what i did on my summer vacation: part 4.

After the Grand Canyon 
we headed to L.A.
First stop:  Griffith Park Observatory

My parent’s met here and it’s been on my “life list” to go there for quite some time.
The building and surrounding hilly views are absolutely breathtaking and the exhibits were SO cool!!!



After the seeing the observatory we were super excited to go get real food.  By this point I was so over fast food.  We never eat fast food…like…ever.  But, up to this point in the trip we’d eaten a ridiculous amount of fast food since it’s quick and cheap:  Wendy’s, Taco Bell, Braums, Waffle House, etc…. Ridiculous.  We didn’t sink low enough to go to McDonald’s, so we were able to maintain some dignity. We ate at a little place called PiMai ant it was delicious.  It was right up the street from the Church of Scientology: Celebrity Center.  True story.  Such a place exists.  Tom Cruise is probably the minister.  Only in L.A. …..
After lunch we headed to The Getty Center.

Craig thought it would be lame, but I think he even ended up liking it a little bit.  It was my first time at a “real museum”, so we went all out and got the dorky headphones that tell you about the exhibits.  Oh yeah.  We’re that couple.  The architechture and grounds at The Getty are incredible.  Everything is aesthetically pleasing – even the changing table in the women’s bathroom was pretty and I’m not even kidding.  


My favorite exhibit was the “Engaged Observers” photography exhibit was my favorite and if you live anywhere nearby, you should definitely check it out.  I’d definitely like to come back again and see more.  If you don’t live close, you could always buy the amazing coffee table book that I’m dying to add to my collection.  I actually love coffee table books…don’t think I’ve ever blogged about it though.
After bustling about L.A. all day we headed over to our friend’s Matt & Claire’s house.  They moved to L.A. about a year ago and we miss them terribly!  They were kind enough to let us stay at their place, which was great for us, because it gave us optimum hang out time :).
On Thursday Claire introduced me to the amazingness that is the L.A. Fashion District.  I could spend days there.  Tons of ridiculously cheap stuff – all meant to be bartered for.  It was like some kind of alternate universe.  We headed to Santee Alley which is one of the most popular areas of the fashion district.  Claire said it would be like “the greatest hits” edition and I was game since there’s no way we’d even be able to put a dent in the 100 block span of street vendors and shops.  Craig was a good sport and came along (mainly because Matt was working, but still…).  He even had fun because he loves bartering and he’s pretty freaking awesome at it.  He ended up scoring some sweet swag too.  Here are some of our finds….

(This is my chola face – note the leopard hoops – I couldn’t resist.  And I feel like it’s totally ok to joke about cholas since I’m actually Mexican)
My husband is cute.
Claire getting us the best deal on cute hats.


Other L.A. highlights:

Matt taking us on a tour of the Warner Bros lot (he worked at the Starbucks there) and walking around like we were legit.  Walked right through the set of “Pretty Little Liars” and said hi in passing to the girl who was apparently one of the main stars.  Too bad I don’t watch the show.  The most exciting part for me was getting to stand on the stairway where the orphans dance in “Annie”.  It’s one of my favorite movies of all time and I watched it (literally) hundreds of times when I was a kid.  Craig made me sing “It’s a Hard Knock Life” while I was up there and he recorded a video of it, but I thought I’d spare you all and just show you a picture.
We also saw the “nerd herd” cars from the show “Chuck”, which we actually watch, so that was exciting.
Guess which set this was?

Oh…and I also got to have coffee with Mara from M Loves M, but sadly, I didn’t take any photos.  Lame!  She’s super sweet though and I hope to hang out again!


I think this just might be the longest post ever.
If you got through to the end I am truly impressed!

Tomorrow:  Fill in the Blank Friday and then the San Francisco part of our road trip this weekend!



  1. The Nerd Herd!!!! Yay!!!! Love your leopard hoops. I could never wear these though, but love them. Just perfect! You seem to have such an amazing vacation!!! 🙂 Thanks for sharing girl.

  2. I absolutely love the grey heels/shoes. Very cute!

    Can’t wait for your San Francisco post. I want to see what you did while you were there. My hubby and I are going next month to San Fran and San Jose for eight days to visit my mom and cousin.

  3. I LOVE THAT SCENE IN ANNIE! I’m so jealous! The observatory looks amazing, my boyfriend is really into science and all that… looks like we have to take a trip 🙂

  4. What a trip! I lived in socal and I didn’t even do half the things you did. But the Getty! I adore the Getty.

  5. WOW you guys are busy! Great trip! I love LA 🙂

  6. Seriously, you and your hubs are the cutest couple ever. I love how much fun you have together!

  7. so much fun…seriously, what a cool experience for you two.

    but i’m really excited for the sf part of your trip!!

  8. slightly disappointed that you didn’t blog about the Gilmore Girls set…but then I realized that is my obsession not yours 🙂

  9. Nerd Herd! Yay! Josh and I love that show too.

  10. ahhhh i want to go to central perk!!!!!!!!

  11. Sweet post Lauren…I’m bummed that you didnt post pictures a) in the awesome headphones and b) of the luxurious baby changing table…mom’s would drool to see such a sight. seriously. Warnerd Bros. looked super fun and you should post a video of you walking in those heels…I’d be impressed to see it! Your trip looks awesome thanks for posting!

  12. looks like you had an awesome time! the pictures are so cute 🙂

  13. WOW what a sweet trip I love it!! Those shoes are SUPER cute!! And as everyone else seems to be on the same page .. nerd herd! YAY! I heart that show 🙂

  14. Amazing post!!! So many fun pictures, love the ones of the two of you goofing around!! I can totally visualize the both of you with the museum headphones!!!
    LA look fabulous!! Glad you enjoyed good food and I can’t believe you got to see the set of friends…. so jealous!!!

  15. Oh my goodness. I love this. I love seeing the pictures of the two of you together, you’re so cute together and I love how silly your husband is. I’m so sad I didn’t go to the LA fasion district while I was there. We did drive down Rodeo Drive though. Sigh, I still love those shoes!

  16. These are beautiful photos! I must go back now and read parts 1, 2 and 3!! xoxo

  17. I heart your chola face. Cute, cute.

  18. So ridiculously jealous of you, Lauren, for having an awesome trip like this- not gonna lie.
    But I’m fully enjoying your photos!

  19. fun photos, and you seriously have the most beautiful smile!

  20. isn’t l.a. great?! i know many are very intimidated, but it’s a cool place. the observatory is our first default place to go to when we’re ditching class in college. the getty museum is obnoxiously large but nice, it’s so funny that you mentioned tom cruise and the church of scientology – i was going to say the same thing about him being the minister 🙂 so glad you had a good time in l.a.

  21. So my friend and I are called the Nerd Herd. I thought I made it up and was so creative…guess not. Haha. I’ve never been to LA, but it looks amazing.

  22. i never noticed this before, lauren, but you look IDENTICAL to one of my best friends, kathleen. i love your pics of summer vaca. you and craig are so cute!

    have a great wknd!!

  23. Love reading about your trip and the observatory looks so amazing!! Enjoy your weekend lady!! XO

  24. I love your little booties! and I love Annie, that is so cool to see the set! annnd I love the Getty.

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