portland fashion week, some apples, and other weekend fun.

The highlights of this weekend were:

Having a lovely brunch hosted by my beautiful friend Dana.
Here she is with her hubby John.
Aren’t they cute?

A group of us get together for a married women’s Bible study at least once a month. We read different books about marriage and talk through our joys and challenges in marriage.  All of the girls had a brunch of Dana’s delicious waffles along with the toppings each of us brought.  My topping of choice is a blueberry ginger compote Craig came up with:
blueberries + cinnamon + sugar + finely chopper fresh ginger
1.Mix all of the ingredients in a pot and heat it up on the stove.
2.Pour it over  your waffles.
Sadly I didn’t take photos of these delectable waffles.  I was too busy focusing on instruction #3 :).
After brunch I went to the Portland Nursery’s Annual Apple Tasting Event with my mom and stocked up on more apples than I could possibly eat.  My favorites were the Liberty apples.

My favorite part of this weekend was attending my very first Portland Fashion Week with Lisa Warninger  – photographer and Portland street style blogger of Urban Weeds.  I just started an internship with her a couple of weeks ago and getting to be press at Portland Fashion Week is just one of the “perks” :).
Saturday night was all Project Runway designers:
(You can see more photos that Lisa Warninger took here)
Here’s what I wore:
(I only had Craig take one quick photo, because I was running late.)
 {Top: J. Crew
Sweater: Daisy Fuentes 
Skirt: F21
Tights: American Eagle
Shoes: Santee Alley
Watch: Target
Bag: thrited
Neclace: Dinosaurtoes}
Sunday night I saw:
Here’s what I wore:
(not sure why it’s so blurry :(…)

{dress: F21
belt wrap: Pendleton scrap fabric 
belt:  Ralph Lauren
boots:  gift from my brother
feather earrings:  Bueno Bueno}
I wasn’t quite sure about the wrap I whipped up.  I was kinda just playing with the fabric and this is what I ended up with.  It was unique anyway and I wanted to represent Pendleton a bit because I was super excited about their show.  Sadly it was a bit disappointing.  Very catalog :(.  The first piece was my favorite though and I actually got a decent photo since I was sitting in the front row on this night.

My favorite show was Amelia Toro’s.  It was full of 70’s inspired silhouettes, but still felt very now and fresh.  I loved that all of the models wore black heels with black ankle socks – so cute!  The whole show was just a breath of fresh air and there were quite a few looks that I’d like to have in my own closet :).  I was too busy oohing and aaaahing to take any photos though.  Once some photos are posted online, I’ll make sure to add them.
How was your weekend?
P.S.  Check back tomorrow for a fabulous giveaway!


  1. I love what you did with that Pendleton fabric! That’s so creative and looks phenominal with that outfit

  2. Looks like you had a FANTABULOUS weekend!

  3. you always look so pretty! i would have never thought to do that with a scarf/wrap, but it looks great!

    XOXO pretty lady!

  4. Lauren – you look soo lovely in both outfits! 🙂 Looks like you had a great weekend!

    xx Vivian @ http://diamondsandtulle.blogspot.com

  5. what a fun weekend!! i love both of the outfits you wore…in fact im kinda jealous, because i can’t fit in most of my cute clothes anymore…the baby belly is getting too big!

  6. could i be any more jealous of your weekend?! sounds like such a blast…and filled with some seriously yummy treats. i loved both your outfits, but the sunday night outfit was my fave. you worked that wrap!

  7. Thanks for the kind words Lauren, and for showing our picture! That’s one of my favorites from our engagement photos.

    Um, you looked sooooo cute for your appearances at fashion week! Like seriously adorable. Style me, please!

  8. That looks like fun! Cute outfits. That’s neat that you’re interning with Urban Weeds.

  9. That’s so cool that you started an internship with them! I hope that you’re loving up. How fun! Fashion week.

  10. I love how you wrapped that scarf. Adorably clever!

  11. Front row?!?! Awesome. Looks like a lot of fun. I’m very jealous of your apple tasting. I was stuck inside all stinkin’ weekend doing homework. I think my mind has turned to mush.

  12. That must have been so fun! I love Project Runway and would love to see an actual fashion show. You look great in your pics!

  13. I will most definitely have to try that waffle topping recipe this weekend…and for sure, I’m awaiting great recipes from you based on the oodles of apples you amassed! 🙂

  14. I really like both outfits and I love how you wrapped the extra fabric around you and then threw a belt over it.

    Seeing these outfits makes me want to make a lunch trip over to F21. I need new clothes.

    Hope you enjoyed your weekend and can’t wait to hear about the giveaway.

  15. Love both of your outfits. Very stylish!

  16. I SO AGREE with danielle’s comment– love the way you wore that scarf and belt. gorgeous! your diet is working, you look fabulous! xo

  17. I love the second outfit and i love how you wrapped it up. so cute and it stands out!
    and girl, you are looking GREAT!!! Keep it up whatever you are doing bc you look TINY and FIT


  18. I as well got to go to the Portland Fashion Week for the first time this year. It was SO fun!!

  19. I love those gray heels you wore to Portland Fashion Week! And all of your outfits, actually. It’s fun when smaller cities host their own tributes to fashion. I really enjoyed attending some of the events in Boston.

  20. you are great!!! i love your style 🙂

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