making Facebook so readily available in an app form causing me to get on there about 8,000 times a day.  I may have to invest in the shirt from the above photo.  Thankfully Twitter hasn’t sucked me in quite as badly yet.
Oh…and speaking of Twitter…..
I’m also on there and I’m finally posting updates regularly, so I might actually be semi-interesting to follow :).  Just maybe.
Here is my Twitter name:
Here is the link to my facebook page (or you can just search for “The Little Things We Do….”).
OK….that is all!
Hope you had a lovely day today!
OH…and don’t forget to check out the jewelry/accessories giveaway I’m hosting tomorrow!


  1. Correction –
    Napolean Dynamite will ALWAYS be cool.

  2. i heart napoleon dynamite and will always think it’s funny. =)

    find me on twitter @erinandaaron

  3. I love to hate twitter! I pretty much don’t use it (though I know I should, it’s a great marketing tool!) My friend and I were JUST talking about Napoleon Dynamite about 20 minutes ago! I will always think it’s hilarious! xoxo

  4. Umm, Napolean Dynamite is still very cool in my book’s. That song he danced to has been forever instilled in my brain and I can’t help but shake it when i hear it.
    I have stopped with Twitter, but now that I finally got my iphone 4 my life feel’s very special….That I may have to tweet about it…

  5. Yay – I just recently joined the Twitter world as well.

  6. I followed you on both <3

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