everyday should be the weekend.

This weekend I….

Did nothing on Friday and wallowed about it on Twitter.
(follow my tweets or facebook if you’d like).

I feel like Friday nights are usually lame.

First of all because, Craig and I are both tired and never want to go do anything.  Secondly, because we often end up getting in a “fight” because we’re both cranky and tired.  When I say fight, I don’t mean like knock-down-drag-out, just generally cranky and snappy at one another.  So pretty much Friday was a wash.

Saturday was substantially better.

The day started with breakfast at Bob’s Red Mill with my mom and my friends Dana and Allison from home community.  I split 6 grain oatmeal and a breakfast sandwich with my mom.  I love splitting food, because I can never decide on just one thing.

Then we went to Little Winter.
and my friend Liz met up with us there.
It was incredible.
But it’s getting it’s very own post tomorrow.

After Little Winter we went to The Ace and had Stumptown.  No one else had been before so we hung out and took pictures, which was fine by me since I love The Ace :).

{Dana & Allison.}

{My momma & Liz.}

{me & Liz.}
{H is for hotel.}

After we finished our coffee we popped into a little store
There were so many fun things in there,
but my favorite was this mustache binky.
Because, what good are children if you can’t laugh at….
er….I mean…with them :).
Next up we stopped into Powell’s.
I had a gift card and decided I’d use it to buy a couple of Moleskin journals.  
Instead I came out with:
super cute (mostly decorative) matryoshka doll measuring cups.
and this super cute mug.
Both wise investments if I do say so myself.
When Craig saw my measuring cups all he said was:
“Another tchotchke??”
I told him not to complain because it was free.
The rest of our Saturday evening was uneventful.  We lounged around and I worked on some blog posts and we ate french fries and smoothies for dinner.  Because we’re adults.  And we can.  (The mustard is mine.)
Sunday, I went to Anthropologie with my friend Becca for a workshop (AKA free slave labor under the guise of a workshop) where you get to help make the holiday window displays.  Clever on Anthro’s part for getting free workers and fun for me because I learned how to finger crochet.  I’m totally making garlands and scarves for my entire house now. 
{Here’s the chicken wire + fabric strip Christmas tree}
{so cool, right?}
 {Finger crocheting garlands to hang from cuckoo clocks}
 {Becca’s handy-work}
 {The finished product: piles and piles of garland}
And a little rabbit trail…
I want this belt.
The sequin + leather one.
{It’s no longer available online, so I may have to go back and see if it’s still there…. 
and maybe even on sale?  Hey…a girl can dream, right?}
The print is cute, but not too cutesy.
Later on I went to see Life As We Know It with my mom and my aunt, which was incredibly adorable.  Josh Duhmel and Katherine Heigl were so great together and the baby in the movie was one of the prettiest babies I’ve ever seen.  It was a good movie and I’m a romantic comedy hater in general.
Our evening wrapped up with our friends John and Dana coming over for dinner.  They brought us Hot Lips Pizza – our favorite!  They also dropped off their little doggie Mia who we’ll be puppy-sitting while they’re visiting family for a week.  Mia is kind of (or maybe a LOT) afraid of Marley as Marley is twice (or maybe 8x) her size.  We’ll see how that goes :).
Whew!!!  This was a long post.  
Check back tomorrow for more about Little Winter!


  1. Wow good day! I cant wait to see what Little Winter is about, looks interesting! 🙂

  2. Sound like you had a eventful weekend!
    I wish our Anthro had a fun workshop like that!!!
    I just adore your tree!!!! Too cute!! and now I kinda want those tights or that belt…or both. 🙂
    I LOOOOVE your powlles finds!!! That mug is so beautiful!!! I want one! lol!
    and your little puppy!!! Awwwww!!
    Have a lovely day,

  3. Our Golden Oli is probably as big as Marley and is afraid of the smallest little animals 🙂 It’s pretty pathetic. He even starts to whine and whimper when they come close to play with him.

  4. well it seems like you had a nice weekend, and i can’t wait to see your little winter post!

    and, your mug is so pretty, it would almost make me want to drink coffee even though i hate coffee!

    xoxoxo pretty lady!

  5. I think Fridays are pretty lame for most people in the real world. (that is just my perspective)
    You sure made up for a lack of Friday activity. How did you fit it all in? Thanks for sharing your weekend with us. (i am sure it was better than mine… uneventful really… helping my daughter get ready to move…yardsale and such)


  6. Sounds like an awesome weekend besides the Friday crankiness. Dustin and I can be the same way when we’re tired.

  7. Lauren,

    You girls had a great time this weekend. I always love to see pictures of you and your mama. It keeps me close though I am in California. I’m going to go purchase some yarn for my finger crochet garland today!

  8. Finger garland? I need to know how to make this for my house! Thanks for the idea.

  9. wow, great weekend. i also have those measuring cups – love ’em. my dad bought himself a set too – how cute is that?!
    and that anthro christmas tree is gorgeous. looking forward to reading about little winter.

  10. awww.. it looks like you had a lovely weekend lo! how fun would it be to go work at anthro for a little while? that would make me sooo excited for christmas. anyway, love ya girl! hope you have a great monday! 🙂

  11. Sounds like a great weekend!!! But when I saw the picture of that puppy my head went blank on what I wanted to comment and I just sighed…. ooooh puppy!!

  12. I had an extermely lame weekend. I did nothing but take naps.

    Did you pick up that gold sequin skirt yet?

    The little puppy is adorable. She must be terrified of Marley but I am sure Marley will be a lovable big sister =)

  13. I’m the same way in reference to Fridays lol I’m usually too tired to do anything! 🙂

    Also, I tried to follow the link t your tweets but it told me the page doesn’t exist 🙁


  14. Oh man, I lovelovelove to finger knit! It’s so fast and makes the house look soooo cute! I even taught my husband how to do it last Christmas so he could help!

    I love that he used the word tchotchke!!

    And that puppy is way too cute!

  15. I learned how to finger crochet when I worked at an elementary school two years ago … it’s easy and so much fun. This post was a whole bunch of fun. Oh and your email came at such a good time last night … I will email you later this week and explain. Hugs and Love!!! XO

  16. Hey there. My Sunday included going to Little Winter, breakfast at the Ace Hotel and then a pop into Anthropologie! And not only is that kinda twinsy of us…but i saw you at the Ace on SUNDAY. In a cute red sweater and scarf. Which means A) you really like the Ace and went there 2 days in a row and B) I’m kinda crazy and didn’t want to scare you by seeming stalkerish. But now I’m fulling outing myself. That’s all 🙂

  17. Becca really does look great in that coral color. It was fun to meet you on Sunday. I think I need to go back for those tights…

  18. FUN!!!!
    SO nice to meet you 🙂
    Thanks for coming by.
    And wowsers…those tights are freaking incredible.

  19. that anthro workshop sounds pretty neat! looks like you ended up having a fulfilling weekend, even though you didn’t do much on friday!

  20. Sounds like a great weekend! I also had no idea that Bob’s Red Mill had a store! I had Bob’s pancakes for breakfast this morning – so good! Anyway, I’m moving to Portland next month and love reading about all of these places that I’ve visited and can’t wait to check out more 🙂

  21. What a fun weekend, right?!Dana’s puppy is too cute. The video of Marley trying to fit into the puppy’s crate was definitely hilarious!

  22. I’m totally jealous that you got to work on windows for anthropologie. 🙂
    I LOVE that store!!!

    xo, lindsey

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